My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 1: : It's cool to hate my wife at 1 o'clock

In the auditorium of Mingjiu High School, Shirakawa Zeping stepped onto the podium and looked around the group of childish high school freshmen.

"Today is the first day of the new school year. Here, first of all, I would like to congratulate..."

This cliché speech was not made interesting by Shirakawa Zeping's slightly fair and handsome face. As an outstanding student representative of the school year, his speech at the opening ceremony is an unavoidable responsibility.

He wanted to try his best to be a transparent figure at the edge, but his grades were not allowed, and neither was the scholarship. The simple wish of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger was so out of reach for him.

As a passer-by, Shirakawa Zeping is obviously not good enough for his life trajectory.

He once again looked at the black-spotted heads under the stands, and unconsciously felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

I guess... there won't be any trouble. I always feel that my left eyelid is jumping happily again...

I still hope that God can let me step down from this podium with dignity, and walk out of this auditorium for the opening ceremony with dignity.

I don't know if God heard his dignified request, deliberately trying to make him indecent, or triggered some kind of mysterious power from the east. When his report speech reached the final closing speech, something unexpected happened!

Lights up! Light up the audience!

In the entire auditorium, the stage lights originally used for the party were suddenly concentrated on his location. Even the hair seemed to be dyed with a dazzling sheen.

At the same time, cherry blossom petals slowly fell from the sky above the auditorium, and along with another beam of shining light, they fell little by little between the hair and feet of a girl in the venue.

It is as holy as the artistic conception in the painting.

And the person in the painting did not live up to the audience's expectations. The eyes are bright, and the long legs are slender and fleshy, and the long legs are wrapped in black and red plaid skirts. There was no expression on his pure white face.

She looked at Bai Chuan Zeping on the stage lightly, her lips pursed slightly, and she seemed a little dissatisfied.

The falling speed of the cherry blossoms was five centimeters per second. From the time point of view, the students in the auditorium were stunned for at least ten centimeters before they came to their senses.

Damn it, this is a confession! ! !

The outstanding student representative on the stage, the senior, actually wanted to confess to this beautiful senior!

When I first came to this school, this kind of kingly plot appeared. The girls' hearts were obviously shaken.

To actually confess in such a solemn and solemn place, the senior is really bold! Kakoy!

However, near the front desk where the freshmen couldn't see, Student Council President Takuma Mita saw this situation and immediately froze while holding the confession in his hand.

? ? ?

I haven't started yet, why did you start!

What kind of pig teammate is this? Didn't you see Shirakawa Zeping still standing on the stage! Did I feed the dog all the benefits I gave you?

Signal! Can you guys pay attention to the signal that I'm on the court? Do I look a lot like Shirakawa Zeping?

It's really a pig teammate. He said he supported me and cheered for me, but it turned out to be the hardest stumbling block in my love path!

Calm down, calm down, if this goes on, maybe I will make a wedding dress for this kid Shirakawa Zeping! Gotta find a way to turn things around!

How can it be repaired! This kid's title of "School Beauty Confession Interceptor" really isn't covered! Unexpectedly, even a wise man like me would be planted in his hands!

The students made a mess and chatted and discussed, but the teachers who participated in the opening ceremony were not idle. Bai Chuan Zeping's head teacher quickly gave Bai Chuan Zeping a wink and told him to come down quickly.

Other teachers began to look for the person in charge, the dean...

Um? Is the dean of teaching absent? went to the toilet?

What kind of thing is this? A school opening ceremony can be turned into a confession meeting. If it spreads out, the board of directors will be stared at by the media outside the school, and it must be the first person in charge to vent their anger.

In the eyes of those media, students naturally won't make too many mistakes. This is a rare youth memory. As for you? You bastards, you can't even keep an eye on the opening ceremony, and you are still a leading teacher of wool!

Go back to your hometown to grow sweet potatoes!

Seeing this scene, although Bai Chuan Zeping already had a similar premonition, he couldn't help sighing secretly.

This damn, sand sculpture low wall system!

It's really bad luck to put it on the stall. The traveler bonus has not been enjoyed much yet, but things are coming in piles.

What is that girl's name? Early... Early Summer Solstice? This is the fourth time he has been forced to confess, right? Can the low wall system be replaced by a female lead? Is it always the same person who gets aesthetic fatigue?

He pursed his lips and spoke in a flat tone. As his voice sounded, the freshmen who were talking about it suddenly became quiet.

Everyone held their breath and waited to see what kind of moving words this daring senior could say.

"Then, thank you for your support. Next, I will invite the student council president to give a final speech on the stage."



Sanda Takuma burst into tears, excitedly clutching the confession manuscript in his hand, and decided in his heart to be kinder to this junior Shirakawa Zeping in the future.

What "confession interceptor", I think it's all rumors, it's obviously a misunderstanding!

It's all the fault of those pig teammates! The younger brother is obviously very sensible!

Seeing that the senior calmly finished the closing speech, without any intention of expressing in accordance with the atmosphere, the people who eat melons suddenly became anxious.

"Senior! Don't be afraid, we will cheer for you!" A girl's voice came out of nowhere.

"That's right, senior! Goofy! Bravely express your love!" The daring boys also started to Let's confess, senior! "

The sound of these two voices seemed to be a spark, and gradually formed a wave of noise. The freshmen shouted "confession, confession" while watching the excitement and looking at Shirakawa Zeping on the stage. .

Facing this moment, the teachers also seemed a little helpless. Going up to forcibly suppress the students, they don't have the momentum of the dean, but it's completely unreasonable to just leave it alone.

Did the dean fall into the toilet? Such a big movement has not come back yet!


With the aid of a loudspeaker, Shirakawa Zeping gradually calmed the restlessness of the freshmen. He glanced at the heroine Hayakawa Xiazhi in the auditorium. Even in this scene, the girl's face still didn't show much emotion.

Because of a rain of petals, she was obviously separated by a small circle from the people around her.

She looked at the stage quietly. As if it had nothing to do with her.

"First make a statement. This confession arrangement has nothing to do with me."

"Why... so boring..."

"That's right, senior won't shrink back..."

Before waiting for the complaints below to be amplified, Shirakawa Zeping said lightly again.

"Secondly, there may be some high school students present who have begun to disbelieve the misunderstandings that have occurred so many times. But what I want to say is..."

"I'm not interested in girls who rank lower than me."

Shirakawa Zeping, who was the first of the school year, stood on the stage and issued a quotation of the Holy Manifestation in front of those who belong to Xueba.

However, the heroine of the accident, Hayakawa Xiazhi, did not show any annoyance when she heard this. The corners of the tightly pursed mouth raised slightly, evoking a faint arc.

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