My summons are weird

Chapter 870 866 Oroun’s “miracle”?

Chapter 870 866. Oroun’s “miracle”?

"When did you come?" Mao Jing asked.


Tanya was confused: "The floating island fell, and you didn't take action?"

"It seems that I need to reiterate my purpose for the respected leaders of Mela...I come for the challenge."

"If it is really so pure, why..." Lu Yu asked as his tentacle rolled up the note handed over by Sigrid, "Give us this gift."

"But you don't seem to need this gift." After sniffing the aroma wafting from the approaching dining car, Ketas's slender elf ears trembled, and he asked politely, "Am I qualified to taste a gift?" Fan Chenxi’s delicious food?”

"It's a great honor." Sigrid replied, and she personally opened the lid of the meal, took out a portion of beef in sour soup, and divided it among everyone present.

After just one sip, Kaitas's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth raised: "In a long life, what people look forward to is always these unexpected freshness... impressive delicious food."

"What are you struggling with?" Sera continued the topic that was interrupted by the meal, pointing directly to Kaitas's heart.

"Yeah, what am I struggling with?" Kaitas smiled half-heartedly.

The two surrendered army commanders, Melie and Doleka, were invited by Sigrid. The two men, who had never seen Keitas in person before, were introduced, and they broke out in cold sweat.

Oroen's walking history is currently having a delicious meal with the leaders of Mera, in harmony and calmness. This situation is really not like reality.


"Have you made a choice?" Kaitas looked at the two of them calmly, without any ripples on his face. "It's a good choice. Chen Xi is a good person to be loyal to. In addition, there is no need to use the honorific title for me, it is past tense."

Melie swallowed. He could not decipher the meaning contained in this sentence, and the thick hair on his forehead and neck became wet.

Ketas thanked the slime mother for cutting a piece of roasted lamb for him, and ate the crispy lamb skin with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Will you challenge me, Lord of the Morning?" he asked.

It was an expected question, and Sanmei Qiu had already prepared an answer.

"It's what I asked for."

For the three of them, this was an invitation they couldn't refuse.

Kaitas laughed, and he raised his cup to invite Zenil and others to drink: "You are the same, you can challenge me at any time."

"Can we talk alone?" Lu Yu asked.


Walking by the lake far away from the castle, watching the Dawn people fishing and barbecuing in the distance, Keitas was the first to break the silence: "Maybe I should apologize for breaking your celebration feast."

"There will be a bigger celebration banquet in the future."

"You mean to drive the Oroans back?" Kaitas laughed, "You are very confident, but on the other side, you have no empty islands to use, and the swarms have already poured into the four major countries. Although Sligo It’s strong, but I doubt how long it can withstand it.”

"Has anyone ever called you the pioneer of demon suppression?"

"They prefer to call me Demon Slayer. This title was not a compliment at first, but the magicians were venting their inner dissatisfaction. They claimed that I destroyed an era." Kaitas stopped smiling.

"You did indeed do it. Since then, Oroun has embarked on a completely different path from the outside world."

Keitas stopped.

"What is the source of motivation for you three to learn and improve magic?"

San Keqiu was stunned.

Recalling it carefully, Lu Yu believed that everything could be traced back to the agreement in the tree hole. He learned magic just to ask for a high price, relying on Lulu to eat and wait until death.

The desire to improve magic was driven by a sense of responsibility after becoming a pioneer, and now he decided to go further in order to protect those around him.

The source of Sera's desire for magic was the great cold wave that swept through Mera, the death of her parents, brothers and sisters. Walking in the vast snow, numbly moving forward with only the will to survive could not sustain her, so she encouraged herself in this way That is...if you live and learn magic, you will never starve, freeze, or suffer.

The motivation to improve comes from Laurend's teachings... She has wanted to do something for Laurend since she was a child, but Laurend always looked at her dotingly and smiled to show that he didn't need it.

Therefore, she turned to work for the Theocracy.

Lulu said: "For my parents."


"When I was a child, my family was very poor. It was even cruder, damper, and narrower than the small rooms that Chenxi Ling built casually to store tools." Lulu recalled, "Hunger accompanied me in my childhood. In my memory, I never had enough to eat. day, my father came back with a hare. He smiled and huddled with his mother by the campfire, discussing how to use a rabbit to make different flavors for me to have a full meal..."

"I was really hungry and ate a lot. When I found out that I had eaten their share, I felt that torture and guilt..." Lulu's breathing became heavy. "At night, I couldn't sleep. , the house was not tight, so I could hear my father and mother whispering outside the house."

"My father originally shot several rabbits. He originally planned to exchange them for some rice, but during the transaction, the noble's servants only left one for him, and the rice turned into some wild vegetables that were difficult to eat."

"I will always remember that night... forever... If you become a magician, you will not be bullied, and they will not starve. Therefore, I want to become a magician, even the weakest magician."

The air froze, and the heavy topic silenced the evening breeze.

Sera believes that Lulu's ability to travel so far in explosions and flames stems from the imprint left deep in her heart by her first awakening.

Without the help of others, she awakened herself and set fire wantonly. The joy of knowing that she could change the fate of herself and her parents was imprinted in Lulu's mind.

"You did it, they are proud of you, you changed their destiny."

Sera wanted to interrupt the topic, but Lulu stopped the two who were worried about her.

"I couldn't let them see it."

Ketas trembled, his mouth trembled slightly, and the loss and sadness he felt appeared on his face: "Yeah... I'm sorry to make you recall this... I don't want to irritate you, but I can't Do it.”

The sudden feeling of empathy made Keitas talk about himself.

The pregnancy of Ketas' mother was an accident. It is difficult to say whether his father was drunk or pretending to be drunk at the time. In short, the mother, a maid, had a son of the family... He was named Ketas Tephis. Some people in the family called him an "unexpected surprise" to laugh at his father's absurdity.

His father was an unreliable man, but he was quite successful in alchemy. Because he was handsome, he was very popular with women, so Ketas had several brothers and sisters.

He is an inconspicuous one.

A mixed-race child born to an elf slave maid should inherit the excellent talent of magic affinity, but this talent seemed particularly clumsy in Kaitas. It was not until he was nineteen years old that he showed affinity for the first time. .

This year, some of his brothers and sisters made their mark as warriors and won consecutive battles in the arena; some studied alchemy and were quite talented, winning the favor of their father and family elders; some developed magic potions and successfully improved them. , become famous as a group of potion masters and bring glory to their families; some are magicians who have never failed in competition with their peers.

Looking at the entire Tefes family, the quality of the bloodline born from his father is also extremely high. It can be seen to the naked eye that the family is fully blossoming in all fields and has successors.

Amidst the prosperity, Keitas remained unknown.

He is mediocre, and his peers in the Tephis family are better than him. It is only a matter of time before the younger generations surpass him. All he can be proud of is his longer lifespan that is visible to the naked eye.

When his father praised him, he always received a light "You need to work harder."

When the family elders saw him, they would either hate him and encourage him, or they would tease and ridicule him behind his back. "It is too absurd to have expectations for a slave's child."

Ketas knew that his father also loved him, but his father really couldn't find a way to praise him. The only words he found were "gentle" and "quiet", and the words he used to comfort him were usually "live your own life well". Yes, no need to feel pressure."

But that's not what Keitas wants... He also wants to be praised for his abilities.

He worked hard enough and almost didn't waste a second. He walked on the path of magic all day long, eager to climb to the top. However, his progress was still so ridiculous compared to others.

He wanted to prove himself, hear the praise from his father that belonged to other children, and then proudly tell his mother... He did it, and she would get more respect in this family in the future.

But, my father is dead

Without any warning, he passed away in his sleep.

In his short forty-year-old life, he did not wait for Kaitas' transformation.

Before Keitas found a way to suppress the demon, he always believed that he was the mother of the most wonderful child in the world, and she also left him.

Kaitas raised his head, his face still calm, but the starry sky reflected in his eyes was a little hazy.

"I succeeded...the path to suppressing demons was opened, and I became the first person to master this power."

"I used this power to sweep across prove to everyone that I am no worse than anyone else. After repeated defeats, they finally became convinced and recognized that I had opened a new era, and they all followed the path I opened. Move forward...but...they didn't see it." Ketas murmured.

Regret has always run through the first half of Kaitas's life. He has been chasing the power he dreamed of, but the person who can tell him is no longer there. His long lifespan has made the people he compared to him have long since died, and he is the only one left alive.

It seemed like he had won time.

The feeling of emptiness swallowed him up, and he did not dare to let himself be idle. As long as he paused for a moment, he would see a numb self without a soul.

It was precisely in this way that he discovered the inherent curse of suppressing demons in front of the fanatical Oroen people.

"Just like I couldn't let my parents see me succeed...I couldn't stop Oroun from going down the wrong path." Kaitas sighed.

"Oroun can't continue to make mistakes. The path to suppressing demons may be unsolvable. Its powerful ability to strangle magic is destined to run counter to the world itself. The more powerful the power, the greater the price it has to pay." Lu Yu said.

Keitas closed his eyes: "I have thought about what you said, do you make the Oroen people admit that they have embarked on the path of no solution?"

Lu Yu paused.

"The thousands of creatures in Oroun who have long been infiltrated by suppressive demons, are they willing to listen to what you said about 'no solution', or are they willing to believe that the 'solution' is in the future, on the next continent?" Kaitas muttered softly, " Hope is very poisonous, you can't stop people from believing in hope, even if it will bring great pain..."

"With all your strength, you have not yet explored the path to change the way to suppress demons. How many more years will Erogen continue this mistake before he can return to the past?" Lu Yu took a deep breath and threw out a hypothesis, "Don't you think, Erogen Are the teleportation arrays appearing around us too high in quality and too numerous in number?"

Keitas frowned slightly.

"So far, there is only one long-distance teleportation circle that has appeared in the Mera continent, spanning multiple continents, and we have only seen one, but what about Oruan?"

"A conservative" Kaitas muttered.

"This is quantity. In terms of quality, the integrity of your teleportation array is amazing. It does not need to be repaired. It only needs to be modified before it can be put into use. It can withstand long-term teleportation loads... One is a miracle, and the other two are miracles. I think three or four are miracles, but there are seven..."

"What do you want to say?"

"Is it possible?" Lu Yu took a deep breath again and stretched out his tentacles to point to the sky. "Somehow, He has given you hope."

"What hope..."

"Give up suppressing the devil, leave Oroun, be soaked in magic again, and become an ordinary person."

"Many, many people will die."

"Isn't it also a solution to sacrifice one to two generations to let future generations be bathed in magic again?"

Ketas fell silent.

"You are looking for an answer through fighting... but that is deceiving yourself. You may already have the answer in your heart, right?"

There was another long silence, and Ketas suddenly smiled with relief.

"Indeed...but making a choice requires more than just courage. The giving up in your mouth is the reluctance of countless Oroen people who will face despair...Who is going to calm down? You or me? Who is qualified to calm down? ?”

"You are the pioneer of demon suppression, this is your duty." Lu Yu said bluntly, "Just like me, as the pioneer of summoning, I must revive and summon."

Ketas stopped answering and just stared at the stars in the sky.

"Go back and rest. We will have a wonderful showdown tomorrow."

Knowing that Kaitas still bets everything on the battle, Sanmeiqiu no longer hesitated.

If a battle had to be used to awaken the history of Oroun that had been sunk in the past... he had a duty. This was his heaviest responsibility as the herald of the summons and the mediator of Meira.

This is not only for Mera's sake, but also for the sake of all beings plagued by Oroun's long curse.

They need a sober person to guide them out of their predicament.

There are no shortcuts, only choices.

On the last day of October, it’s time to add more, so it’s time to do more and more.

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