The first is to celebrate the launch, after the launch, the update will be much more stable, although it may continue to be updated in the underworld.

But I still really want to know, what time period do you like to see my update, you can reply in chapter.

Let's talk about this book.

The title of this book seems to be the most questioned by me so far?

Let’s focus on answering this point, and I won’t explain it later.

For me, My Summons Are Strange is a title that fits the entire plot of the book, the book as a whole.

To answer again, many people leave comments for fear that I will cut off this book.

Although I have said it many times, I still want to say that my first order for the last book was 60+. Everyone should know what this is. Readers who support my style.

Now the result of this book is more than ten times better than the previous one, what else can I be dissatisfied with?

If this book hadn't been for some unavoidable situations in my reality, it would have been completed normally according to the outline.

This kind of unexpected situation includes family members urging the public examination, being forced to marry on a blind date, interfering with my life, or financial problems, etc., but fortunately, at this stage, I can still withstand the pressure of my family, so the two years should be fine

Personally, I am more worried about economic issues, although I can still write slow-moving plots leisurely now, waiting for the climax to come and accumulate readers.

But as I get older and the pressure from my family increases, I will eventually have to face more things.

If one day, I choose another way of writing, please don't blame me, life has always been like this, if you don't compromise, then you will be tortured.

Web writing is a market purely determined by buyers. Although there are many old-fashioned readers who express their desires, the majority of those who are silent and silent cannot be ignored. They are the bulk of online text consumption.

I have always disapproved of despising the so-called Xiaobai readers. The reading habits and reading style of the reader group need to be accumulated. The reason why Laobai is Laobai is because he has read enough, so very few Laobai despise Xiaobai. Coming here is the same as those relatives who ate a few more bowls of rice and showed off how I was at the table, and only met during the Chinese New Year.

Reading is a very personal matter. I don’t like what you like to read, and you may not like what I like.

Everyone can seek common ground while reserving differences. There is no need to come up and get angry. The exchange of opinions turns into emotional output and everyone is unhappy. Why bother?

That's it, all that needs to be said has been said, I caught a cold today, I hope you don't break your body at a sensitive time.

Good health to all readers - Seals.

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