The luxuriously decorated carriage passed through the garden in the atrium and stopped in front of the brightly lit mansion.

The irritable old Perry caught a glimpse of the servant who was pruning the flowerbed when he got out of the car, and he had nowhere to vent his emotions, so he kicked the guy who happened to appear in his sight without thinking.

"Drag it down and beat me up."

Brandon the Windbreaker disappeared. The old Perry didn't care much about this pawn, but the large number of loan certificates held by this guy disappeared together with him, which made the old Perry feel bad.

Old Perry, who is the vice president of the Collet Business Association in Born City, has many things that he cannot do in person, and Brandon, a guy who has been in the slums, is exactly the black glove he cultivated.

Whether he absconded with evil thoughts, or encountered an accident, the old Perry was frowning, and he had to make a judgment to deal with possible risks.

Pushing open the door, looking at the pitch-dark bedroom, old Perry became angry again. Those useless servants even forgot to check the lighting in their room, and they didn't even light the stove!

The old Perry, who was suppressing his anger, triggered the magic power to trigger the chandelier hanging above his head, but there was no response twice in a row.

The door was closed suddenly, but old Perry didn't feel the draft. He turned his head suspiciously, but heard a slight clapping.

The bedroom, which was pitch black just a second ago, was illuminated by lighting crystals arranged in every corner. On the desk in the corner, a sphere releasing black mist came into Old Perry's eyes.

Panic occupied every corner of his heart.

"you you……"

"Guard, guard, there are monsters here!"

Old Perry retreated to the door and tried to open it, but the door did not move at all. Instead, he kept beating on the door, making a loud "bang bang".

"Don't try it. After you stepped into this room, I have applied a sound-proof circle." Briquette said coldly, "Old Perry, we meet again."

Perhaps because he heard the woman's voice, old Perry gradually calmed down, but he was still uneasy.

"You are..."

"More than three years ago, I gave you some gifts in the name of God's Chosen, and begged you to take care of Qidian Orphanage. I don't know if you still have an impression."

Old Perry froze: "You...Meera's chosen one?"

"I'm very disappointed. That gift is precious enough. The dragon's blood collection is not a good thing that can be easily obtained through trading in the trade continent of Kelai, but you have not fulfilled your promise."

The old Perry quickly realized that something was wrong, and quickly explained: "You must have come here because of the threats to Qidian Orphanage. Please don’t worry, I will give you an answer to this matter soon.”

"It's okay, I also have an answer for you here."

Sierra rolled her tentacles, and pulled out a person from the closet beside him without a piece of good flesh, as if his skin had been scratched by thousands of blades.

The shocking wound made the old Perry's eyelids twitch, and he recognized at a glance that this person was the missing Brandon.

"Lending usury to the poor, and changing the rules to make them fall into the abyss if they can't get it, and finally have to sell their wives and sons, turning them into legal slaves and selling them to transcontinental slave traders at high prices."

"Add mud, moldy things to all the food sold to the slums, making them vomit and diarrhea, and have to turn to the potion shop you opened."

"To deceive those poor people who don't understand the science of medicine, the potions they make not only have no healing effect, but even have many side effects, so as to make them buy other herbal medicines from you..."

"In order to survive, these people eventually became your slaves, you threw them into the death arena, and staged a life-and-death duel with other people who also had no magic power, and you happily shared the objective income from watching the game with other nobles .”

"Besides, you also used living people to conduct pharmacological experiments, led puppet teachers and students to take their organs, allowed alchemists to try living human sacrifices to achieve breakthroughs, and offered the flesh and blood of slaves to alien races to open up trade routes..."

After all, Brandon is a body of flesh and blood. Facing the Lingchi-like execution method of the judge of the abyss, with a rigid mouth, he screamed and explained everything he had done for Old Perry. .

"You are not human at all!"

Lulu's voice was trembling, and her anger almost knocked out the consciousness of Lu Yu and Sierra.

Lulu thought of her parents, who were impoverished and would not hesitate to fight monsters in order to change her fate, just to open the door to the world of magicians for her.

In Lulu's place, old Perry already has the means to die.

"It's full of nonsense, Brandon has a grudge against me, and he was just biting at random before he died. Would you rather believe a hooligan than me, who is a member of the Collet business association?"

There was a brief silence in the room.

Lu Yu suddenly smiled: "Old Perry, that's not what your son said."

The door that couldn't be opened no matter how much you knocked was unscrewed from the outside. Under the horrified gaze of old Perry, his three sons, wife, and two mistresses were all led in by a woman with eyeballs on her wings.

"For a moment, untie it."

After a while, he snapped his fingers, and the bewildered crowd slowly woke up. After looking left and right, they looked at old Perry in astonishment, and then shouted for help in horror.

"Each of them testified against other people, and now you deny that you committed those things, which is very interesting..."

Lu Yu's words made the family's eyes glaze over.

"Since you've all said privately that you don't know anything about everything, let's play a game."


"Here is a deck of cards. Later, you will write on the cards together to live alone or to abstain."

Lu Yu said: "First, choose to live alone. No matter who testifies against you, your crimes will be written off from me, and others will die for you. Second, everyone abstains together, everyone survives, but everyone has to pay for it cost."

Old Perry, who was proficient in trading, swallowed and asked nervously, "What's the price?"

Lu Yu didn't give an accurate answer, and put the shuffled deck of cards in front of the seven people: "Please."

Old Perry tried to secretly activate the magic circle set up in the room to send out an alarm signal, but the next second he heard the male voice like a demon.

"Stop trying, your little tricks look ridiculous to me, your time is running out, it's time to choose your cards."

Old Perry gathered all his family members together, tremblingly staring at the deck of cards in his hand, which could be called a life-threatening card.

Lu Yu didn't bother them, and let them tangle up. After a while, the old Perry family distributed the cards in their hands, and then began to write nervously.

Everyone tried their best to procrastinate the time of writing, hoping that people from the outside world would discover the abnormality here as soon as possible and rescue them quickly, but their names obviously did not support their dawdling.

Lu Yu waved his hand casually, received the cards written by everyone, and just glanced at them, he laughed out loud.

Facing the seven anxious faces, the magic power suspended the card in the air, and each of them saw the answers of others.

Seven uniform "lonely living".

Old Perry was furious: "You, you!"

"Father, didn't you also write 'live alone'? Why are you accusing us? This is the choice you made after repeatedly instructing and persuading us!"


Lu Yu took out another deck of cards, and the sound of the card activity attracted the attention of seven people.

"Is it going to happen again?" they thought.

A black shadow appeared faintly, holding a card in his hand, kneeling humbly on the ground, very much like the servants in the old Perry's house who could be called around.

The cards were scattered all over the place, Lu Yu looked at the one left in his hand, and said flatly: "It's really cheap for you."

The judge of the abyss turned into a huge guillotine, the sharp blade reflected a faint glow, releasing a chill, making everyone in the room shiver.

"The game just now has no results. The seven solo players are obviously outside the rules. Please continue!" Old Perry, who sensed something was wrong, immediately asked.

"Rules?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "You tell me the rules?"

Sera and Lulu's tentacles reached out to the table together, grabbed a stack of scrolls and threw them heavily in front of Old Perry.

Old Perry tremblingly picked up the scroll, and what caught his eye was a list of human experiments for puppeteers and alchemists, as well as a contract of prostitution.

The lowest level is the cooperation agreement he signed with Qidian Orphanage.

"Have you ever followed the rules?" Lu Yu's voice suddenly rose, "Why do you talk to me about the rules?"

"Because they are weak, you can trample on the rules, isn't it great, just right, I also like this kind of gameplay."

Old Perry's face was flushed, and the fear of death and the shame of being teased made him feel a surge of anger in his chest.

"Here, I am the rule. I am stronger than you, so I can dispose of you at will. You are just a toy to please me, just a clown on the stage I set up."

The resistance didn't work, and an invisible force emerged from the guillotine, forcefully suppressing old Perry's son to step forward, kneeling on the agreement he had trampled on countless times.

Old Perry tried to use magic desperately, but under the pressure of the magic power released by Lu Yu, he couldn't even move a finger. Only then did old Perry realize that in front of this monster, he couldn't even move his finger desperately. None of the qualifications.

"Help me, father, save me!"

He didn't yell out many times, the blade fell rapidly, and with a heavy "crack", bloody smell spread in the room.


Lu Yu looked like a judge reading out the verdict, with a cold tone.

The son, wife, and mistress cried or scolded, or struggled, or begged for mercy, but to no avail. Old Perry gritted his teeth, and the corners of his eyes were bleeding.

Although they disobeyed me just now, they are all my own flesh and blood...

"Very powerless, isn't it?" Lu Yu patted the guillotine lightly and wiped the blood from the blade, "Those people whose families were ruined by you feel the same way."

"Most of them don't even know who killed him. They just think it's bad luck that caused one wrong step, one wrong step, and they don't know everything. It's just you, a big businessman, wanting to make more money. To make them miserable."

"After all, you are not a kind person, you villain!" Old Perry yelled vaguely with blood on his mouth, "I will not let you go, not even if I die!"

"Okay, if you become a spirit body, please bring all your family members with you, I don't mind killing it again."

The judge of the abyss drew a card again, this time he chose a copper bull.

Lu Yu watched the old Perry being sucked into the copper bull's body, watched the flames emerge from the surface of the copper bull, and screamed one after another...

He pushed the door open, disarmed the soundproof circle, and let old Perry's voice spread throughout the mansion.

Watching the thugs kept in captivity by the old Perry rushing from all directions, tentacles danced wildly in the black mist.

The brightly lit mansion soon became silent, and blood flowed down the stairs.

When the people in Born City learned the news of Old Perry's death the next day, they also learned the news from nowhere—Old Perry was the mastermind behind Brandon's money lending and disregard for human lives.

The original anxiety quickly turned into a secret excitement that they dare not speak out, and those poor people who suffered from it even silently thought that it would be better for more such people to die.

Imagination becomes reality.

Nobles, businessmen, and notorious magicians died tragically one after another. Boyne City seemed to be stared at by a terrifying beast. Since the establishment of the Commercial Federation, there had never been such a dense attack and killing incident. As for the magician who finally alarmed the highest rank in the union, he came to investigate in person.

This group of powerhouses who reached the eighth level after the tide of magic power inspected one murder scene, and restored the situation at that time by relying on the residual magic power, and then looked dignified.

"Very strong..."

"Usually the sixth level, the seventh level is like a toy in front of him."

"There are very few residues of his mobilization of magic power, which means that his utilization rate and control rate of magic power are appallingly high..."

"What kind of monster came to Born did this group of idiots offend it?"

"The only thing to be thankful for is that he is simply looking for revenge against these people, and has no intention of targeting the union."

"But people like this wandering around the territory of Collet are a huge security risk... Maybe we should find them first, and then kill them. They must have the experience of using magic power at a high rate. Mastering it, we will definitely be able to survive this chaos." The era goes a step further.”

"I agree with you, but the question is... where and who is he?"

The eighth-level magicians were silent, and they suddenly realized that it was wishful thinking to track down such a strong man who might be as powerful as them.

At this time, Lu Yu crossed off the last one on the list given to him by Isco. He used the simplest and rude way to seek justice for his own people, and at the same time shared the ugly faces of these businessmen with everyone. Ordinary people who are still kept in the dark.

As for whether they will continue to remain silent and continue to be raped, or take advantage of the possibility of being awakened and stand up to resist, that is their own choice.

2K is still owed, I worked overtime today, I was too sleepy when I came back, so I couldn’t continue writing

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