My summons are weird

Chapter 979 969 Nostalgia for the

Chapter 979 969. The nostalgic "God of Destiny"

When she woke up, with a rumbling stomach, Celluloid roasted all the remaining three rabbits of the Green Python without hesitation.

“Why are there only rabbits and you can only catch rabbits?”

It’s not that Celluloid hates cannibalism, the question is purely out of curiosity.

Like her mother, she will not be merciful to her "common people" who have not awakened to wisdom, and she also eats the spicy rabbit heads made by her father.

Offensive, blasphemous? What is that? Deliciousness is the last word.

Seeing Cellululu eating the three rabbits cleanly, sucking the meat and tendons on the bones unwillingly, she even chewed the bones and dismantled the rabbit heads...

The voracious eating made the green python, who was also hungry, suddenly feel less hungry.

"Phew, it's time to go."

The green python was overjoyed after understanding this sentence. This big rabbit that broke into her home and ate up all her food was going to get out!

Celluloid put her little hands on both sides of the green python's head: "Since I borrowed your home, ate your food, and you obediently used me as a pillow last night, I will repay you."

With that said, she left the cave and found a very tough vine, tied it with a slip knot, put it on the green python, and dragged it away without saying a word.

Suddenly realizing what had happened, the green python began to struggle violently and attacked Cellululu again.

A minute later, there was a big rabbit on the green python.

The green python, which was unable to move, was still swinging its tail vigorously, trying to roll up Cellululu from behind.


Grasping the tail with both hands, stepping on the ground to absorb the earth element, Cellululu's body exploded with terrifying strange power, and she forcibly threw the green python, which was far larger than her, out of the hole.

The dizzy green python had no time to collect his thoughts. His tail was grabbed by Celluloid again, and his body danced and spun in the air, as if he was on a hot wheel.

Cellululu's ears were beating with excitement. She used Fagutar's little magic in actual combat, and the effect was far better than she imagined.

"Did you faint now?"

Cellululu found that the green python could not take back the letter, and was very bored. She thoughtfully released an earth element magic for the green python to reduce the friction between her and the ground. Cellululu grabbed the green python's fat tail and continued to step on it. journey.

Secretly, Zhuo Xiang thought that this was very much like Serra's style...

Celluloid had clear plans for her nearly runaway trip.

You can't be too close to the capital of Selkalo, as it will be too easy to find. Although there is no tracking magic in the world so far, Chen Xi's methods, even she knows, are only the tip of the iceberg.

But we can't leave Selkalo. If there is no hope of finding it, everyone in Chenxi will most likely go crazy.

The one she finally chose was the vast scorching sand border near Dawn Sky Island when she visited Selkalo.

I heard Herola say before that before she came to Dawn, she dug a cave here. If she had not met her father, the rest of her life would basically revolve around that cave.

Unfolding the rubbing scroll of the crypt map treasured by Herola, Cellululu raised the corners of her mouth.

When she met her father and mother, Herola was an out-and-out social phobic, and every social interaction consumed her little energy.

The morning environment changed her. For as long as she could remember, the impression Herola left in her mind was associated with cheerfulness and generosity.

Activities around here, and checking in at the "attractions" built by Sister Herola during the Society Terror period, the itinerary is perfect.

Although many years have passed, the pattern drawn by Herola still allowed Cellululu, who followed the picture, to find the location of the crypt without much effort.

After clearing away the overgrown weeds and broken branches, she was suddenly attracted by the slightly fresh soil on the exposed soil layer.

With his brain working rapidly, Cellululu gently returned the pushed branch to its place, but this move was obviously meaningless. The magic power rising from the ground spread around like tentacles, capturing the required information.

Shalem once held her in her arms and told her what she had seen while traveling in Mera.

She warned celluloid.

"Imagine the opponent as a hostile monster, and think that you are also a very threatening monster."

Cellululu first spread her hands and backed away slowly, and then quickly pressed down the green python's mouth to prevent her from spitting out letters.

"A magician's unexpected encounter is full of unknowns. Expressing kindness does not mean that you are really harmless, but not expressing often means that confrontation will begin immediately."

Sure enough, after revealing that he had no intention of offending, the cover of the crypt made a "chacha" sound when it rubbed against the ground.

A pair of small semicircular gray-black ears poked out, followed by half a face that looked slightly wary and confused.

This was a mouse-eared woman. After looking at the condition of the camouflage on the ground, her eyes immediately fell on Celluloid.

"I just..." Cellululu shook the scroll in her hand, "Click on the map to find my sister's map."

"Your sister?"

The mouse-eared woman picked up the scroll thrown by Cellulu and compared it with the reference objects in various directions. Her expression was condensed at first, and then she became more and more puzzled.

"Lucky boy, look at this."

Another man appeared from under the crypt. After a series of comparisons, the man also scratched his head.

"Who is your sister?" the man asked.

Naturally, Celluloid would not answer.

The man also realized that the question was too demanding, which aroused Cellululu's wariness. He looked at the person and snake in front of him, weighed it, and said frankly.

"If my guess is correct, your sister should be the builder of this crypt."

Seeing Cellululu nodding, the mouse-eared tribe and the man looked at each other. Now it was their turn to be embarrassed.

Ten years ago, a group of them accidentally discovered this carefully excavated underground world, and found a pile of currency that had been gathering dust for a long time.

The great joy of discovering the treasure made them ecstatic. Since the internal layout all showed that the owner had abandoned this place, they immediately settled in, treating it as a safe haven, and gradually repaired it and transformed it into their own home.

Now the main lord’s sister appears...

They told the situation very honestly, and also explained the fact that the remaining currencies had been used by them one after another for more than ten years.

Although it is obvious from his attitude that the other party is a reasonable person with a moral bottom line, Chenxi has no shortage of people who make a living by being adventurers. The four Olga have told many cases where they know people but not their hearts. So when faced with the invitation to be a guest inside the cave, she hesitated for a while.

When the "Jiu Occupies the Magpie's Nest" duo was once again embarrassed by a momentary gaffe, Celluloid nodded.

The cave extends downwards by a step, and the rock walls on both sides are dry and smooth.

According to the two of them, this was a detail that her sister had done well at the time, and they only maintained it a little bit for more than ten years.

Thinking of the tea party hole that Herola made in the morning light, the corners of Cellululu's lips raised. Her craftsmanship and details have always been so good?

"Don't you know your name yet?"

Cellululu's eyes rolled: "Vera, my name is Vera."

Among the enemies, Eunice and Vera, she finally chose the green-haired eldest sister who liked to take her to the palace on the water in the morning light.

"Vera..." The Rabbit Ears woman pointed at herself, and then at the cat man beside her, "My name is Chongwu, and this guy, you might as well call him Lucky Boy."

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Lucky Boy is a nickname given to me by a great big shot. My name is Papa, simple and clear."

"A great big shot?" Celluloid asked curiously, "How great is that?"

"Do you know the Supreme Puppet Master? The most powerful puppet masters living in Selkalo Flowing City. That big man can sit on an equal footing with them, chat and laugh happily. His peace and humility are still fresh in my memory to this day. .”

"You know such a big shot, why do you need to live here?"

Cellululu didn't ask this with the intention of causing trouble or making excuses, but out of pure curiosity.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized her inappropriateness and apologized profusely.

Chongwu and Papa didn't mind the offense in this sentence, and readily accepted the apology, but Cellululu saw a look on their faces that was rare among the people of Dawn.

It's very similar to when Sister Xialem recalls the past and thinks of someone.

After walking for a while, the underground space suddenly opened up. The dullness that filled the steps was dispersed by the wind blowing from nowhere. The fresh air and the faint sound of running water refreshed Cellululu.

Chongwu informed that the basic layout here was basically excavated and laid out by Herola. After they arrived, they expanded the original underground space to form the current layout like a tavern.

“Why was it built like a tavern?”

"Maybe it's because we have been adventurers for a long time, so we have a good feel for this central place for exchanging information?" Papa shrugged.

Cellululu remembered Little Bun and the words she had complained about for no reason.

"Being an adventurer leads to death."

This sentence, coupled with what Little Bread saw and heard after arriving in Sligo, left a very deep impression on the young Lulu.

But as she grew older, she also began to realize that the Adventurers Association, which has standardized management and orderly order above and below ground like Sligo, is a special case. In more areas, chaos and disorder are the norm. Adventurers Always running like a bounty hunter, walking between black and white.

Several children happily jumped into the arms of Chongwu and Papa. They all had the same round mouse ears as Chongwu, or cute little cat ears.

"Mom, who is this sister?"

"Her ears are so long."

"What beautiful ears!"

Cellululu raised her eyes subconsciously - even though she couldn't see her ears this way, she couldn't help but do this when someone praised her so much.

"Is this a pet snake? It's bigger than my sister."

Chongwu's children all hid behind her in admiration. The green python made them tremble, which was the fear flowing in their blood.

Hearing that the two of them were going to cook to entertain her, Cellululu immediately expressed her intention to help her father who was cooking. Her favorite thing was to watch the ingredients turn into delicacies on the table that her mother was full of praise for.

However, Chongwu rejected this request, thinking that this was what they should do after borrowing the cave.

Metal pots that are polished but have irregular dents from use.

Wooden tables and beds made by cutting and polishing the wood yourself.

Stools and clothes-drying pillars are made of local stones.

Looking at the unwashed clothes, the smoked animal meat, the burning fire pit and the boiling water in the stove, the full atmosphere of life reminded Cellululu of her parents and the tree hole.

Most of her imaginations about love and the lives of two people have their shadows, which are sweet, warm, and flowing with the fireworks of the world.

"Are you a couple?"

"Oh, no, Chongwu's husband hasn't come back yet."

As he spoke, Papa took off a small piece of smoked sausage. Seeing the children drooling with greed, he pursed his lips, took some more, put it into a pot of boiling water and rolled it to let the water boil. With the smell of oil and meat, quickly take it out and add some wild vegetables to boil.

Cellululu, who didn't quite understand why Papa was cooking like this, watched intently. She wanted to ask Papa where his wife, whom Papa had not mentioned, was, but was suddenly interrupted by a scream.

Cellululu looked back and found that the green python she had tied by the bar of the "tavern" had just closed its mouth. The children in the heavy fog were anxiously cowering in the distance. Some of them had tears in their eyes.

"Whatever you eat, spit it out!"

Sai Lulu roared, and the green python quickly opened its mouth.

A wet little squirrel fell motionless on the ground.

Cellululu was startled when she saw it was a mouse. Thinking of Chongwu's tribe, she immediately stepped forward to check.

Thank God, Sister Xinlu has raised a lot of medical rats, and she often follows them to learn, so she can easily get the results.

"I'm stressed, but..."

With the essence of plants and trees hidden in the cuffs, abundant healing power flowed into the body of the little mouse. After a while, the unlucky little mouse regained consciousness in the hands of the child in the heavy fog.

"Sister is so awesome."

"Not only do you have long ears, but you also have medical skills. Are you a monster doctor?"

The children's admiration made Cellulu blush. Compared with the professionals in the medical team, her knowledge was only superficial.

"You still keep these monster mice as pets?" Celluloid asked, "Have they been tamed? They won't steal your food, right?"

"They don't eat it secretly. They bring us some delicious gadgets from time to time."

"It will also help us get rid of those fire ants that are wandering in the soil. Those ants are really annoying."

Speaking of which, Herola raised two sand kittens, which seemed to help her catch these little mice and then make them into mouse strips for her. Unexpectedly, after Herola left with the sand kittens, they actually became friends with this place. of new residents coexisted.

Wild vegetable soup, fried sausages, steamed animal meat, and bacon rice make up this dinner.

The bacon and rice are steamed together. The salt in the bacon blends with the rice grains, and the fat soaks in, creating a fragrant aroma.

Although she had eaten three rabbits in the morning, Cellululu, who had eaten nothing at noon, had no resistance to them. After taking a small dose of the magic potion, she ate it with big mouthfuls.

After taking a bite, her chewing movements slowed down.

In the bowls of Chongwu and Papa's children were brown rice and miscellaneous grains that only appeared in the morning light when people adjusted their meals to nourish their stomachs. No, they were even more coarse.

Incomplete grinding makes these half-powder, half-granular "rice" look unappetizing.

No one touched the meats placed on the stone table, as if they were all waiting for her to enjoy.

The children were digging into large chunks of rice without even looking up. The meal was made up of the rough rice and the slightly oily wild vegetable soup.

Cellululu put down the bowl: "Sister and I just happened to be passing by this time and don't plan to go back to the cave, so don't worry, no one is going to drive you away. There is no need to bully the children in this way and pretend to be pitiful."

She was a little angry, thinking that Chongwu and Papa were using their children to gain sympathy.

"Sister Vera..." A sensible child timidly defended her parents, "There is indeed no food at home..."

Chongwu and Papa sat awkwardly, saying nothing.

Cellululu suddenly realized the joke her father told her, "Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to slap myself twice."

"We really hope you can be considerate... I have thought about pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy, but the only thing I can do is let the children starve..." Chongwu sighed.

Celluloid distributed the food to the children, took a sip of the wild vegetable soup, and frowned, thinking that the children drank it easily just now, and she didn't know how long it took them to adapt to the bitter taste.

"Why doesn't that great man you know stop helping you?"

"He left a long time ago." Chongwu seemed to recall something again, "When we met by chance, he was willing to take us on a ride, treated us peacefully, and allowed us to get married and come together. He is already as great as the God of Destiny. , how can we expect that there will always be such miracles in life."

Life has smoothed the edges of the heavy fog, and she narrated calmly, as if recalling a time that did not belong to her.

"Your strength should not be bad, and you won't be so embarrassed. What happened?" Cellululu asked again.

Papa glanced at the children who were devouring their food and pursed his lips.

"Let's not mention the past. Anyway, thank you Vera for your understanding. Please also thank your sister for me."

Feeling that it was a heavy past, Cellululu stopped asking questions.

There will be countless encounters in a person's life, but they are all by chance, and it is rare to meet again by chance.

But going too deep would be better for both parties.

Knowing this truth well, Cellulu played games with Chongwu and Papa's children after dinner, trying to leave a good memory for these children who have not yet grown up.

As the night progressed, the green python acting as the eagle and the children acting as the chickens fell into a deep sleep because it took too much energy for the eagle to catch the chicks.

After finishing washing by the underground river, Cellululu came back and found that Chongwu and Papa were still sitting at the table, with anxiety on their brows.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... Chongwu's husband hasn't come back yet."

"Going hunting?"

"The original leg is worn out. It's been two days since I went to replace it." Papa sighed.

After a silent night, Cellululu, who fell asleep with the green python on her pillow at the entrance of the cave, was not awakened by any movement, which proved that no one returned last night.

The smiles on Papa and Chongwu's faces as they bid farewell to Cellululu were mixed with worry.

If you get too involved in other people's lives, you will be infected by their ups and downs and can't help but imagine their future.

On the way, Cellululu gave blessings to the man named Gale, hoping that he would be safe and sound.

After a day, the green python seemed to be used to being driven. Even without the help of vines, it would follow Cellululu's instructions, which made Cellululu laugh.

"Listen to me, and when you return to Dawn, you will have many friends, such as white wolves, stupid dragons, and slimes."

"Believe me, your three rabbits were not in vain."

The green python is not smart enough to digest and understand complex words, so it can only nod its head anthropomorphically so that Celluloid will not drag it away by its tail or tie it with a knot in a vine.

A group of shadows quickly rushed from a distance to Cellululu's feet. She listened carefully and immediately hid with the green python.

"real or fake?"

"What I saw while standing on the hill was absolutely true. It was a crypt. Living in seclusion in a place like this, there might be some big secret hidden there."

"How strong is the opponent?"

"If they are all very strong, will they need a crypt?"

"makes sense."

The rustling movement in the distance gradually disappeared, and Cellululu hurried to the place where they passed to feel the remaining magical atmosphere.

There are more than thirty people, no, maybe more, and there is a high probability that they are all level five or above.

Cellululu was anxious when she thought that it was because of herself that the crypt would be opened for a long time, leading to exposure.

She looked at the green python and loosened the knot at her "collar".

"If you are willing to wait here, I will take you to a good place where you can always have enough to eat. If you are not willing...then you are free now."

Without waiting for the green python to react, Cellululu released the shadow substitute to track, while she ran around in a detour.

"Get out of here quickly, you are being targeted!"

Before the malicious group of people arrived, Celluloid returned to the crypt to give a warning.

Although Chongwu and Papa made the decision to abandon everything, it was still too late. When they came to the ground, the vague magic power fluctuations around them made the two experienced people realize that they had been surrounded.

After sending the child to Chongwu, Papa took a step forward.

"Everything you want is down there." Papa lifted up his clothes and spread his arms to show that he had nothing. "You are seeking wealth and we are seeking survival. There is no need to add more variables."

“Aren’t these children ‘property’?”

"And that rabbit with long ears, don't you think she's valuable?"

"Don't you know what is most valuable in Selkalo?"

Papa clenched his fists: "Is it necessary?"

"When did you get the illusion that we could negotiate on equal terms?" the other party said, "You two adults can leave. This is the last chance."

Figures appeared one after another. They were well-equipped, and all of them had been transformed into puppets. Their battle-prepared postures showed their experience.

"I'm sorry, it was me who exposed you."

Papa shook his head: "There are always coincidences in this world. Just like more than ten years ago, Chongwu, Gale, I, and I were led by that person to the end of the trial... Maybe, with some luck, we are destined to be in the future. repaid.”

"Listen, after the fighting starts, you and Chongwu run away with the children. No matter what happens, don't look back. You can't help me."

Cellulu planned to use the communication statue to seek help from Chen Xi, but then remembered that in order not to be found, she didn't even bring the statue with her.

Then you can only use it...

Seeing this group of guys whose main business is hunting wild beasts, monsters and humans approaching step by step, Celluloid took out a heart from her backpack.

Belongs to the heart of the doll.

Unlike her brother's mastery of all summoning genres, her mastery of summoning is limited to one.

The heroic spirit summons.

What she wants to summon is Vanessa.

It is unknown how much power young Vanessa can unleash at the fifth level, but the supermodel's heroic spirit itself possesses strength that exceeds its original level.

The shadow guard blocked several streaks of light for Cellululu, and the light disappeared into ashes. The remaining power hit her body like a wave, making her unable to hold on to her heart and rolling out.

"I suggest you study the technique of concealed summoning first. This will greatly improve actual combat."

The advice given by the brothers and sisters in the summoning team still rings in my ears.

"Details determine success or failure, learn the summoning of heroic spirits without hiding the step of media connection, and anyone can interrupt you" said by her brother in a tone that wanted to be beat up. Cellululu, who focused on physical skills, experienced the Dawn Summoning first-hand. The reason why the teacher pays close attention to details.

Teach people by doing it once.

Out of cherishment of the goods that were about to be sold, this sudden attack was not fatal, and the hunters also targeted Chongwu and Papa.

"Dark Elf?"


The sudden appearance of the dark elf on the scene distracted the attention of many people.

"Are you with them? I didn't expect that besides a few children, there is also a top-quality material."

"I'm going crazy selling materials. I can make a fortune by selling this kind of goods to those wealthy businessmen who are smuggling goods!"

Cellululu raised her head and saw the figure hiding in front of her.

Delicate, frosted skin, and a complexion between wheat and brown...

"Sister Zhuoyan!" Cellululu was ecstatic, her lips moving.

"It goes without saying, I understand everything."

Zhuo Yan waved her hand, and Chongwu and Papa's children flew backwards behind her.

"You are not in the same group as them." The hunters sensed something strange. The magic power of this dark elf seemed to be... very strong.

"I didn't say I was."

"Since we are all hunters, let each take what he needs, half and half."

"The strength I showed can only be divided into half?" Zhuo Xiang sneered, "What about this?"

It was like the black mist emerging from the surface of the skin flowed in all directions, and boundless darkness descended instantly.

The body of a hunter standing at the front was twisted at an incredible angle, as if being manipulated by a pair of big hands. Before he could let out a scream, he turned into a ball of crushed and crushed paper.

"Now, how much can I share?" Zhuo Yan asked with a smile.


The hunters scrambled to escape, but the giant hand wandering in the black mist did not intend to let go of these waste paper balls.

Chongwu and Papa watched in stunned silence as these highly modified hunters, whose strength far exceeded ordinary levels, were transformed into foldable models one after another, and they lost their voices.

Is this magic?

The magic they knew couldn't be done at all.

The turbid nightmare did not kill all the hunters, but left a few lucky ones behind.

She picked up the puppet heart and put it away: "Even if you can successfully summon it, I will stop it. Although young Vanessa is very peaceful, you may not be able to control it. Next time, steal some media that you can use skillfully. .”

"If you want to practice, just practice with them." After saying that, Zhuo Yan announced to the lucky ones, "Those who can defeat her, I can forgive your blasphemy."

Although I don’t know if it was an empty talk or a torture before death, these surviving hunters obviously had no choice.

Just like what they said to Papa just now, when did they have the illusion that they could talk to Zhuo Ni on an equal footing?

A one-on-one fight began, and Zhuo Yan was really not worried about it. He helped Sailu Lu check on the children's condition, and then Chongwu and Papa.

In just a short while, Papa was already bruised and bruised, but he knew that he had once again been favored by the god of fate, and the children were safe. One man actually shed tears involuntarily.

"Will Vera be okay?"

Chongwu's words made Zhuo Xiang confused.

Vera? Where is Vera?

Wasn't that big fish, who had hardly seen the form of a siren since he turned into a human, enjoying Nihil's puppet theater in Flowing Light City?

Following Chong Wu's line of sight, Zhuo Xiang laughed dumbly when he saw Cellululu fiercely attacking the hunter.

"Her name is Cellululu, Vera lied to you about her name." After a pause, she added, "It will be fine. Even at level six, it will be difficult for her to defeat her."

Sure enough, as Zhuo Xiang said, there are not many enemies with one, even if it is a life and death fight, Cellululu will not be afraid of the hunter who fights against the odds.

She was angry at herself for being careless because of the failed summoning. With all her concentration, she was like a tiger out of its cage. She relied solely on physical skills to suppress every attack of the hunter who planned to use magic in the execution stage.

After a while, the first hunter was bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his limbs were weak.

Without hesitation, Zhuo Xiang dragged the hunter away with his claws transformed into black mist, crushed it into a ball of waste paper and threw it aside, coldly announcing "Next".

When the battle resumed, the hunters were like prisoners on death row on the execution ground, with nothing to do but roar angrily.

"Miss Cellulu, who exactly is she?" Papa saw the clues and asked cautiously, "For a noble girl like her, why would my sister dig a crypt here?"

"Crypt?" Zhuo Yan was confused again, "Herola is the one digging the burrow here. It was her masterpiece before arriving at Dawn. As for Cellululu, she is the daughter of the Lord of Dawn...forget it, you guys I probably don’t know about Chenxi either.”


Listening to Papa and Chongwu constantly chanting this name, Zhuo Yan curiously shifted his gaze to the two of them again.

"Could the Herola you are talking about... be an elf?"

"you know?"

Without answering, Papa asked eagerly: "Do you know Mr. Bass?"

The moment the lord's name was mentioned only by the people of Dawn as a joke, Zhuo Xiang's eyes widened.

"Papa, that lucky boy?"

"Chongwu, are you talking about that little mouse from the mouse-eared tribe? Hey, I even pinched her ears?"

"Hey, Sierra, why are you squinting? You were there when we pinched you."

Hearing the joyful voice coming from the communication statue, Papa and Chongwu became a little timid.

Bass is still full of affinity, but the huge identity gap makes them at a loss.

"Where are you? I'll go over and check on you. By the way, where is that guy Gale? Is he there?"

"Herola, come quickly and come with me."

The reaction on the other side of the statue made the two realize that it seemed that they had changed, and the bass was still the same bass as before.

He was still the "God of Destiny" who carried them to the end of the trial for a promise.

This God of Destiny is far more nostalgic and pure than many people think.

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