My summons are weird

Chapter 969 959 Believers with low IQs

Chapter 969 959. Believers with low IQs

The pinnacle of full harmony combat power is Aesop, and he is only at the seventh level. He does not even have high-level magic to support his magic power. This is exactly the same as Lu Yu who reached the eighth level by summoning and did not know any high-level magic.

The force value of the Morning Slime in the Harmony Islands made Lu Yu quite worried, so a vigorous defense deployment officially began.

The fortress needs to be built, the magic circle needs to be laid, and the barrier must naturally be set up.

Seeing Sera and others busy, Aesop naturally couldn't say something like "Barely no one will visit here", but gratefully accepted Chen Xi's kindness.

While walking along the beach with his children, Lu Yu was suddenly very interested in the group of fishmen who worshiped him as king in Aesop's mouth. They would hardly go ashore on weekdays, and would only go there happily when there was a good harvest of prey in the sea. He jumped to the shore and brought a large amount of aquatic products to the "Supreme Good King".

Aesop looked at the time: "Today seems to be the day they land."

Arriving at the beach where the two tribes often met, they only waited for a while before a group of upright-walking murlocs covered in moss-green and wearing seaweed as their headbands emerged from the sea one after another.

Seeing Aesop's figure suddenly appeared among the elves, they sped up their progress. The fishman high priest, who was holding the fish bone staff with a funny little hand that was as funny as the forelimbs of a Tyrannosaurus rex, came to Aesop with a "pat pat pat" and respectfully Di Qishen——Having lived with the Harmony Elves for a long time, they have learned the etiquette of the Elves, and the language...

Lu Yu, who had taken the [Universal Language] potion, calmly stared at this group of murlocs who would dance when they spoke, as if they couldn't speak if they pressed their little paws.

While they were talking, they kept spitting out the "fragrance" from their mouths, which was mixed with the smell of fish and fermented aquatic products, combined with the protruding eyes on the huge fish head and the slightly yellowed teeth.

The two children, Cellululu and Lu Lu, barely managed to hold their nerves and blurted out, "It smells so bad."

Seeing that their father, Aesop and other elves all looked as normal, they were deeply impressed. Is this what their mother said, the calmness brought by experience?

The fishman high priest believed in "fate" very much. Through fish bone divination, he was convinced that Aesop was the chosen one who could bring peace and tranquility to his clan. And everything that happened to Aesop in the past twenty years, one after another, They are also strengthening the results of his divination back then. To this day, the fishmen tribe has become the most loyal alliance of the Harmony Elves.

The big bulging net is full of delicious and lively seafood. In order to take care of the taste of the harmony elves, the fishman high priest has established a seabed planting base to provide more edible seaweed.

In Aesop's words, the fish-men clan is absolutely trustworthy, and the sea monsters coming ashore caused by the beginning of the magic wave also happened here.

Nearly two hundred sirens happened to be swept nearby by the chaotic ocean currents, and as expected, they had conflicts with the Harmony Elves during the process of landing.

That was the only war the Harmony Islands had so far.

Perhaps to Lu Yu and others, this scale was just a small matter in Mela, but at that time, it was a disaster for the Harmony Elves who arrived here exhausted with the old and the young.

It was this group of extremely ugly looking people in front of them who, for the so-called "destiny" and the murloc friends who firmly believed in Aesop's benevolence, held back the first wave of sea monsters with their lives, allowing the vitality of the harmony elves to wipe out all the sea monsters. The demon has ushered in a peaceful life for more than ten years.

Vera, the leader of the Dawn Siren and the leader of the aquatic product team, arrived with the gifts chosen by Lu Yu.

This is a pile of scales shed by the sea monster, a common item in potions. Over the years, the Dawn Potion Set has been full of them, and it is not a rare item.

What Vera brought were all the core magic scales used by high-level sea monsters to resonate with the power of speech spirits. Just seeing that the murloc's originally bulging eyeballs malfunctioned for a few seconds, making people fear that they would explode in the next second, was enough. Understand how excited they are.

Even if the murlocs are not familiar with refining magic potion, grinding it into powder and swallowing it can increase their affinity to the water element and help them feel the flow of magic power.

Lu Yu was observing the reaction of the fish people.

When he saw the high priest first kneel down and put his head on Aesop's feet devoutly, and then be helped up by him, and then kneel down again and continue to salute, he felt sincerely happy for Aesop - the fish people always put their head on Aesop's feet. He comes first.

"Is the gift too expensive?" Aesop asked.

"They are loyal to you and are friends with the Harmony Elves, so they are worthy of this gift." Lu Yu lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't be able to use up all of them in Chenxi Leader."

Seeing the curve of the corner of Vera's mouth, Aesop could only sigh with emotion at the richness of the morning sky island.

The fishmen who received the ceremony all danced around with their hands and feet. The leading high priest seemed to have remembered something and quickly reported a special situation.

"Things were robbed?"

The fishman who was robbed once again shook his little hand and gestured: "Gulu picked it, Gulu transported it, they snatched the huge beads, beautiful and round, we are angry!"

Aesop looked at the fishman high priest. His communication ability was obviously far superior to other fishmen.

"It's the colorful ones, the rags."

Lu Yu was curious: "Your enemy?"

"Can't be considered an enemy, uh..." Aesop thought for a moment and introduced the sea conditions around the Harmony Islands.

The reason why this place can become a peaceful place like a paradise is due to the abnormal ocean currents and changeable celestial phenomena around it.

The Harmony Islands have good weather and spring-like weather all year round, but the surrounding sea is like a ferocious beast that preys on people. In the past ten years, they have seen many ship fragments drifting to the shores of the islands, and the surviving crew members and slaves have all Saved a lot.

People here also try to leave the Harmony Islands, but very few succeed.

There are only two times in so many years that people like the Seler people were able to reach the Harmony Islands with their ships after being shipwrecked.

After the sea monsters came ashore, the ecological niche of the sea tribe became vacant. With the rise of new races, other races migrated to this sea area, and the harmonious murloc family gradually no longer dominated this sea area.

Among them, a very special group of sea rabbits have become the race that has the most contact with fish-men.

Celluloid's ears twitched when she heard Sea Hare.

Looking at the sea tribes in the surrounding sea area, this group of sea rabbits are a group of aliens. They are keen to collect black, round things at shipwreck sites. Sometimes they will sweep away even a flag.

Not only that, they would also introduce things in a language that others could not understand from time to time, and try to draw other races to their habitat.

Because on the whole, apart from being mysterious and incomprehensible in their behavior, they are a completely harmless ethnic group. Therefore, all ethnic groups that escaped the Kraken massacre are very tolerant.

The underwater order in this area has always been peaceful, so it's no wonder that the fish people were so excited when they heard that the big pearl they prepared for Aesop was stolen.

That is a black pearl that requires adults to embrace.

"It's just pearls. They can just take them. It's not expensive food. So what if it's placed in the palace? It's just that when passing by, people will exclaim, 'It's so beautiful.' But over time, the value is still not as good as food." Yi Suo was very open-minded and had no intention of pursuing these sea rabbits.

Seeing that Lu Yu kept stroking his lips with his fingers and looking thoughtful, Aesop asked, "What's wrong?"

The past events came to mind, and Lu Yu subconsciously felt that it couldn't be such a coincidence, but he couldn't help but think about it.

He asked: "Among sea rabbits, are there any that are colored like tomatoes and scrambled eggs... I mean, the body colors are mainly red and yellow."

The fishman high priest quickly shook his head and replied: "Yes, yes, their high priest is this color!"

"Are they doing any weird things?" Lu Yu hesitated and twisted his palms in the air, "twirling around like waves."

The fishman high priest quickly sighed: "Oh, respected guest, are you a prophet? They are just such a group. They always shake weirdly when sacrificing those big black balls, even though Lord Aesop always says that we are talking It's very magical to use your hands and feet at the same time, but I think the real magic is the group of sea rabbits."

Lu Yu opened his mouth slightly.

It can't really be such a coincidence, right?

However, if it is really a sacrifice, what about faith?

Until now, he had never felt the strong resonance of planarians.

After asking Sera and Lulu and realizing that they didn't feel this way, Lu Yu was sure.

"Guests want to go to the sea rabbits?" The fishman high priest chewed the seaweed, feeling a little embarrassed, "We don't know their language, and how are you going to breathe underwater?"

Not long after, the fishman high priest realized how naive this worry was. After taking the magic potion, Lu Yu and others floated smoothly in the seawater.

There are also some small trade relationships between sea rabbits and fishmen. The seaweed grown by fishmen is their favorite, so they are always willing to buy part of the treasures collected from shipwrecks.

Because of this relationship, the arrival of the fishmen did not arouse the surprise of the sea rabbit guards, and as they said, these sea rabbits were like pieces of colorful rags, squirming with the current in the sea water, and their appearance was instantaneous. cute.


"Why are they all buried face down in the soil?" The fishman high priest was puzzled.

The fish people couldn't understand, but with the help of [Universal Magic Potion], Lulu, who had transformed into a briquette again, could clearly hear the voice of the "Lord of the Black Sun" coming from all directions.

In the end, the "Tomato Scrambled Egg" high priest who led the sea slug clan to perform sacrifices was also extremely shocked and subconsciously twisted his body...

The seeds sown on the way back that year did indeed take root and sprout, and the place where they took root and sprouted was actually next to Aesop's Harmony Islands.

According to Jeffrey's recollection, the two locations are quite far apart. God knows how these sea slugs got here.

Two parties closely related to Lu Yu gathered in this sea area, making him unable to help but sigh at the wonder of fate.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, lord, wuwuwu, lord..."

Tomato Scrambled Egg used the rabbit-ear-like tentacles on its head to crush Lulu's outstretched tentacles and kept rubbing them. A gap slowly opened on their backs, and two black tentacles extended out, replacing the body, and followed The ocean current twists in an "S shape".

This action, which seemed to be a chorus of approval, was like a signal transmitted throughout the entire clan. For a moment, the sea slugs all clung to the ground and swayed.

This demonic "dance of demons" made Sera stunned: "Aren't any of your followers a little... normal?"

Lu Yu coughed: "What do you call me? They belong to us, and they are all races that have initially awakened to wisdom. Don't ask too much... Isn't it quite cute?"

"Sometimes I always feel that Chenxi is redefining 'cute'."

Since being rescued by the "black mist" transformed by Lu Yu and the others, the sea slugs have combined the roundness of the black mist when it escapes with the most obvious "blackness" to form a unique group worship.

All objects that are black and round are the best. For this reason, they have become rag collectors. In the caves dug by sea slugs, there are floating pieces of cloth soaked in sea water and embroidered with black round semaphores.

Naturally formed, smooth and round black stones, black stones left in the bodies of certain giant marine creatures after death, etc., are all in their collection.

Lu Yu even found a rotten apple protected by water element magic. The reason why it could appear here is self-evident.

Therefore, when the murlocs pulled out a huge black pearl from a decayed clam, the sea slugs instantly seemed to have found a "miracle" and rushed forward, blasting away the murlocs and worshiping it religiously. At the place where the ethnic group worships.

Aesop burst out laughing when he learned that his pearl was taken away for this reason.

Lu Yu and the others couldn't help but cover their foreheads. The development of faith will always exceed people's expectations.

"You usually talk nonsense when you are close to other races. You wouldn't be..." Lu Yu had already guessed.

The sea slug's answer did not disappoint him.

Their words were similar to the classic "Sorry to bother you, do you have time? I hope you can learn about our Heavenly Father, our God, the great Black Sun..." and so on.

This group of sea slugs, who had just begun to awaken their wisdom and accumulated it for more than ten years, obviously did not realize that the language systems in this world are very different. Once they communicated with each other, the other party could no longer read back. It was not that they did not want to pay attention to them, but that they did not understand them at all.

The slugs from out of town spoke in dialect to the local fish people, and the chickens spoke to the ducks.

Although I don’t know why I can’t feel the faith of this group of sea slugs, they are obviously the group that received my favor in the first place, and their intelligence is a bit too impressive.

Lulu quickly admonished: "In the future, you are not allowed to force people to preach. If they are willing to listen, just say it. If you are not willing, you must shut up!"

The sea slugs' tentacles moved continuously to show that the Lord God's instructions had been engraved in their hearts.

Lulu suddenly felt very tired. Because the two children, Lu Lu and Cellululu, were unusually obedient and sensible, she basically did not bother to care about educational issues during their growth.

But the group of sea slug believers in front of her... she always felt that they were no different from children. If the planarians were preparing to become adults, they were obviously still in the babbling stage.

What kind of development will happen in the future is difficult even for her to predict.

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