My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 253 Diary Contents

"On October 13th, the math class was really difficult. I suspect that Daisy's teacher didn't speak the lingua franca at all. I just picked up the pen that fell under the table, and then I couldn't understand what she said."

Isabella couldn't help laughing.

The God of Mathematics, a great sage, sometimes he can't understand mathematics, it's just the simple basic mathematics of the first grade...

"October 15th, I was bullied by Bud again today. Fortunately, I have Toby. Toby is the most trustworthy friend and Blair's lifelong friend."

Only then did Isabella know how the deep friendship between him and that fat Toby came about. She smiled and continued to read.

"On October 16th, Mrs. Daisy fell ill. This is really a happy thing. Tomorrow's math class can be used to sleep..."

"On October 17th, I can't sleep in math class. Miss Daisy will be replaced by a second-grade teacher Britney. Why is this math class so short? I hope Miss Daisy will continue to be sick tomorrow..."

Isabella instinctively sensed something was wrong, and suddenly felt uneasy, but she still didn't stop.

"On October 18th, Mrs. Daisy recovered from her illness. She asked me to stand outside the classroom today because I slept in her math class. If it was Mrs. Britney, I would definitely not sleep."

"October 19th, Miss Britney is Saint Donus, no, it is Yapo City, it is the Kingdom of Lorraine, she is the most beautiful woman in Shenen Continent, and her breasts are also bulging..., I want to become Second grader, I want to see her every day."

"On October 21, I secretly followed Mrs. Britney. She lives on the second floor of the classroom dormitory. You can see her balcony in the garden. It's really a dream place..."

"On October 25, Toby said that he likes Miss Isabella, and I like Miss Britney. There is no girl in the academy who can match Miss Britney. If she can be with Miss Britney, she is considered dead. I am willing too..."


As the pages of the book were turned, the smile on Isabella's face gradually disappeared, and her ruddy face began to turn pale.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, followed by Alice's voice, "Sasha, why are you here?"

Isabella put away the diary, and smiled again on her face, but the smile was a bit forced no matter how you looked at it.

She walked out of the door of the utility room and said with a smile, "I'll just take a look."

Alice looked into her eyes and asked, "Why are your eyes red?"

Isabella wiped her eyes and said, "The wind is a bit strong, and sand got in accidentally."

Alice looked back, and in the residential area not far away, there was smoke rising straight into the sky.

Isabella said: "I want to go back first."

Alice looked at her with concern and asked, "Sasha, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a little cold." Isabella hugged her arms and said, "I, I'll go back first."

A gust of warm wind blew by, and Alice looked up at the warm sun in the sky, with a confused look on her face.


In the past six months, thanks to the support of the other three major temples, the Temple of Earth has gradually stabilized the situation in the Os Empire, and even recovered a lost city.

Large-scale battles did not recur, and wizards continued to harass Oss's vassals in a small area.

In the face of the stalemate between the temple and the wizard, the news that the sage Blair wanted to build a city in the east of Lorraine, where there would be no war, no killing, and where wizards and magicians peacefully coexisted, swept across the mainland in a short time.

This news was sent by the Temple of Earth. At first, many people suspected that it was a conspiracy by the temple. The sage was once a priest of the temple. This may be a major action against wizards.

The Dark Forest did not respond to the news, but some curious magicians went to Lorraine to check it out, and they found out that a city was being built there, and there were priests and a large number of people involved in the construction of the city. wizard.

Clergy and wizards collaborate, which is something that subverts the three views.

Not only that, they also learned some more detailed details.

In this important event that is enough to be recorded in the annals of the continent, in addition to the high priest of the temple, the strong holy magister, and the sage Blair, there is also the holy man in the wizard legend, Holy Wizard Heliye.

This shows that this incident cannot be a conspiracy of the temple, and it is not difficult to guess after thinking about it, it is actually a compromise of the temple.

The sage Blair has unparalleled influence on the mainland, and the holy wizard has peak strength. The temple has no way to declare war on them while fighting the dark forest.

This kind of consequence is unbearable even if the four great temples are united.

The sage of Blair has a heart longing for peace. The city of sages who will be built soon advocates freedom and equality, justice and the rule of law. Here, there are no magicians and wizards, only residents. There is no war or killing here. On God's Continent, the only piece of pure land.

In fact, it was not that no one advocated peace before. In every war between wizards and magicians, both sides would suffer huge losses. For thousands of years, many pacifists, even wizards and inside the temple, have prayed for peace.

But none of them had the influence and strength of the sages. Not only were their peaceful appeals fruitless, but they also ended up in a much more miserable end.

This is a major change that has not happened in the mainland for thousands of years. If the sage's ideal can be realized, the mainland will have a third largest force independent of temples and wizards.

Countless people in Lu have prayed for peace.

The number of these people is much greater than the combined magicians of the temple and wizards of the dark forest.

In this big event, the temple compromised because of the influence of the sage and the strength of the holy wizard, and it also had the purpose of weakening the wizard's strength.

After all, no matter how you look at it, wizards are the destroyers and creators of chaos on the mainland. The temple allows wizards who yearn for peace to live in the sun, which is already a step back, and it is an unprecedented step. If the war continues, all their ideas and beliefs will become evil.

They will become enemies not only of the temple, but of the entire continent.

Affected by this major incident, the activities of mainland wizards have decreased a lot in recent days, and even the dark forest seems to have fallen into a long silence.

"Heliye, does Heliye know what he is doing!"

"Has the saint betrayed the goddess?"

"The city of sages, the land of peace, there has never been peace. If the magic gods are not dead, there will be no peace in the mainland!"


In the depths of the dark forest, in the temple of the goddess, there is a lot of noise.

The long-lost saint Heliye reappeared again, which was originally a happy thing. With three holy wizards, even if they faced the four temples at the same time, they still had the confidence, but unexpectedly, the holy wizard Heliye, but made a different choice from them.

He reached an agreement with the temple to establish a peaceful place in the east, which caused signs of division among the wizards.

After the news was sent back to the Dark Forest, many wizards expressed their willingness to follow the Holy One of Heriye. If it weren't for the strict control of the major priests, a large number of wizards would be lost in the Dark Forest during this period.

This will seriously reduce their strength and give the temple an opportunity.

The establishment of the City of Peace may seem like an insignificant matter, but it is enough to shake up the entire continent.

He gave wizards and wizards a second choice besides war.

A priest looked at the two sitting at the top and said, "You two saints, this matter cannot be left alone, we must think of a way..."

"It's not that simple..." An old man shook his head and said, "Building a city of peace... won't be that easy."

He didn't talk about it again, looked at the priests below, and said: "Temporarily stop some actions on the mainland, and wait quietly for the goddess to come. When the time comes, the goddess will give us new guidance..."

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