My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 178 Catherine's Temptation

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The death of the great magician Waters created an uproar in the capital. .

The second prince was furious because of this, almost frantically looking for the murderer. However, the murderer who assassinated Waters was not found, and the second prince himself was expelled by the king.

Waters used to be a knife in the hands of the second prince Peter Werner, clearing many obstacles for him on the way to the throne, because he is a great magician whose strength is extremely close to that of a magister, although everyone knows that those things are his I did it, but there is no direct evidence, so I can only continue to let Waters do whatever he wants in the capital.

However, this time, the second prince and Waters chose the wrong target.

No one thought that the seventeen-year-old boy named Blair had such a high status in the Mathematics Association.

In the Continent of God's Grace, scholars are more difficult to mess with than magicians.

Because they are more united and crazy. It just so happens that the Lorraine Mathematics Association is in the leadership position on the entire continent. The president Andy raised his arms, and scholars from all over the world responded. This kind of pressure, even the king Orlando Werner Can't afford it either.

If we only talk about its value to all human beings, there is no Mathematics Association in the whole Kingdom of Lorraine that is more meaningful to mankind. In order to appease the anger of scholars, even if Orlando is unwilling, he must punish Pete severely enough.

For a prince, there is no more cruel punishment than expelling him from the capital and depriving him of his right to inherit the throne.

No matter how much effort he had made before, it was all in vain because of this assassination incident.

Through this incident, the nobles once again realized the unity and strength of scholars, and the tragedy of a hundred years ago began to be frequently mentioned. .

There is no doubt that the young Viscount Blair has an extraordinary influence in the Lorland mathematics circle, and even the world mathematics circle. To some extent, he no longer belongs to Lorland alone.

After this incident, no one would dare to despise this seventeen-year-old boy again. Lorraine lost the second prince, the eldest prince, and the third princess who could inherit the throne, but without Blair and the Mathematics Association, The entire Kingdom of Lorraine, on the mainland, will have no sense of existence.

Because of the matter of the second prince, King Orlando Werner asked Christine to personally send a lot of gifts to Chen Luo to express the royal family's apology.

Christine stood in the yard, as if meeting Chen Luo for the first time, and asked, "Do you know President Andy?"

"I know you." Chen Luo said, "Not only do we know each other, but we are very familiar with each other. We often discuss some mathematical problems."

Christine knew that Chen Luo was very successful in mathematics, but she never thought that Chairman Andy would do such a thing for him. I am afraid she never realized how much he meant to the Mathematics Association.

Christine said: "President Andy led many scholars to protest to his father. This morning, the second brother was deported to Yapo City."

The Kingdom of Lorraine is just a small country with a small area, and the city of Yabo is located in a remote corner of the kingdom. As a prince, this is no different from being exiled.

It's just that Chen Luo sent Isabella a letter back yesterday. Isabella would write a letter to her family every month, telling her parents what happened during her month in the capital. I'm not sure if she wrote about the second prince sending someone to assassinate them, and I'm not sure if Auston would do something irrational if he knew about it. .

Chen Luo had already sent him the crow's reward. Of course, it was not 30,000 gold coins directly, but a certificate similar to the magic association gold card that could be withdrawn from institutions like banks.

The Mathematics Association is already preparing books on calculus, which may open the door to a new era for mathematicians, provide scientific researchers with more convenient mathematical tools, and bring more gold coins to Chen Luo.

A seemingly small assassination incident has greatly changed the situation in the capital.

Waters died, the second prince was exiled, and the eldest prince who did nothing may become the biggest winner.

On the second day after the second prince was exiled, Chen Luo received the banquet invitation letter from the eldest prince, but he politely rejected it.

It is his top priority to be promoted to a senior magician as soon as possible. If the second prince is not too aggressive, he is not willing to participate in the battle for the throne of Lorraine.

Moreover, Chen Luo will not stay here forever.

After becoming a senior magician, regular meditation and practice are far from being able to maintain the rapid growth of his mental power. At that time, Chen Luo may choose to travel around the mainland to obtain the resources he needs from the magic associations of various countries.

Speaking of which, Chen Luo originally wanted to ask the crow if he could get witchcraft resources, and how much money was not a problem, but in the past few days, the crow had completely disappeared, and Chen Luo could only continue to break through from Catherine.

In Catherine's clinic, she held a plant in her hand and said to Chen Luo: "A certain ingredient in this plant can treat coughs. Adding it to the medicine for treating fever can effectively relieve cough symptoms."

At present, among the medical schools that Chen Luo knows, only Catherine's method is the most scientific.

Chen Luo had no doubts about her status as a wizard. Only a wizard could have such a deep understanding of plants.

It's just that Chen Luo's idea is good, but the identity of the wizard is very sensitive. Chen Luo has no doubts. Although he says "Sister Catherine" and Catherine says "Brother Blair", as long as he points out the identity of the wizard Catherine

For the sake of it, the gentle sister Catherine is very likely to turn her face and kill people to silence her.

After all, Dr. Catherine is not Miss Britney, nor Isabella. Apart from them, Chen Luo doesn't trust anyone.

So until now, in front of Catherine, Chen Luo has not revealed the slightest tone.

At the very least, Chen Luo would have to wait until they got acquainted with each other before he could make a preliminary test.

Catherine picked up a plant again and continued: "After this plant is mashed, it can effectively stop bleeding."

What she said at this moment is actually the knowledge that wizards don't pass on.

But after the incident with the second prince, they realized clearly what kind of scholar Blair was. His knowledge and influence far exceeded their previous estimates.

Wizards also worship scholars, and because of the clearance of the Four Great Temples, they can only hide in the mountains, or hide their identities, and live in various unnoticed corners, which makes it difficult for wizards to produce scholars. A scholar, for them, is a huge asset.

Chen Luo carefully identified several plants, and murmured: "These plants are so magical"

Catherine looked at him, and suddenly said: "There is something even more miraculous. I heard that some people have the ability to heal diseases."

To make Blair trust them and join them, he needs to get to know wizards slowly and eliminate his prejudice against wizards

In Catherine's view, she still has a long way to go to achieve this.

Unexpectedly, Catherine would take the initiative to mention this, Chen Luo raised her eyebrows, seized this opportunity, looked at her and asked, "Is sister Catherine talking about a wizard?"

Catherine's eyelashes trembled, and she seemed to ask unintentionally, "Does Blair know about wizards?"

"I heard it mentioned before." Chen Luo nodded and said, "They say that wizards can manipulate plants, heal diseases, and heal wounds. They also say that wizards are heresy and a symbol of evil."

With a trembling voice, Catherine asked, "Does Blair think so too?"

"Of course not." Chen Luo shook his head and said, "If curing diseases and saving lives is also heresy, then aren't all doctors evil heretics?"

Catherine suddenly raised her head, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and asked, "Do you really think so?"

"I feel that one is not qualified to evaluate something before one realizes it." Chen Luodao: "People say that witchcraft represents evil and magic represents justice, but I have never seen wizards doing evil, only magicians Killing without regard to the law"

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