My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 110 Parting

Remember-remember\\【End-this-God-station\\】Input-in-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m


Isabella had already asked him about where he would go after graduation.

Chen Luo asked casually, "Which school did Senior Alice apply for?"

"The Royal Academy of Magic." Alice looked at him and asked expectantly, "Will Junior Blair also apply for the Royal Academy of Magic?"

"No." Chen Luo shook his head and said, "I want to stay in Saint Donas."

Alice froze for a moment, and asked, "What are you doing in Saint Donas?"

"Be a teaching assistant." Chen Luo said: "I have already agreed with Dean Angus, after graduation, I will be a teaching assistant in the college."

Alice looked at him in disbelief. She had thought of all five possibilities, but never thought that he would choose the sixth.

With his ability and reputation, he could choose any one of the five prestigious schools. He has a brighter future, so why would he choose to stay in Saint Donas?

Normal people make such choices.

If he chooses Wangdu Academy of Sciences, then he is very likely to become a university student. If he chooses Wangdu Academy of Magic, with his talent, he will definitely become a great magician...

If he chooses to stay in Saint Donas as a teaching assistant, then in his life, he will at most be a teacher of Saint Donus...

He will never have the chance to become a great scholar, become a powerful magician...

Alice's lips moved, and she said with difficulty: "Brother Blair, don't you think about it anymore, you can only..."

Chen Luo shook his head and said with a smile, "I've already thought about it very clearly. I prefer Yapo City to the capital."

In fact, it's not that he likes Yabo City, but that he will go wherever Teacher Britney is. If Teacher Britney goes to the capital, Chen Luo will go with her without hesitation.

He looked at Alice who was stunned, as if she was making a difficult decision, and asked, "Senior Alice, is there any question?"

Alice looked at him, and it took a long time to regain her senses. A smile appeared on her face, she shook her head and said, "No, no, Junior Blair, I'm going back to the classroom..."

She stood up from her seat and walked towards the door in a daze.

When she reached the door of the classroom, her footsteps stopped again.

One step further and she will be able to walk out of the classroom.

However, Alice is very clear that whether to step back or take this step is not only her choice at the moment, but also her life's choice.

She turned her head and looked in a certain direction.

Chen Luo raised his head and saw Alice still standing at the door of the classroom. While smiling at her, he waved lightly.

Alice slowly raised her hand, waved to him lightly, turned and walked out of the classroom without looking back.


"Alice, which college are you going to apply for?"

"Will Alice apply for the Magic Academy? Let's go together..."

"Alice, please apply for the Academy of Sciences with me..."

In Class 1, Grade 3, Alice smiled slightly at her friends and said, "I'm going to apply for Wangdu Academy of Magic..."

The choice of the goddess Alice affected the choices of everyone in the class to a certain extent.

After hearing these words, several boys quietly changed the college they applied for to Wangdu Academy of Magic.

Alice saw their actions, but she didn't care. She walked to a place by the window and asked, "Isabella, where are you going to apply for?"

Isabella glanced at her and said, "It's different from you anyway."

Alice looked at her in surprise, and asked, "Did you apply for Wangdu Academy of Magic?"

Isabella looked at her and asked with a smile: "Are you happy, we don't have to meet often in the future."

Although Alice was indeed relieved in her heart, she didn't show it, and said, "I hope you can get into your ideal college as you wish."

Isabella waved her hand perfunctorily and said, "You too..."

Alice didn't ask again, but in her heart, she was still very curious about which college Isabella applied for.

So when the student who collected the application forms was about to hand them in to the teacher, she stopped him in the hallway.

The person in charge of collecting the application form was a boy. Naturally, he would not refuse Goddess Alice's request to confirm whether she had filled in the wrong college.

Alice was not looking for her own form, but Isabella's.

However, when she found Isabella's name, she found that there was only a blank space on the form above her application form.

That is to say, she did not choose any of the five major colleges in Wangdu.

She chose something else, the one Alice had finally given up on.

After school, Isabella saw Alice again at the door of the classroom.

Alice looked at her with complicated eyes and said, "You won."

Isabella looked at her in surprise and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Congratulations." Alice said slowly, then turned her head and left.

"I don't know why..." Isabella glanced at the back of Alice leaving, and walked towards the teacher's dormitory building with eyes full of expectations.

Blair said, eat rabbit tonight...


A few days after the start of the new semester, Alice left the college.

Before the winter vacation, she had already passed the certification of a junior magician, and her grades in all subjects were excellent. According to the practice of Saint Donus College, she could graduate from the college ahead of schedule.

It stands to reason that Isabella can also, but she still chose to graduate according to the normal time.

Isabella herself said that it was because she couldn't bear Miss Britney, and Chen Luo thought that she couldn't bear Chen Luo's roasted rabbit.

But to be honest, if Isabella really left, Chen Luo would be very reluctant.

After being together for a long time, even a dog would be reluctant to part with it, let alone his bed-warming maid. There used to be a family of three, and now only Teacher Britney is left alone. I'm afraid it will take Chen Luo a long time to get used to it.

Alice's farewell banquet was held in the Herman family's manor.

Herman is Alice's surname. The Herman family is also a powerful mathematics family in Yapo City. Since the decline of the Howard family, the Herman family has risen rapidly and has a decisive influence in the mathematics circle of Yapo City.

Alice has many friends. At the banquet that day, there were dozens of students from Saint Donus, and both Chen Luo and Isabella were invited.

Chen Luo doesn't like places that are too lively. The impression of that banquet is probably limited to the fact that the cake was soft and Alice's hug was very sweet...

Before the banquet ended, Alice gave all the girls including Isabella a hug.

Chen Luo was the only boy she hugged. That night, when Alice hugged Chen Luo, he was almost killed by the eyes of those dozens of boys.

And at the moment of hugging, what Alice whispered in his ear, Chen Luo still remembers it fresh.

Chen Luo had to admit that when Alice hugged him tightly and whispered "I will always remember you" in his ear, his heart throbbed for a moment.

He was just pretending to be stupid, not really stupid.

Chen Luo saw Alice's enthusiasm and initiative, and it's not like he didn't think about it.

But many times, people have to face various choices.

Forward or backward, only one can be chosen.

Alice has made a choice.

Chen Luo chose St. Donus, and Alice chose Wangdu Academy of Magic. Their lives should not have much intersection in the future.

"Alice has been gone for half a month, haven't you recovered yet?"

A sour voice came from his ear, pulling Chen Luo out of his memory, and he remembered that he was shopping with Isabella.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Chen Luo didn't look at Isabella, picked up a book from the nearby bookstall, and asked, "How do you sell this book?"

The owner of the bookstall said, "20 gold coins."

Chen Luo put down the book, shook his head and said, "A broken book sells for 20 gold coins, why don't you grab it?"

"You go to other places to inquire, is this book expensive to sell for 20 gold coins?" The owner of the bookstall was unwilling, and retorted: "Besides, what I sell are books, knowledge, knowledge is priceless!"

Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, and seemed to realize something, looked at him suddenly, and asked, "What did you say!"

The owner of the bookstall was startled by him, immediately retracted his head, and whispered: "Young man, why don't you lower the price, fifteen gold coins, no, ten gold coins..."

Chen Luo also felt that it was a loss to buy a book with ten gold coins. Wouldn’t it be nice to buy a top hat for Isabella with ten gold coins? Why did he buy this broken book without dozens of pages?

Isabella was wearing the black lace hat, and she was very happy. She glanced at Chen Luo and asked, "Why did you suddenly give me a gift?"

"Don't you think it matches your skirt?" Chen Luo looked at her and said, "Trust my eyes, wearing this hat, you are the most beautiful girl on this street..."

"little girl?"

"It's the beautiful lady..."


Chen Luo's aesthetics is still acceptable. Wearing that black lace hat, Isabella walks on the road, and the rate of turning heads is much higher.

Isabella's hat, Chen Luo can appreciate it slowly when he goes back, he is thinking about other things now.

Although the owner of the bookstall just now was a little dark-hearted, he had a sentence that made sense.

Books are valuable, but knowledge is priceless.

Priceless means that the value cannot be estimated.

That means a lot of gold coins.

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