My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 936 This is also part of actual combat training!

After several days of actual combat, Gao Yaling and her group's strength has increased a lot.

However, they can only do so now with ease against a comparable number of giant apes.

7 people can basically kill less than 10 giant apes without any damage.

Once the number exceeds 10, the pressure begins to increase exponentially.

When a group of people faced off against 20 giant apes, they had almost no chance of winning and were 100% wiped out.

Nowadays, just a few "elite" giant apes are enough to make everyone busy.

If we add 100 ordinary giant apes, they will all die!

"Send a signal to the boss for help!"

Luo Li made a prompt decision and asked Gao Yaling to send a distress signal to Luo Yanning.


Without hesitation, Gao Yaling raised her left hand and pressed a switch on the watch she wore on her wrist.

This watch is a sports watch developed by a technology company under Marx's name.

You can send a distress signal to other watches that have completed matching without any signal.

Even if one wearer is at the North and South Pole and the other is in outer space, they can communicate with each other.

Due to the high cost, this kind of watch has not been mass-produced yet, and Marx only gave it to a group of his brothers and masters.

Boom, boom, boom--!

The sound like a landslide and tsunami was getting closer and closer, and Gao Yaling saw that the giant ape was less than 100 meters away from everyone.

For those giant apes, such a distance only takes four or five seconds at most, which is faster than the sprint champions among ordinary people.

"Everyone forms a defensive formation! Ignore these elite giant apes for now! Protect yourself first!"

Luo Li immediately issued the combat order, which was the best way she could think of in this situation.


Everyone in the battle quickly changed their strategies and no longer attempted to kill the elite giant ape. They all withdrew from the fight and gathered around Luo Li.


The three elite giant apes did not want to give up, and continued to pursue the victory, roaring and launching waves of powerful attacks at everyone.

At the same time, the giant apes in the distance also rushed in front of them, and with their huge numerical advantage, they instantly surrounded everyone.

For a moment, everyone in the entire team felt that they were finished this time and were dead!

Three elite giant apes can already fight against everyone, plus 100 giant apes...

What to fight with? No need to fight at all!

It's about 20 kilometers away from the underground parking garage where Gao Yaling and the others fought.

Luo Yanning was flying in the air at high speed, scanning the city like a hawk, looking for suspicious locations.

Suddenly, the watch on his wrist first vibrated, and then made a piercing scream.

Didi, didi, didi -!

Luo Yanning stopped suddenly in mid-air, stopped steadily, raised her hand and glanced at her watch.

"Huh? Luo Li and the others are in trouble."

The place where he asked for help was about 20 kilometers away from Luo Yanning's current location, and was still within the teleportation distance of [Any Door].


Luo Yanning lowered his head and saw a tall building below, and quickly descended to the top of the tall building.

Glancing around, he saw an iron door on the top of the building leading to the downstairs. Luo Yanning came to the door in one step and put her hand on it.

Say "any door activate" silently in your mind!

The next second, Luo Yanning disappeared on the spot!

The next second, Luo Yanning appeared in the sky above Luo Li and her team.

From a high position, overlooking the black giant apes below.

Luo Yanning frowned slightly, feeling that something was a little strange.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. This thing is a little abnormal."

We have been in Rocky City for a few days, and we have never seen so many giant apes gathering together.



At this moment, Luo Li and the others were already fighting with the giant ape. The two sides were going back and forth, and the fight was inextricable.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

Swish, swish, swish--!

Crow alloy flying knives kept shuttling back and forth, harvesting the lives of the giant apes, but there were too many to kill them all!


Mu Wei was accidentally hit by the fist of an elite giant ape, and he was punched six to seven meters away.

Thanks to the fact that he had taken Tianyang Dan and the Spirit of Plants and Trees, his physique was far better than that of ordinary people, and he didn't even have any skin injuries.

If an ordinary person were to be punched by the giant ape, half of his life would have been lost.

"Junior brother Mu Wei, be careful!"

Du Enya saw a giant ape leaping high behind Mu Wei, preparing to give him a "Taishan crush", and hurriedly warned him.

Before Mu Wei could react, Du Enya rushed to Mu Wei's side in a flash, stretched out his hand, and pulled him aside.

Among the many senior brothers and sisters, Du Enya's reaction speed is considered the fastest.


The moment Du Enya took Muwila away, the giant ape that jumped high fell heavily!

The giant ape's two huge feet dug a deep hole of nearly 10 centimeters in the cement floor!

The cement floor at the edge of the footprints cracked into the shape of a spider web.

If this were to step on Mulvey, even if he was physically strong, he would inevitably be injured.

"God, thank you, senior sister, for saving your life! I owe you a life!"

After Mu Wei saw the big hole made by the giant ape, he also felt a chill running down his spine. If he were stepped on, he would be half dead or half dead.

Of course, he had a Tianxin Pill in his arms, so as long as he was not dead, he could be saved.

However, it would be best to avoid that kind of situation.

Tianxin Pill can be used as an insurance policy, and it would be better if it never takes effect!

Luo Xuning saw the situation below clearly from high in the sky, but he had no intention of taking action.

There is a saying in ancient martial arts called "stealing the secrets of heaven", which means that putting a person in an extremely dangerous place where he could lose his life if he was not careful can stimulate a person's greatest potential.

Now, a group of disciples are fighting against hundreds of giant apes with a small number of people, which is indeed extremely dangerous for them.

If they are not careful, they may be seriously injured by hundreds of giant apes, or even lose their lives.

However, from another perspective, the current situation is not a test for a group of disciples.

Although Luo Xuning rushed over as soon as he received Gao Yaling's call for help, his concern for a group of disciples was extremely genuine.

However, he would not take action unless necessary, and would seize every opportunity to give his apprentices actual combat, so that they could grow and become stronger in actual combat and in adversity!

There is not much time left for everyone to develop, and we must hurry up!


Marx was kicked eight or nine meters away by the giant ape, and he stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued to join the battle.

In today's life-and-death battle, only by going all out can there be a slight chance of survival.

"Boss, what's wrong with you! Why are you still like nothing happened! Why don't you come down!"

Seeing that Luo Shuning was hovering above everyone, with no intention of taking action at all, Luo Li couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and took the time to wave to Luo Shuning, signaling him to come down and save people quickly.

However, what disappointed Luo Li was that Luo Shuning was still standing in the air, with no intention of coming down to help.

"Forget it! It's better to rely on yourself than on anyone else!"

Unable to rely on her own boss, Luo Li seemed to have accepted her fate and continued to join the chaos.

Under the siege of hundreds of giant apes, Luo Li and his group lasted less than three minutes, and all of them were gloriously wounded. If they continued to fight, I'm afraid someone would really die.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Luo Shuning suddenly accelerated and landed in the field with a bang, blocking the crowd.

Swish, swish, swish--!

Six Kro alloy flying knives flew intricately, cutting the space and everything in front of them!

The moment Luo Shuning landed, he killed more than a dozen giant apes. His strength was much stronger than that of a group of apprentices combined!

Bang, bang, bang--!

More than a dozen giant apes' heads fell to the ground like ripe coconuts, rolling around.


The giant apes were very angry when they saw Luo Shuning kill so many of their brothers in one encounter, and they beat their chests and stamped their feet in anger!

The biggest difference between giant apes and humans is that they are far inferior in intelligence.

Any normal person would know that Luo Shuning showed strong fighting power, and they would know to be afraid and avoid him.

These giant apes didn't care how strong he was. Seeing that he had killed so many of their companions, they only had anger in their hearts!

The way to vent their anger was to defeat Luo Shuning and trample him to death!


Dozens of giant apes gave up the siege on Luo Li and her group, and turned to surround the direction where Luo Shuning, who was a greater threat, was.

In a few breaths, dozens of giant apes completed the siege of Luo Shuning.


One of the giant apes with an injured left arm roared and rushed towards Luo Shuning first!

Its left arm was just scratched by the Kro alloy flying knife controlled by Luo Shuning, and one of his best companions was cut by Luo Shuning's Kro alloy flying knife.

So it hated Luo Shuning to the bone, and wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood to comfort its dead companions.



Luo Shuning didn't know where the giant ape's hatred for him came from, and he wasn't interested in knowing.

Under his control, the six Kro alloy flying knives were like living things, drawing beautiful arcs.

Each arc took the life of a giant ape, just like cutting melons and vegetables!

In less than five minutes, the group of giant apes surrounding Luo Shuning and others were directly penetrated by him, and their numbers were sharply reduced!

At this moment, even the giant apes with touching IQs knew they were scared, and they didn't dare to charge again, and fled in all directions!

In a few minutes, Luo Shuning killed hundreds of giant apes, including the three "elite giant apes" that Luo Li and the others had discovered before.

Without the leader, the giant apes' lineup was completely messed up, just like seeing a ghost, they fled in all directions, the farther away from Luo Shuning, the better!

Soon, there was no more giant apes within a few kilometers of Luo Shuning's house!

When the giant apes ran, they were still shouting, as if to say:

This human is too scary! Thousands of giant apes died under his knife, run for your lives!

"Boss, you are so cruel, are you finally willing to take action? If you don't take action, we will all be here!"

Seeing that the crisis in front of her was successfully resolved, Luo Li did not forget to tease her boss even though she was in great pain.

Luo Xuning turned around and looked at everyone, saying: "This is also a part of the actual combat training. You can't always play in the wind and surrender when the wind is slightly against you, right?"

After hearing what Luo Yanning said, everyone finally knew why he didn't join the battle as soon as he arrived, and they finally understood him!

"Master is right! It's impossible for the enemy to be fewer in number than us in every battle!"

"If you don't push yourself, you will never know how much potential you have. Junior brother helped me up, and I feel like I can still fight ten more!"

"Indeed, life can never be smooth sailing. Everyone has good times and bad times."

"Master is mighty! This is the first time I have seen a giant ape be so scared of a person that he ran away!"

"Hahaha, indeed, the way those giant apes hold their heads and run around is so funny!"

"I feel that it is impossible to surpass the master in this life. It is hard to say whether I can have one-tenth of the strength of the master."

Luo Yanning's domineering fighting style just now made everyone extremely impressed.

In front of him, those giant apes were just "leeks" that he could slaughter.

Luo Yanning looked at everyone and said, "I see that you are all somewhat injured. Let's stop here for today's battle. Find a place to rest and recover from your injuries."

Everyone has taken [Spirit of Plants and Plants] and the cell activity is several times higher than that of ordinary people. Some minor injuries can be recovered by just resting for a while.

Some serious injuries can be repaired only by practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique.

Only a serious injury requires the use of Tianxin Pill. If it is not necessary, no one will use such a precious pill easily.

For everyone, Tianxin Pill is no longer just a pill, it can even be called one's "second life".

Everyone had no objections to Luo Yinning's arrangement. They helped each other get up and walked directly towards a nearby building that seemed to be relatively intact.

Ten minutes later, everyone came to the rooftop of the building and locked the iron door to the rooftop.

This rooftop is where everyone will rest tonight.

After the meal, everyone chatted for a few words, and the time soon came to the evening. The sun set in the west, reflecting the sunset on the horizon.

Everyone dispersed in the brother's corner on the rooftop of the building, and then started practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique.

In the process of practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique, you can not only gather and absorb more cosmic energy to strengthen yourself, but also repair some of the damage you have suffered. Even the most powerful healing medicine in the world does not have a single "Heaven's Heart" "Dan" works well.

Luo Yanning was not in a hurry to practice. Although he circled Rocky City more than ten times during the day in order to find the core area of ​​the Death Zone of Rocky City, he was not tired or sleepy at all, and he was very energetic.

Standing on the edge of the top floor of the building, Luo Yanning looked at the sunset in the distance and the deserted city under the afterglow of the sunset.

"Where is the core area? Why is it so hard to find this time..."

Luo Yanning rubbed her temples with a headache, still thinking about how to find the core area.

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