My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 45: Reason for cheating +1!

Huge problems are solved. new reading


Luo Erdan's family of three were extremely grateful to Luo Yanning.

"Yanning, how can I thank you?"

Luo Erdan held Luo Yanning's hand tightly.

"You're not that good at repaying kindness with hatred. Let go quickly, you're going to squeeze me to death..."

Luo Yanning smiled and cursed, took her hand out of Luo Erdan's hand and shook it.

Luo Erdan giggled a few times, feeling that it was worth it to have such a friend in this life.

Luo Guisheng said seriously: "Don't worry, Yan Ning, we will pay back the money we borrowed from you as soon as possible, within three years at most, with interest."

"Uncle Luo, what you said is a betrayal." Luo Yanning looked at Luo Guisheng and said, "I lent money to Erdan solely because of our two brothers' friendship of more than 20 years. You asked me for interest, but It makes me ashamed."

"But, this..." After Luo Guisheng heard Luo Yanning's words, he immediately didn't know how to proceed.

He also had good intentions and felt that he couldn't spend such a large amount of money like Luo Yanning for so long in vain.

These days, brothers are still settling accounts, let alone friends.

If you deposit 200,000 yuan in the bank, even if you can't buy government bonds, if you deposit it for three years, the interest will be at least 20,000 yuan.

Not to mention 200,000 yuan, even if you borrow money from Luo Erdan's brother, your eldest son Luo Dandan, you may not be able to borrow 20,000 yuan.

Luo Yanning lent him 200,000 yuan without saying a word. new

It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of kindness is as heavy as a mountain.

Luo Yanning waved her hand and interrupted: "Uncle Luo, Erdan and I don't have that much, but if you pay back this money slowly, it will be regarded as an interest-free loan."

"Thank you, thank you, Yan Ning, you have helped our family Erdan a lot."

Luo Guisheng stepped forward and shook hands with Luo Yanning, his face full of gratitude.

"Yanning, thank you." Luo Erdan's mother Li Chunfang also stepped forward to express her gratitude.

A family of three can't express their gratitude to Luo Yanning even if they express their gratitude a thousand times.

Luo Yanning transferred 200,000 to Luo Erdan on the spot and drove away without even asking for the receipt.

The family watched Luo Yanning go away, and then looked back.

Luo Guisheng looked at his son and said earnestly: "Er Dan, you are lucky to have friends like Yan Ning in your life. People want to help us, but we must not try to take advantage of them."

Luo Erdan nodded and said: "I know dad, I will pay the interest of the two hundred thousand to Yan Ning. I can't let others help us and still suffer losses here."

"You can rest assured that you miss me so much." Luo Guisheng looked pleased after hearing his son's words.

"This kid, Yan Ning, is just like his grandfather. They are both good people. Good people are rewarded."

Li Chunfang stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes and said a silent blessing in her heart.


It was just after six o'clock when Luo Yanning drove back to Tianyuan Community. new˙ɔoɯ

After parking the car in the community, walk towards the outside of the community.

Having lived here for a long time, I met many people on the road who looked familiar, but I didn’t know them and couldn’t call them by name.

Every day I pass by these familiar strangers.

"Little Luo, Xiao Luo, wait a minute, wait a minute..."

I heard someone calling Ronaldinho behind me, and the voice sounded familiar.

Luo Yanning stopped and turned around to see an old lady with mottled hair, reading glasses and a vigorous pace walking towards her.

Luo Yanning knew this old lady very well. She was a neighbor who lived downstairs and lived alone.

Luo Yanning helped her pass through a sewer once, install two mirrors, adjust TV channels three times, and repair water pipes four times.

After going back and forth, we got to know each other.

However, when we meet him unexpectedly in the community like today, he suddenly feels like he has forgotten the words while picking up his pen.

Luo Yanning couldn't remember the other person's last name for a while.

"Zhao Qian Sun Li Zhou Wu Zheng Wang Feng Chen Chu Jiang Shen Han Yang..."

I recited hundreds of surnames silently in my mind, covered them all, and finally remembered the surname of this aunt.

"Aunt Han, what's wrong?" When Luo Yanning remembered the other person's last name, old lady Han Chunxiang had already arrived in front of him.

Han Chunxiang stopped in front of Luo Yanning and asked, "Xiao Luo, what are you doing here?"

Luo Yanning pointed outside the community and said with a smile: "I just came back from get off work and am going to go out to eat."

When Han Chunxiang heard this, she said enthusiastically: "I haven't eaten yet! That's just in time. I went to my aunt's house to eat today. I stewed ribs and fish, and bought a roast duck."

"Aunt Han, this isn't very appropriate..." Hearing that the other party was so generous, Luo Yanning was really embarrassed to eat for nothing.

Han Chunxiang said eagerly: "What's inappropriate? You have helped Auntie so much, and Auntie hasn't thanked you properly yet, so that's it.

When trying to make money in restaurants outside, they use the cheapest blended oil, and the vegetables they buy are wilted specials from the vegetable market.

It's neither clean nor hygienic, and it costs more. Don't go out to eat out in the future. Just tell Auntie what you want to eat, and Auntie will cook it for you. "

"..." Faced with Aunt Han's enthusiasm, Luo Yanning was a little at a loss.

After all, the two of them are neither relatives nor friends, they are just neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

This kind of relationship means nothing in a big city.

Many neighbors who have lived on the same floor for many years have never met each other.

It's obviously not appropriate for me to just go and have a meal with such a shy face.

If you continue to refuse, you feel like you are letting down the other person's good intentions.

It’s very confusing and difficult to handle.

Han Chunxiang saw through Luo Yanning's entanglement at a glance and said immediately:

"Xiao Luo, don't be embarrassed. Auntie happens to need your help with something, so consider this meal as a treat from auntie."

+1 reason for cheating!

Luo Yanning immediately asked: "Aunt Han, what can I help you with?"

"The mixing faucet in my kitchen is broken. Could you please drive to the hardware store outside to buy a faucet for my aunt, and help her replace the broken one by the way."

As Han Chunxiang spoke, she took out 400 yuan from her pocket and handed it to Luo Yanning, saying, "I asked, the tap is a little more than 200, you can add some gas for the rest, I can't ask you to make this trip in vain."

"Forget it, Aunt Han, it's not that far, just press the accelerator, just go for it." Luo Yanning passes by the hardware store outside the community every day. It is less than two kilometers away from the community, and it only takes three minutes to drive there. He was really embarrassed to ask for the old lady’s gas money.

Han Chunxiang insisted: "How can you help auntie and ask you to pay for gas? It's not easy for you young people to make some money when you leave early and come home late. Auntie has a pension and is not short of money."

"Forget it, Aunt Han, I really don't need it."

"Don't, gas prices are rising every day now, I can't let you suffer a loss."

"My small car is very fuel-efficient. It cost me only 1 yuan to travel from our neighborhood to the hardware store."

"One yuan is money. You young people spend money everywhere..."

"Aunt Han, keep your money and buy more nutritional supplements..."

The two of them pulled and pulled, demonstrating the art of pulling to the fullest.

Luo Yanning saw that the fight between the two attracted many passers-by, so she had no choice but to find a way to resolve it quickly.

"Then give me 300...I can't ask for more."

Luo Yanning used a delaying tactic to accept the money first and return it to the old lady later.

Seeing Luo Yanning's firm attitude, Han Chunxiang didn't force it: "Okay, Xiao Luo, go back quickly. Auntie will be waiting for you when she gets home."

Luo Yanning said goodbye to the old lady and turned back downstairs to drive.

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