My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 42 Don’t forget the well digger!

Waiting for the dumplings to be served. New 𝑐𝑜𝑚 reading

Luo Yanning opened the system with a thought and checked the income status this morning.

【Super scenic spot system】

[Binder: Luo Yanning, 24 years old. 】

[Binded scenic spot: Heilong Mountain Scenic Spot]

[System attractions or buildings: 1 Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple]

[Account amount: 88889 yuan]

[Task 1: Attract 100,000 tourists to check in at the scenic spot, task progress (15138/100000). 】

[Task 2: Help 2,000 infertile patients realize their dreams of becoming parents, task progress (8/2000). 】

[Zhang Wei (ID card 130131********3 is successful, reward the host 100 yuan. 】

[Li Qian (ID: 130131********3328) successfully checked in at the Empress Temple and triggered a critical hit, rewarding the host with 999 yuan. 】

In one morning, more than 80,000 yuan was added to the system account, nearly 90,000 yuan.

This is not the point.

During this period, almost every morning it cost 80,000 to 90,000 yuan.

Luo Yanning has become accustomed to this, and it is difficult for her to have any major psychological fluctuations.

Unless someone triggers a super critical hit, the reward will be 1.8 million.

The point is, two more levels of progress have been added to the second system tasks!

In less than a day, the progress of the second system task increased from 4 to 8, a doubling of growth!

"It seems that Yang Erni, the publicist, is playing a role. New"

Seeing the real progress in the game, Luo Yanning once again confirmed that the strategy of recruiting "publicity specialists" was correct and effective.

It is feasible!

"Yanning, the dumplings are ready."

Yu Haiyan cooked the dumplings and brought them to Luo Yanning's table.

Luo Yanning's dumplings obviously have more dumplings than other diners, and they are considered the PIUS version.

"Thank you Aunt Yu."

Luo Yanning smiled and thanked her, and asked casually: "How is the business in the store recently?"

"Okay, very good, it's getting better day by day." Yu Haiyan smiled brightly when talking about the business in the store.

In just over a week, the dumpling shop has made more than 5,000 yuan.

According to the current business conditions, in one month, you can earn at least 10,000 yuan.

I am a rural woman who wants education but not culture, and wants skills but not ability.

You can actually make so much money in a month.

Before opening a dumpling shop, Yu Haiyan never dared to think like this.

Don’t forget the well digger when you are drinking water.

The more profitable the dumpling shop becomes, the deeper Yu Haiyan's gratitude towards Luo Yanning becomes.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Let me tell you, Aunt Yu's skills will definitely make a profit in opening a dumpling shop."

"Haiyan! Give us two pork and green onion dumplings."

As soon as Luo Yanning finished speaking, an old lady entered the store holding a half-year-old child with one hand. new

Luo Yanning waved her hand and said, "Aunt Yu, go and do your work. You don't need to greet me."

"Okay, I'll go then." Yu Haiyan said apologetically, then turned around to greet the three people who had just entered the store.

Not long after the grandfather and grandson sat down, another middle-aged couple arrived.

Looking at the dumpling shop, the business is booming.

Yu Haiyan slowly emerged from the shadow of depression.

Luo Yanning was also happy for her, for Shui Miaomiao, and for their family.

After finishing the meal, Luo Yinning scanned the QR code on the table and paid 20 yuan.

After eating and drinking, drive back to the scenic spot.

At the entrance of the scenic spot, adults are still queuing up to receive brochures.

Seeing two cars with foreign license plates, one white and one black, parked in the parking lot, Luo Yanning couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

This is where real tourists visit the scenic spot.

Moreover, there is a high probability that you will come to worship at the Empress Temple.

Park the car, open the door and get out.

Luo Yanning entered the scenic spot directly from the staff passage.

After entering the door, walk straight towards the Empress Temple.

A visit to the Empress Temple costs at least a hundred yuan.

Even small mosquitoes are meat.

Whenever she comes to a scenic spot, Luo Yanning will definitely check in at the Empress Temple every time.

[Luo Yanning (ID card 130131********3 is successful and triggers a critical hit, rewarding the host 1999 yuan. 】

"That's enough money for 100 dumplings."

Seeing the amount of the check-in reward, Luo Yanning couldn't help but smile.

"How are you, Mr. Luo?" An aunt who was responsible for distributing eggs at the Empress Temple saw Luo Yanning and said hello to him with a smile.

Luo Yanning nodded and asked, "Well, hello, are you still used to work?"

"Get used to it, get used to it, very used to it!" The aunt smiled and nodded, extremely satisfied with her work.

Once it's close to home, you can go home every day and won't be delayed in anything at home.

Secondly, the work in the scenic spot is very easy and not tiring at all.

Moreover, wages in scenic spots are not low either.

Luo Yanning smiled and nodded: "Just get used to it. If you have any comments or suggestions at work, you can go to Miaomiao for feedback."

"No objection, no objection at all! This is definitely the treatment at our scenic spot!"

The aunt said carelessly, stretched out her thumb towards Luo Yanning and praised her.

Just as Luo Yanning was about to turn around and leave, she glanced around and saw Old Mrs. Yang accompanying four tourists coming out of the main hall of the Empress Temple.

Old Mrs. Yang Fengxian was wearing a black Taoist robe today, and her sparse gray hair was tied into a bun on her head.

Coupled with the temperament cultivated by the old lady as a goddess for many years, she looks somewhat immortal.

The four tourists cupped their hands and bowed to the old lady. After saying goodbye, they turned and walked outside the scenic spot.

"Mr. Luo, you're here!" After seeing off the four tourists, the old lady stepped forward and greeted Luo Yanning with a smile.

As the number of employees in the scenic spot increased, Mrs. Yang Fengxian's name for Luo Yanning gradually changed from "Little Luo" to "Mr. Luo".

Since there are only two grandsons and Luo Yanning in the front area, it doesn't matter what their name is because there are so few people.

Nowadays, there are more employees in the scenic area. As an ordinary employee, it is obviously not appropriate to call his boss "Ronaldo" in person.

The old lady has lived for most of her life, but she still has this awareness.

The old man also often taught Luo Yanning during his lifetime.

As a boss, you can be kind and treat your employees well.

But be sure to keep a certain distance.

Never mingle with employees, as that will only make you lose all credibility.

This is especially true for young bosses when facing a group of old employees.

If prestige is lost, it will be difficult to regain it.

An approachable leader is highly valued, but may not be favored by employees.

Strong leaders are arrogant and arrogant, even if they often curse at their subordinates, they are stopped by high mountains.

This is also the reason why many leaders hold back when getting along with their employees.

If you don't hold it up, you should hold it up.

Luo Yanning smiled and asked: "How is the incense in our empress temple lately?"

"From yesterday afternoon to now, several waves of out-of-towners have arrived. The four who just left are also from the city. From what they said, they were introduced by Old Man Yang's clinic."

The old lady looked puzzled and said: "It's strange. When did that bad old man Yang Jingtian become so kind and push people to our scenic spot?"

"As expected..."

When Luo Yanning heard what the old lady said, she became more confident in the "Propaganda Specialist" plan.


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