My Return to Life

Twenty-five, ignition ⑥

The impact of Wu Capital's one-handed operation is not just as simple as Fang Nian, who was fishing, being harassed by Miao Wei's phone calls.

Although the market value of the Shrinking Group is not too high, it has the world's largest market share in the personal computer industry, and it has attracted a lot of attention.

And this time it is not limited to domestic scope.

Overseas capital also moved after hearing the news.

For example, Goldman Sachs quickly issued an investment risk warning: "Five capitals with complex backgrounds and unclear positions suddenly entered the game. After careful consideration, our institution adjusted the investment risk of the declining group to extremely high."

Other capital giants on Wall Street have issued similar investment risk warnings.

Designed to warn their customers.

They can also find out some things that the frontier can find out.

After the five capitals entered the game, although the shareholding structure of the shrinking group became clear, the situation became much more complicated.

The actual public shareholding is only a little over 9%.

No matter what happens in the stock market at this time, it is not suitable to hold stocks of declining groups.

Discussion hotspots in forums related to Hong Kong stocks also focus on declining groups.

"Those who still hold shares in the Shrinking Group, quickly throw them away!"

"The background of Five Capital is actually not mysterious or complicated. It is cutting-edge, but the capital investors behind it all have great backgrounds. It is absolutely impossible for Five Capital to be mixed casually."

"In short, Wu Capital's move is likely to trigger wolpeach's aggressive behavior of smashing the market!"

“At that point the shares of the declining group may be worthless.”

"The recovery will be slow."


When everyone was discussing, Liu Xi arranged an anonymous report.

"Five Capital suddenly bought the equity and voting rights from the two major holding organizations of the Shrinking Group, perhaps because of some special considerations, such as the current development of the Shrinking Group has dissatisfied some parties, and will carry out privatization restructuring... "

This anonymous report is not limited to these, it also revealed some specious things to the outside world.

The purpose is of course to sing the downfall of the declining group.

However, the performance of the shrinking group in recent years, especially since the sudden acquisition of public shares by foreign capital through the stock market, the performance of its management has left a very bad impression on the public.

It cannot be eliminated in a short time.

In particular, Boss Liu repeatedly broke the defense, which aggravated the public's bad impression of decline.

After the anonymous news came out, netizens almost overwhelmingly agreed.

Wolpeach didn't miss the excitement either.

Ignoring the opinions of the general public, he directly threw a mockery at the management of the declining group: "The management of the declining group is the highest management in the world I have ever seen. Surprisingly, the annual salary of some members of the management ranked number one in the world.”

"It's really strange that the founder of the Withering Group has repeatedly asked for help through certain circles to resolve the internal conflicts of the Withering Group."


Indiscriminately attacked the senior management of the withering group and Boss Liu.

Among other things, the Shrinking Group still has two world number ones.

The first is the world's largest market share in the personal computer industry.

The second is that the CEO's annual salary is the first in the world.

The annual salary of the current CEO exceeds RMB 100 million, far ahead of all CEO positions in the world.

Including the CEOs of Microsoft and Apple, and even the salaries of founders and CEOs of many large companies.

Even after excluding the share dividends, the CEO's annual salary is more than 50 million, which is still far ahead, probably the number one in the world.

Even if the frontier is far ahead in the average salary in the technology industry,

The salary of key employees is far ahead, and the annual salary of tens of millions is not enough.

One must know that even after Liu Xi takes over as the chairman of Frontier, her annual salary will not be too high, including benefits and bonuses, it will be less than 20 million.

Such a thing is probably the only case of a declining group in the world.

I didn't forget to mock Boss Liu's operation of constantly asking for help through the circle.

This ridicule also sparked widespread discussion among netizens.

"To be honest, I still agree with wolpeach on this point. This situation of pushing the mountain top is to deliberately form class antagonism."

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with helping each other. This is obviously a small circle. What about fines for being late, access thresholds, and all employees agree that these things have a woolly effect on economic development. Isn't it convenient for them to become capitalists and form an information monopoly? "

"That's why I don't like to wither. I really hope that domestic computer brands will be stronger."

"When it comes to computer brands, Zero Degree is actually very capable. It has its own smart unmanned factory, its own core hardware, and a self-developed operating system. Unfortunately, it has not established a sales network."

"I think that if the shrinking group continues to develop like this, it will be replaced sooner or later. This foreign invasion is really a mirror."

"I really want to say, Lingdu, Shenzhou, Xiaomi, Juchang, and Tongfang, hurry up!"


The withering group did not turn a blind eye to wolpeach's practice of directly mocking the withering executives.

Quickly responded: "Zhiluo Group is the company with the largest PC market share in the world. It has a glorious experience and tradition. Mr. Yang is an excellent manager of our group. He deserves every penny he gets!"

"Wolpeach's shameless and despicable style of slandering the decline is beyond reproach! Our group will use legal means to protect the reputation of our group's management!"


At the same time, Boss Liu's anger was completely ignited.

The shrinking group is the most important property of shrinking holdings, not one of them, and it is also the most important part of Boss Liu.

Although Weiluo Holdings holds many shares in financial companies, the shares of Weiluo Holdings are still quite complicated for Boss Liu, and it takes energy to divest some of them.

But now, the shrinking group is suffering an unprecedented crisis in the stock market, and his position as honorary chairman has encountered unprecedented challenges.

At this time, wolpeach, an overseas capital, dared to provoke him.

How can Boss Liu not be angry at talking and doing things so presumptuously.

"Withering will never allow foreign capital to enter, no matter what method the foreign capital uses, even if they try to dissolve the shrinking!"

"My personal honor and disgrace are not important anymore, I will do my best to preserve the decline and drive away the greedy wolves from outside!"

"No matter who it is, I can't stop me from maintaining the integrity of the withering!"


Very strong, very tough.

As soon as the voice came out, Ma Jack received full support.

Although Ali withdrew from the Withering Equity Defense Alliance for various reasons, Ma Jieke still spared no effort in supporting Boss Liu.

There are many things in the market that everyone can understand.

It is always harder to destroy than to build.

Boss Liu can also understand Ali's sudden retreat. After all, Ali needs to be listed on the US stock market. With wolpeach's influence on Wall Street, it cannot be said to prevent Ali from going public in the US, but it can delay the time for Ali to go public in the US.

It's not worth it for a small transaction of several hundred million.

However, wolpeach was not afraid at all, and directly responded: "There is an old saying in China, what is old but not dead..."

To poke Boss Liu's heart.

Simply ruthless.

Moreover, through various means, they frantically provoked all those who stood on the side of the withering, and the five capitals did not let them go.

"A newly established small capital institution, the bereaved dog of Wall Street."

"Withering, I'm sure!"


And wolpeach once again showed its shameless side: "Companies like the Shrinking Group only care about the interests of executives and do not respect intellectual property rights at all. One day in the future, our institution will hold enough shares. Our institution promises to give enough respect to intellectual property rights and give You, as scientific researchers, should pay attention."

"0% of the shares, never seen before."


Because wolpeach hit a hammer to the east and a stick to the west, Boss Liu couldn't match up.

His tolerance for wolpeach has reached a kind of limit.

Then, Boss Liu used all his contacts and tried his best to acquire the tradable shares of the declining group through private transactions.

After a day or two, the real tradable shares of the shrinking group dropped directly to 3.7%.

The 3.7% are all in the hands of retail investors, and some of them are still waiting for the price to recover before selling.

There are still a few who can be regarded as nail households, that is, those who bought declining stocks and forgot about them, or held them for a long time without caring about the price at all.

In the stock market, there are almost no sell orders for the stocks of the declining group.

There are also very few hands.

Under such circumstances, Liu Xi did nothing but put almost all her energy on the market.

Of course, there are some other transaction processing.

Such as the selection of a new group cfo, this cfo has no chance to enter the front office for the time being.

The second is the 2013 Annual Summary of Frontiers.

Different from other companies, Frontier's annual summary must be completed before the afternoon of the last day.

In the past Fangnian period, Fangnian didn't ask at all.

Now Liu Xi is the acting chairman. She feels that she doesn't have that much personal charm, and she is also the cfo, so she needs to handle many things personally.

It is impossible for Liu Xi, the chairman of the board, to take up all the energy of the shrinking group.

this day.

Fang Nian, who was far away in Yangcheng, received a landline call.

Different from Shencheng, the yard in Yangcheng, which was bought and built by itself, has some special links, such as fixed-line communication lines.

The overall cost of this entire line is very high, including the maintenance cost of the later 5 years, and Fang Nian spent 200 million yuan for it at one time.

Without it, the color of the phone is red.

There are two numbers in total.

One is to be placed in this courtyard, and the other is to be moved at any time. For example, if Fang Nian is going to travel far away, he will always carry a phone with him on the plane or vehicle he takes.

Usually, Fang Nian's call is not easy to get in, and not many people even know the number, only about a few dozen people. Miao Wei knows it, but he doesn't pass the number easily.

Fang Nian answered the phone and said something, and then Ping Shu's voice came: "Xiao Fang, the fishing is almost done."

"I'm full." Fang Nian said calmly.

Ping Shu said lightly: "That's good."

Fang Nian thought for a while, then sighed and said: "The rich man's fields are connected with fields, and the poor man's land is perish."

"Frozen three feet." Ping Shu didn't mind Fang Nian's seeming tactful bluntness.

Then he said something pointedly: "The frontier is good."

Just hung up the phone.

Fang Nian smiled and put the microphone down, Ping Shu's meaning was too clear:

The frontier is not bad, but the five capitals are not so good!

There is another point: it is not impossible to be rich, and it is not impossible to be very rich, but it cannot be just rich and rich.

It's actually a philosophical question.

Fang Nian understood a little bit in his last life, but he understands it thoroughly in this life.

These are the unique skills that China will always stand on top of the world.



Almost immediately after this call.

The already intense situation was ignited once again.

This fire is still set by wolpeach.

The impression given to all the audience is that in the process of acquiring the Withering Group, the various operations carried out by the management of the Withering Group accumulated rare anger and exploded.

"According to reliable information, the current real tradable shares of Hong Kong-listed company Shrinking Group are only 3.56%!"

"Everyone must be very confused. According to the public shareholding calculation, the outstanding shares of the shrinking group should be 16.56%!"

"This has to mention the best management and the best founders called by the shrinking group have done a good job."

"The shareholding structure of the Shrinking Group is as follows:


"So, now everyone understands why 13% of the shares disappeared?"

"The Withering Group was an eye-opener!"


Of course, wolpeach does not only release this fire.

Then came the second fire.

"According to the gossip, Boss Liu has already been pushing the Academy of Sciences to sell some of its declining holdings!"

"The reasons are as follows:


"Shrink Holdings began to test the waters to invest in financial institutions in 2002, and began to enter in a large scale in 2008.

Its territory coverage is magnificent.

Since 2008, Shrinking Holdings has gradually allocated the financial industry as a strategic asset, increased its investment in this field, and the investment amount has also increased by an order of magnitude.

After that, Shrinking Holdings became the major shareholder of many financial institutions including banks. "


"I don't need to say much about the thoughts of Shrinking Holdings. I have repeatedly used the form of forming cliques with the management team. Is it suddenly clear?"

"The Academy of Sciences doesn't need to thank us too much. We just simply can't understand the actions of the management of the shrinking group. We really don't take you as a major shareholder in our eyes, and we don't take our organization seriously!"


While the shock of the people is not over yet.

wolpeach released a third fire.

"Since my institution started to acquire the shares of Weiluo Group, Zhiluo Group has contacted more than a dozen private financial institutions to intervene, many of which are well-known companies, such as Tomorrow, Anbang, Fosun, Baoneng..."

"It's actually nothing to put it together alone, but what if there is such a territory?"



In the end, when the fire was set off, it can almost be said that the entire Internet was in an uproar.

And the operation of wolpeach is not over yet.

"Obviously, the board of directors of the shrinking group has completely disregarded the interests of shareholders, and the major shareholder on the surface has long existed in name only! Since the purchase of the stock of the shrinking group by our institution, the stock price of the shrinking group has been fluctuating, seriously damaging the interests of our institution! "

"Our organization requires a general meeting of shareholders to recall all members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors! The new board of directors and the board of supervisors should be composed of five capitals, the Academy of Sciences, and representatives sent by our organization!"


The public opinion that was already in an uproar on the Internet exploded.

This acquisition of the shrinking group initiated by foreign capital started from uncovering the scandal of the management of the shrinking group, and finally lifted the entire fig leaf of China's private financial market in one fell swoop.

Its inside story even caused an uproar in the global financial market.

It also completely ignited the nameless anger of countless people after they knew the truth.

Everything was unexpected by everyone.

And the first general consensus view that popped up was:

wolpeach is over!



ps: Some of the content can only be mentioned in one stroke, and it seems that there may be a certain sense of fragmentation.

ps1: The new book has been released, please move forward to give more comments, and try to present a story that more people like.

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