My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 454 Aftertaste and rewards (5K)

Teacher Fang didn't know that he had been transmuted, and was promoted to the top existence of the forest goddess among the ancient gods.

After he exiled Maharaja Yujin, he used his remaining power to wipe out the source of disaster within the scope of his divine sense. This process is very easy, just like using the toilet cleaner to clean the dirt of the toilet.

When the power level reaches the standard, the source of disaster that requires law and power to deal with can be broken with a flick of a finger.

Afterwards, Instructor Fang used the remnants of the remaining power to burn firewood, activated the 'space shuttle' skill, and returned to the Fire Academy in an instant, and then went through the passage of the secret realm to return to his base mansion.

...and fell down.

"The battle is fun for a while, and it's even more sour afterward."

Fang You bared his teeth.

He has experienced similar sequelae, and he has also suffered the heavy pressure of the long river of time and space. His body seems to be crushed, and his soul is exhausted, but he has gradually gotten used to it after experiencing a lot.

If you do it a few more times, you will probably be able to resist without changing your face.

... It's strange!

This kind of soul burden has surpassed the limit that the will can reverse. He can grit his teeth, make himself sit up, stand up, and do a set of national gymnastics, but he doesn't have the energy to actually make a move.

And with this fighting method of "exploding for tens of seconds, recharging for half a year", the other mentor can step into the semi-god state without having to do it a few more times.

After being promoted to a demigod and casting the body of a demigod, his resistance will definitely be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Teacher Fang sighed again. He lay in the dormitory of the Apostle of Destiny, switched his perspective and watched the battlefield for a while. Seeing that there was nothing serious, he began to recall the battle 1 minute and 20 seconds ago.

The battle experience in the ninth realm is particularly valuable, and in the previous battle, I played well and achieved greater results with less consumption.

Well, it can also be said that the Lord Yujin is slightly weaker than the Lord of the Blood Lake.

"A high-ranking being is in charge of power, and every word and deed can arouse the power of law, and can use itself as a fulcrum to leverage the infinite power from the world."

And the end of power is authority.

In the Candela era, there was a Tianzhu who ruled the country once said: Give me a kind of authority, and I can move the whole world.

The mentor of the authority party still can't understand it, but the authority, after the battle and use just now, he has already gained a little understanding.

He saw that membrane!

It's just that the distance is still far away, beyond reach.

His use of power is still very simple, and he was able to defeat Maharaja Yujin purely by overwhelming others.

Also just beat.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill the opponent completely, but he has an intuition that even if the body of Maharaja Yujin is completely shattered, the opponent can be reborn.

For high-level existence, fragmentation at the physical level does not seem to be enough.

But he didn't know much about the annihilation beyond physics, and he didn't have the time and conditions to try and simulate the situation at that time, so he chose the most reliable and safe method.

Seal and exile!

Instructor Fang referred to the epic skills "Seal Lock" and "Four Elephant Barrier", and made changes to the world of ten thousand trees supporting the sky created and evolved from the tree of life.

In the end, he threw the seal into the endless turbulence of space, letting it float around.

And made a wish, hoping that Maharaja Yujin could drift to the blood moon camp, dark camp and other camps.

Hope people are okay.

Put your hands together.jpg.

But Fang You had no way of knowing whether something happened or not. It is also possible that the next moment, Maharaja Yujin will return from the turbulent flow of time and space, and bring more high-level beings, standing in a row, and the endless black giant shadow will cover the vast area of ​​Yunhui.

He is on guard.

Time passed, one day, two days, several days passed, the entire Yunhui Great Region was calm, and there was no trace of any myths or demigods from the Heihe camp, as if they had all left in desperation.

This is not as expected.

But it is also difficult to get on the same channel when trying to figure out the high-level existence of the evil god camp with human thinking.

After a few days of delay, Teacher Fang walked out of the apostle's dormitory, came to the Firewood Academy, and stepped out from the academy's secret gate.

outside the door,

The palace is magnificent, with countless pure white towers standing everywhere, and the diffused soft light dispels the thick gray fog.

Under the hazy sky without fog, vigorous pedestrians were coming and going, hawking and shouting, very lively.

Farther away, countless mountain-like corpses could be seen looming in the gray mist. Many Awakened ones alone or in groups went deep into the piles of treacherous corpses like rolling mountains or seas of filth, searching for the materials and strange objects left behind after the treacherous death.

Many high-level awakened people scrambled into it without the demeanor of a master, giggling.

Now is the harvest time.

When the mysterious high-ranking existence "killed" Maharaja Yujin, he also wiped out many demigods and myths of the Heihe camp, as well as many sources of disaster rooted in the Yunhui Great Territory.

Not surprisingly, the Heihe demigods and Shinhwa who were besieging the Xinhuo Academy immediately fled.

Heidao, An Jianyou, and Qianhong fought out, killing many servants of the evil god. Afterwards, the college and the idle awakened people outside relied on the clear sky to wipe out tens of millions of evil spirits outside.

Then it fell to the present, the scene of corpses everywhere.

These evil corpses spread pollution all the time, but at the same time, they are also hidden treasure piles. Even legendary materials can be dug out of the seven-star treacherous body.

An Jianyou, the housekeeper, and Xiao Huan, a money fanatic, of course dug away the seven-star treacherous drop early on.

Especially Xiao Huan, she roams in the space, incarnates Digger Ji and Transport Ji, her efficiency is extremely high, she cuts off all valuable parts of Gui Xie's body, leaving nothing behind.

However, there are too many evil corpses piled up outside the academy, and in this battle, the contributions of these awakened people gathered outside the academy are not small, Fang You thought for a while, and then opened the pile of evil corpses to the public 'Scavenging rights'.

The Fire Academy is only responsible for charging a small management fee.

The academy will not keep this fee for itself, he is going to distribute it to the awakened who died in this war-the battle where the black knife ruled hundreds of thousands of awakened, the results were brilliant, but there were not a few awakened who died in battle.

Some died from exhaustion, some died from the aftermath, and some died accidentally rushing out of the army formation.

Dozens of Xin Huo's own students died in this battle.

The major forces have always ignored the deaths of non-family members, and they will not pay pensions to these idle awakened people. Some forces even hope that the mercenaries can die more, so that they can save a lot of mercenary money.

"Xinhuo Academy, it is indeed very different from other forces."

"Some people say that Xinhuo Academy is stupid, maybe it is, but I am willing to throw my head and blood for such a force! In this disaster, only Xinhuo Academy cares about little people like us and small oases everywhere."

"When I return to Shuanglin Dayu, I must publicize the deeds of Xinhuo Academy."

"Me too!"


The awakened ones shuttled among the bones of the mountain of corpses, exchanging and discussing excitedly. Occasionally, when someone finds a high-level treasure, there will be bursts of exclamation.

Such things as killing people and seizing treasures did not happen outside of Xinhuo Academy.

The strong men of the academy are watching over here.

A few days ago, the awakened ones had fought side by side, and their blood was not cold, and they couldn't do things like treasure hunting. What's more, if you have the time and energy to kill people and seize treasures, it's better to open up some weird corpses, maybe the next person who will die is yourself.

Fang You also walked through the mountain of corpses and bones. He was dressed in a spotless white robe, which was incompatible with the surrounding mountain of corpses, which were dominated by gray and black.

However, it was as if he didn't exist, and even if he passed through the bustling crowd of people, he wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dean Fang looked around and saw a happy look, so he set his sights on the Torrent Harbor in Yunhui Dayu, after positioning for a while, he used Xiao Huan's 'Virtual and Real Shuttle' skill for nothing, and stepped out in one step.


His landing point was still within the Luofeng domain.

Fang calmed down for a while, and when the pressure in the space almost dissipated, he took another step.

After taking dozens of steps in a row, Fang You arrived at Torrent Harbor.

A few days later, Torrent Harbor still maintains its wartime state, but most of the functions of the super ritual array covering the oasis have been turned off, and only some small water currents are left flying around.

It is still prosperous here.

The city was slightly affected, and some buildings were damaged, but the main body remained the same.

It's just that many flying vehicles flew out of Torrent Harbor and sank into the end of the sky.

Most of these are dignitaries in Torrent Harbor. The servants of the evil god came in menacingly. They had no time to escape at that time. Now that the air route is clear and the siege is no longer there, they are of course unwilling to stay. God knows whether the servants of the evil god will launch a second wave of offensive.

They fled to other cities in the Waterman Kingdom and to the other six countries.

But anyone with insight knows that if the Torrent Port, which represents the gateway to the Waterman Kingdom, is destroyed, the other six countries will not be spared. However, according to Fang You's knowledge, Shuiman Kingdom and the other six countries are quietly transporting batches of direct descendants to foreign domains.

This is not cowardice.

The foundations of the Seven Great Nations are all in the Yunhui Great Territory, and they will definitely not be able to leave if they leave, and they will not have many illusions. But just in case, it is also reasonable for the Seven Great Nations to find a way to keep a batch of fire.

Today, some super oases in the paradoxical world may have ancestors that are not inferior to the top forces of the Seven Great Nations and the four overlords of the Broken Sea.


Arriving at Torrent Harbor, Fang You found that it was unexpectedly lively.

Some dignitaries left in flying vehicles, but more people came from other places with excitement.

Surprised, he listened attentively.

"Hey, talk about us. We are from the ancient wood country. We came all the way to Torrent Harbor. Of course we came here on a pilgrimage."


"Don't you guys know that the one who saved Torrent Harbor and the entire Yunhui Great Territory not long ago, is the legendary Forest Goddess, look, the fragrance of the Goddess still remains outside the city..."

Outside the rapids port, the terrain of the mountains and rivers is completely different from before. The most eye-catching thing is a huge black star standing in the distant sea area.

The star sinks into the sea, but the water only covers a third of the star.

Looking up at this huge black star, it is not difficult for the awakened to imagine how terrifying the battle that day was.

Teacher Fang looked over and couldn't help but marvel.

He just felt small.

Giant stars are disasters.

Where there are disasters, there will naturally be miracles.

Outside the rapids port, there are still trees rooted in the earth and rising straight to the sky. After losing the support of Teacher Fang, most of these sky-reaching giant trees have withered away, and the remaining ten or so trees have also shrunk a lot, but the scale still shocks the world.

For example, if Torrent Harbor is as big as a palm, the broken trees that reach the sky are the chopsticks standing upright.

On the giant trees, we can also see the swaying vegetation and falling leaves.

You know, this is an absolute dead silence, a strange world where no normal life exists.

This is not a miracle, what is a miracle?

Fang You came here on purpose, also wanting to admire...bushi, from the perspective of a bystander, to appreciate his remaining power.

The more you look at it, the more you feel shocked. What a power it is.

Compared with it, demigods are nothing more than the brilliance of fireflies, let alone mere myths.

"As expected of me, I have forever changed the terrain of mountains and rivers in a vast area with a wave of my hand. In the future, this place may form a treasure land that can produce special resources."

"Wait, what the hell is a forest goddess?"

Overhearing a term most discussed by passers-by, Teacher Fang looked down at himself, lost in thought.


In the city lord's mansion of Torrent Harbor, the former city lord ran around humbly, serving tea and water like a servant.

But he was not dissatisfied, he just felt honored.

The lord of the city, surnamed Luo, is in charge of the secular power of Torrent Harbor, but he is only a first-class title Liujue. Usually when encountering major events, he has to ask for instructions from the Mythical Crown who is retreating in Torrent Harbor. However, at this moment, the Mythology of Torrent Harbor all looked respectful, listening to the speeches of the few big men in the middle.

The only giant in Shuiman Kingdom, the demigod of pure water;

The giant of Yuntu Country, the old man in the cloud;

The giant of the red sand country, the old lord of the red sand country;

There are also two giants of Xinhuo Academy, Myriad Dao Sword God and Immortal Rock Dragon.

Even though it was the ancient god who had been revived and returned from legend, it didn't mean that these giants no longer had any sense of existence.

They are still the heroes who saved Torrent Harbor, especially the Immortal Rock Dragon Lord, but they forcibly took the blow of a high-ranking existence.

What a beer this is!

"The legendary Goddess of the forest has killed Maharaja Yujin and wiped out most of the disaster. In my opinion, this disaster will almost pass."

Pure Water rubbed his chin demigodly.

Seeing that he was so sure, Liu Feng still couldn't help asking, "Uh, why are you so sure that the one who shot was the Forest Goddess, and how sure are you that the high-ranking presence of the Heihe camp won't attack again?"

"This kind of mighty power is naturally the goddess of the forest."

Several demigod giants all showed strange expressions.

It seems that Xinhuo Academy doesn't know much about ancient history? Are they too young?

"Oh, it is said that there is a high-ranking existence called the 'Lord of Ten Thousand Beards', but with the mighty power of that person, it is estimated that it is impossible to easily wipe out a servant of the evil god, so it can only be the forest goddess. However, this goddess His existence is quite secretive, and His honorable name is still unknown.”

"His honorable name? Isn't it the goddess of the forest?"

"No, no, this is different. The Goddess of the Forest is the honorable name of the gods in the age of the gods. Today is the mysterious era. As far as I know, most of the ancient gods have disappeared and changed their honorable names. Changed to a secret name that is more suitable for the mysterious era... The reason for this is unknown.

"Perhaps the Forest Goddess is already a hidden existence known to us, but we have not been able to connect the two honorable names."

The pure water demigod paused and continued, "As for the safety confirmation, oh, our Shuiman Kingdom has existed for so long, so we naturally have some means, not to mention, we have already obtained key information from a sage."

What this message is, the demigod did not say.

But judging by his confident appearance, Liu Feng believed it.


"Sage, the Ninth Realm exists among human beings, and its whereabouts are erratic, and it will not sit in an oasis for a long time."

Fang You muttered, there is very little information related to the sage.

He thought, "However, human sages are truly high-ranking existences. They are not parallel importers like me, and they have survived for a long time. They must know many secrets. It is reasonable to have some way to confirm them."

"In the final analysis, my speed of gathering intelligence is very fast, but I still can't keep up with the speed of the organization's progress and growth."


At this time, Fang You was about to go back home, when he suddenly intuited something, but it was very vague.

The change is far away.

He thought for a while, and drew some power of the world from the hand of the world lord who had just been filled with energy, burned it, and used it to amplify his divine sense.

In an instant, his perspective was infinitely high, and everything in Torrent Harbor, Water Man Country, and Yunhui Dayu appeared in his heart, and he seemed to become omniscient and omnipotent.

This is just part of the mighty power of the Ninth Realm.

With this great power, he 'saw' an extremely distant place, which was probably a vision of the Paradoxical World.

Black water is all over the sky, and red clouds are bursting.

Mountains and rivers shattered, and the great domain trembled.

This is,

"A battle between high-ranking beings? And definitely more than one or two!"


Back at Xinhuo Academy, Fang You couldn't consciously recall the terrifying scene he saw just now.

He couldn't see clearly.

The distance was too far away, and his gaze could easily penetrate the space of several large domains at that time, but it was still too reluctant to cast it on the Zhonggui Realm without an anchor point.

He didn't continue to try.

It would be bad if it caught the attention of the servant of the evil god.

At this time,


"Reminder: The destiny mission 'Disaster Intervention' has been completed, and the evaluation of this mission is 'SSS+'."

Fang You raised his eyebrows.

They had already completed 2/3 of this task before the outbreak of the Great War. Later, they turned into a forest goddess... Ah bah, he who is in charge of the power of the ninth realm wiped out most of the sources of disaster in the Yunhui Dayu.

The rest, with the efforts of Xin Huo and the Seven Great Nations, were quickly eliminated.

However, there are still some corners and corners that have little impact on the source of disasters.

These days, Xin Huo Myth and Xiao Huan ran around, finally getting rid of the sporadic sources of disaster scattered in various surrounding domains.

Although the time was longer, it took six or seven days.

However, the next few days had little impact, which resulted in a good mission evaluation.

"Obtain: Destiny Point x 300W"

"Obtained: Secondary Apostle Certificate × 500"

"Obtain: Golden Skill Card x 50, Golden Skill Seed x 10"

"Obtained: Legendary Draw Scroll (Gold) x 20, God Demon Draw Scroll (Red) x 3"


Instructor Fang glanced at the first three items and skipped them.

The fourth reward, the legendary-level drawing volume can only be said to be okay, but the god-level level...

He couldn't bear it anymore, and tore it apart casually.

Magnificent crimson brilliance bloomed in front of my eyes, and the rhyme of mysterious and profound laws diffused.


"Hint: You have obtained the 'Law Monument·Fire' (red)"

"Hint: You have obtained the 'Law Monument Sword' (red)"

"Hint: You got the 'Law Monument·Wood' (red)"

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