My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 149 Maeda’s diary, a fire burning to the sky! (Second update)

Even the crazy snowfall before did not condense the black clouds like today the day before.

There was no weather forecast and no ability to predict a snowstorm. Relying on instinct, Sumo felt something was wrong.

It just so happens that today is another sunny day, and some of the snow above has begun to melt and turn into water. Once the temperature drops tomorrow, it will become solid ice.

By then, it will be extremely difficult for even a well-equipped player like Sumo to go out, let alone others.

"I hope the snowfall comes later, otherwise it will be a nightmare if it continues like this!"

Putting away his worries, Sumo drove the Dihu onto the high platform. He lay down and inspected the lower chassis of the Dihu.

With this design, Sumo can clearly see the collision marks from his previous trip below.

"The chassis will be polished tomorrow. It's best to reinforce it as a whole. Otherwise, after traveling in the wasteland a few times, the car will be completely destroyed!"

After climbing up the pit, asking the three children to enter the corridor door, turning off the lights outside, and closing the heavy stone door, the world became clean again.

Every day's busyness is for the sense of security that continues to flow in at this moment.

Two small and large sparks walked up and down the corridor curiously, cooing from time to time, as if they had discovered a new world.

Although Oreo was very curious, he still insisted on walking behind Somo and guarded him honestly.

"Okay, okay, don't get defensive when you get home, just relax!"

Lowering his body, Somo picked up Oreo and strode inside.

After upgrading the base, this was the first time that the third child returned home from outside, so he was naturally very curious.

The completely changed base has a three-story design, various partitions, and bright overhead lights.

All of this has a strong visual impact on wasteland creatures.

Putting down the Oreos, Sumo opened the freezer where the food had been frozen and cut two kilograms of beef out of it.

"January seventeenth in the wasteland, good luck. Today we completely revolutionized the interior design of the shelter. Celebrating meal: beef dumplings!"

"It's such a luxury, you have to pick two heads of garlic to celebrate!"

After recording this chapter in his diary, Sumo felt happy and came to the breeding room with a "perfect" excuse.

Finding the two garlic sprouts that had the best growth and the greenest color, Sumo carefully reached down and pulled them out by the roots.

The time is too short. Despite the acceleration of the medium, the garlic below is still about one-third smaller than the normal size, and the garlic cloves are also very tender.

But for Sumo at this time, enough is enough!

Smelling the earthy aroma of new garlic and garlic sprouts and the smell of fresh vegetables, Somo's mouth watered and he quickly returned to the stove.

Quickly knead the dough, chop the beef, add various seasonings to taste, and cut the two garlic sprouts into pieces and add them to the dumpling filling.

He was boiling water and making dumplings at the same time. Under the dual-line operation, Somo's hand speed was very fast.

The firewood was slow to boil water. When the water in the pot boiled and rolled, Sumo looked at the dumplings on the chopping board and put them in with a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, he poured some vegetable oil into the pot next to him and started preparing the spicy dumplings.

Smell the spicy and burning smell, and smell the sweetness of the dumplings cooked by You Neng.

Somo suppressed his inner desire and began to mix the dipping sauce.

Cut one pound of beef into thin slices, put one pound into dumplings, add vinegar and a little soy sauce and sugar.

Use chopsticks to pick up a tumbling dumpling and add it to the dipping sauce. The conflicting flavors are really amazing!

Putting it in his mouth, feeling the taste, Somo gently bit open the dumpling wrapper. The next moment, the juice exploded in his mouth along with the taste of the dipping sauce, directly pushing people into the clouds of happiness.

"Ah, delicious!"

Seeing that the three children were already on the verge of "going berserk", Sumo was eating all the dumplings and distributing them one by one, sitting in front of the stove, eating one dumpling at a time and eating it with a piece of garlic. .

If you eat meat without garlic, the flavor will be reduced by half.

At this time, the dumplings are made of garlic, mixed with large pieces of beef and wrapped in dipping sauce. The taste and feeling are simply delicious.

The spicy dipping sauce, the chewiness of the beef, the deliciousness of the dumplings, and the bright electric light above your head.

Living in the shelter, Sumo seemed to have returned to the civilized world. Sitting at home during the New Year, the family happily ate dumplings and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

Listening to Yue Yunpeng's cross talk on the stage, complaining about magic tricks full of loopholes, and an unforgettable night that will never be missed

"Three days to go"

Seeing the three little ones eating without raising their heads and salivating, Su Mo shook his head and suddenly lost his previous excitement.

Gazing at the shape of the dumplings and thinking about the meaning of Chinese dumplings, Sumo felt a soreness in his eyes.

"I don't know how my parents are doing, whether my sister has enough to eat, and the New Year's Eve will be in four or five days, ugh."

These days, Sumo kept himself busy forcibly, just to forget about the current life-or-death situation of his parents and sister.

At this time, even though the delicious dumplings were still releasing their flavor, Somo was a little uninterested and lost his appetite.

I finished my dinner hastily, washed the pots and stoves, took out the Goff brand toiletry set I bought in the morning, and finished washing up.

Even if there was a light to continue working, Sumo chose to return to the small bed, turn on the lamp, and lie quietly.

Oreo also seemed to sense that Somo was in a bad mood, so he ran over obediently, lay down next to the bed, and stayed quietly.

Human beings have emotions, which are beautiful, but also heavy.

Sumo is not a person who is easily decadent or depressed, but at this moment in this safe shelter, before the coming snowstorm, he just wants to have a good rest.

"It will come! Parents! Sister! They will definitely come!"

Looking at the ceiling, Sumo's eyes seemed to penetrate the wall and reach the sky shrouded in dark clouds outside.

The icy cold wind has begun to gradually sweep across the wasteland, which is completely different from the warm and great cooling during the day.

It’s finally here!

There are three days left, and after twelve o'clock in the evening, the disaster will come.

At that time, three consecutive days of snowstorm will become a sharp knife to massacre all humans in the wasteland.

Sitting on the bed, feeling depressed, Somo also lost his usual desire to browse the world channel. He turned around and began to take out Maeda Kento's relics from the storage space to observe.

Niyu during the day solved the ventilation problem in the shelter. Taketo Maeda is like the selfless sun. Even though the person is gone, it is still shining with light to "warm" others.

At this time, of all the things, only three were left that were valuable.

A hard-shell notebook containing a diary.

Two maps, one large and one small, with unknown records on them.

Putting the map aside first, Somo sat up and began to look at this unique "diary" with the help of the bedside lamp.

In a civilized era, what serious person would keep a diary?

But when they arrived in the wasteland, everyone seemed to be in tune with each other and got into this habit.

Like Magu, Maeda Kento also chose to write by hand in a notebook, and his handwriting was extremely neat.

With the translation of the game panel, when reading this diary, the complicated Japanese was directly translated into Chinese and displayed in front of Soma's eyes.

The diary started recording on the fifth day, but before that, Kento Maeda carefully added the records of the previous days and some important information.

Reading through it carefully, the information conveyed in the text seemed to bring Somo into God's perspective.

Before Kento Maeda traveled through time, he was the owner of a boxing gym in Neon Country. He recruited some rogues to teach boxing in the gym.

On weekdays, he likes to bully men and dominate women, commit crimes and commit crimes. With the protection of his boxer, he can live well in a small area.

The neon sign is not big, but the gap between the rich and the poor is quite large. People who are doing well are getting better and better, while those who are doing poorly are naturally getting worse.

From the beginning of this fight, Maeda Taketo recorded the words "one step faster, each step faster" in his notebook more than once.

From being able to control the gang of scoundrels in the boxing gym by one person, to being able to control both sides of the world in the wasteland by pulling a group of people to work, Taketo Maeda also has a strong protagonist template.

Looking through the diary of the past few days, Sumo saw that the reason why Maeda Kento was able to hook up with the kobold was because of his hard fist.

The kobold tribe that was born only had a pitiful fifty people, which were much weaker than the rat men and lion men next to them.

In such an environment, Maeda Kento keenly discovered that the fireball technique has great potential!

In the end, he chose to join the weakest force and brought the technological invention of gunpowder into the world of kobolds.

Brimstone is next to the Skaven camp.

At night, taking huge risks, Maeda Kento finally dug up dozens of kilograms secretly. It was this risky move that made the kobold gradually believe in him!

Crazy gunpowder production and crazy aggression. When the number of kobolds was insufficient in the early stage, Maeda Kento and the kobolds killed no less than fifty humans who were placed nearby. Finally, the conditions for the first summons were met. .

At this time, the kobold group, which was originally fifty people, suddenly expanded to 100, and had the strength to challenge the rat people who numbered up to 400.

After the first battle, only 9 warriors' lives were sacrificed. The kobolds defeated the strong and got the chance to super summon. They killed 2,000 people at once!

What is this concept?

Watching Maeda Kento express his shock at the arrival of the alien race in his diary more than once, Somo seemed to have come to the grand summoning ceremony and watched the kobolds walking out one after another.

"It turns out that the castle was also summoned. I asked how such a tall building could be built in such a short time!"

"Huh? Maeda Kento is actually instructing Marshall to secretly draw the structure of the kobold castle. Is there anything good in the castle?"

Seeing what Kento Maeda wrote in the diary on the seventh day when summarizing today's gains and losses, Somo took out two maps with a guess.

One of the big ones, judging from the crooked straight lines, is clearly a hand-drawn map!

"Good guy, all the structures and distribution in the kobold's castle have been figured out by this group of people!"

The records on the map were extremely detailed. Even though some places were unclear due to Marshall's ability, Sumo could clearly see the structure inside the castle.

And on the right side of the fourth floor, Sumo also saw a place marked in red with three big characters written on it:

"Treasure Room!"

"There is something. This place should be a place used by kobolds to collect treasures from the outside. According to this, it is very likely that the laser head of the thermal weapon tool machine is here. The safety disappears under Magu. The core of the house might also have been taken back!"

After checking the clues of the two missing items, Sumo suddenly became excited. He took back the diary and another map and began to carefully study the defense weaknesses of the kobold castle.

Compared with castles designed by humans, the structure of the kobold castle is not complex, and there are many dead ends that are weak points.

"Unfortunately, it is difficult to enter the castle. Unless all the kobolds are transferred away from the mountain, or most of the kobolds leave the castle, we will probably have a chance to enter!"

After looking at it for a while and suppressing the idea of ​​rushing in directly, Somo also felt a little sleepy. He took back the map, lay down on the small bed, turned off the lamp, and fell asleep peacefully.

Oreo on the side saw that Sumo's mentality had recovered, and he returned outside with confidence, lying down with the big and small sparks.

However, this sleep is destined not to last until dawn!

In the middle of the night, when Sumo was still in a daze, Oreo's manic barking suddenly echoed throughout the shelter, waking Sumo up in an instant.

"Is there an enemy?"

Oreo shook his head, but the uncontrollable mania on his expression was very obvious, as if something important was happening.

A carp stretched out and stepped vigorously. Somo quickly turned on the light, took three steps into two steps and came to the command room. He turned on the big-ass TV and started to check it.

Seeing this, Sumo was shocked!

At this time, the outside sky seemed to be on fire. It was originally a dark night, but now half of it was reflected in fiery red!

It is the power of fire to burn the sky!

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