My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 335: The blood stays forever, casting our country's borders

"The meeting continues."

The annual summary meeting is being held in the meeting room of Tingming Pavilion.

The circular meeting room covers an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. The white marble walls are clean and tidy. Except for the light patterns, there is no extra decoration. In addition, there are twelve huge stone pillars that hug the two people along the wall.

Looking up along the stone pillars, you can find that there is no ceiling in the meeting room. The more you go up, the light gets darker, and the top of the stone pillars are hidden in darkness.

There are two round conference tables in the spacious conference room, and the outer conference tables have twelve positions.

The twelve seats are facing the twelve stone pillars, and on each seat sits a soldier with a straight waist and a serious face.

These soldiers are men and women, old and young.

If you have to say that they have any similarities, apart from the straight military uniforms, all that is left is the meaning of killing on their bodies.

There is also a smaller conference table in the center of the room. Eight elderly people sit on this conference table.

The headed old man was gray-haired, dressed in a tunic, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, giving people an unspeakable sense of intimacy.

At this time, wooden mallets and ceramic cups were neatly placed in front of him, and he looked at the big screen suspended in the middle like everyone else.

Of course, in addition to these twenty people, there is also a young man in formal clothes.

He held the folder and reported to everyone present.

"According to data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, the area of ​​Arctic sea ice dropped sharply in September this year, becoming the second lowest value since observations. The reason for this phenomenon is the emergence of extremely warm'black sea water' in the Arctic Ocean. This kind of sea water can quickly melt sea ice..."

The clear voices of the young people echoed in the empty conference room. Looking at the ominous black water on the screen, everyone in the room looked different.

The headed old man cleared his throat: "Everyone talk about it."

Meetings have been held for several days, and domestic affairs have been processed and summarized. Some tired people are not so concerned about international affairs.

At the conference table in the center, an old man with a slightly fat body looked around for a week and said with a smile: "Why don't you speak anymore?"

"If you don't say anything, let the old man tell me, Xiao Sun, I remember this is not the first similar report this year."

The young man in formal attire saw the old man asking himself, and quickly replied: "Yes, this is not the first similar incident this year. The high temperature in Siberia in the Raksha country for more than a month and the appearance of pink snow mountains in the Alps all appeared this year Abnormal reaction."

"Yeah." The fat old man rubbed the stubble of his chin: "This kind of abnormal temperature change that covers many places around the world, I don't believe it is caused by mutant creatures. If it is not caused by mutant creatures, humans are very The situation has no effect."

"I think we can continue to observe and research, but don't put too much thought on it, I'm done."

"Is there anyone else who has different opinions?" The old man in tunic suit took up the gavel: "If not, we will start voting now."




"19 agree, 1 abstain, 0 oppose, this issue is passed."


The sound of the hammer hammer sounded, indicating the end of this issue.

The old man in the tunic suit picked up the ceramic jar: "It's rare for generals to come to the Imperial Capital for a meeting, so you can put forward any comments."


There was a sound of rubbing tables and chairs, and the twelve people stood up and saluted.

"Oh, you kids." The only old woman at the conference table in the center laughed: "Old Chen in our house was just like your boys, smelly and hard."

"No matter how hard Old Man Chen is, he will still fall into the hands of Sister Tang."

The thin old man in Tang suit joked.

"That is, sister, I was also a talented woman who was famous in the emperor."

"It's all right, it's a meeting." The headed man in tunic suit glared at them: "And you, sit down wherever you stand."

"Xiao Sun, the next topic."

The young man in charge of reading hurriedly opened the document.

"NASA recently announced that they have detected that a region in the South Atlantic Ocean has a weak magnetic field, and this location has been drifting again and has a tendency to become larger. According to their speculation, if this situation continues, it may cause the magnetic field to rupture. The earth’s magnetic field is reversed, and the South Pole becomes the North Pole.”

A simulation animation was shown in the video, and Tingming Pavilion became quiet again.

The faces of everyone present showed varying degrees of change.

"Talk about it all."

The old man in tunic suit put down the ceramic jar with a faint smile on his face.

"Can you really tell?"

At this time, a rough voice sounded from the peripheral seat, and his tone was still questioning.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a strong middle-aged soldier speaking.

"It's General Xiao Qin, let you just talk." The old man looked at him with a smile.

"You can tell, the adjutant told me to speak less before I came." The strong soldier muttered softly, then cleared his throat and said with a loud voice: "I don't think this is very reliable, so what is it? Last year it was said that Antarctica might have an entrance to parallel time and Isn’t this nonsense, haha..."

"Qin Zhenbei, it's a meeting."

The young soldier nearest to him grinned and reminded in a low voice.

Qin Zhen Beihu's eyes stared: "It was Mr. Wu who asked me to say that. Am I wrong? The grandsons of the Bald Eagle like to put some messy things to confuse their eyes. I, Qin, don't believe them."

Several people nodded slightly with a smile on the corners of their mouths when he said this.

"What Zhenbei said is not impossible. Besides, even if the magnetic field is inverted, it is not something our generation can solve. We have to leave something for future generations to solve, right?"

"So I suggest the same as above, keep paying attention, and don't have to fight."



"All agree, vote passed."


The mallet made a noise.

Everyone's spirits were refreshed. This is the last topic of this year's summary meeting.

It can be over after the chairman of the meeting concludes his speech.

The old man in Chinese tunic suit stood up.

He looked around for a week, looking at the twelve solemn generals with expressions of relief.

"My Daxia this year was a fruitful year. Good results have been achieved in all aspects of mutant creatures, and breakthroughs have been made in paleontological research... Under the leadership of your generals, the major legions, Defeating our country’s borders without fear of hardship...Finally, on behalf of the citizens of Daxia, we would like to give you early greetings in advance.

"I wish my Daxia country peace and prosperity, and wish my Daxia soldiers prosperous in the martial arts."

The twelve soldiers stood up and saluted with solemn faces.

"Blood stays forever and casts our country's borders."

The neat slogans echoed in the conference room, and several elderly people at the conference table in the center showed their feelings.

The old woman surnamed Tang burst into tears.

Because this slogan was called out by her husband before he was martyred.

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