My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 211: The old net has suppressed the cloud

"Long Yan Meteorite?"

Looking at the vague and depressing reddish clouds in the night sky, the sturdy young man in a black suit turned his head and asked.

Behind him stood more than a dozen men who also wore black suits and sunglasses. One of them said: "Director, Long Yan Meteor is a very rare trick of the dragon family. It hasn't appeared in many years."

After he finished speaking, he clicked the button on the sunglasses frame, and rows of data were displayed on the lens: "According to the monitoring, the energy fluctuation of the unknown dragon attribute mutant creature's body is constant at fourth order, but the highest energy fluctuation after the Longyan meteorite is used. The peak value is close to the sixth order."

Different from other equipment to detect the strength of pet beasts, he wears the newly launched high-tech product energy detection glasses, which can quantify the approximate level and skill power of the target through a series of values. It is now one of Daxia's most sophisticated products.

Hearing this, the man in a strong suit nodded and looked up at the distance with a hint of envy.

after all.

Dragon Knight is the romance of every Yin Zhi man.


A muffled thunder-like sound spread in the night sky, the reddish black clouds rolled like boiling, and the speed of several cyclones was getting faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, the cyclone slowly squeezed out a black and cracked boulder.

"here we go!"

In an instant, the eyes of the Yundu Alien Management Bureau, the Yundu Underground Management Department, and the hidden parties all looked towards the dark red sky.

After the boulder broke away from the clouds, the speed of its fall slowly increased. After breaking through the sound barrier, there was a cracking and silk-like tearing sound. The magma in the cracks burned alive, burning fierce flames, and soon the entire boulder was covered by flames. Covered, dragging thick black smoke to the mountain below.

The night fox's pupils reflected larger and larger meteorites. Even if Longwei's shock had ended, he didn't have the courage to escape, just staring blankly at the meteorites getting closer.


The huge meteor slammed heavily on the mountain, a dazzling fire burst out instantly, and then a small mushroom cloud was seen rolling up into the sky, the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out quickly, the earthquake trembled the mountain and fell off, and countless rubbles Splash.

The high temperature melted the rocks, and the dark red magma quickly covered half of the mountain, looming in the dust.

A huge roar spread across half of the city. Countless citizens woke up from their sleep. They watched the skyrocketing fire outside the window in horror. They ran out wrapped in quilts. The streets were full of crying, piercing car sirens and The flames in the sky aggravated the panic of the crowd.

The command hall of the Yundu Alien Management Bureau was silent, watching the scene like a disaster shot by the drone.

Zhao Liqian clenched his fists with both hands and his eyes were complicated. The situation had developed to such a point that he could no longer be solved by the director of the alien management bureau.

It's no longer a matter of being able to continue to participate in the competition. It is not a small crime to rashly launch such a powerful trick to cause panic to ordinary citizens.

Cang Haiyuan stood on the platform under the spire of the dilapidated church. He held his eyes with one hand and sighed as he watched the sky fire. Then he sent the video of the shot to Chen Yixin.

At the same time, the spies hidden in the various forces in the cloud city have spread the information. Dragon type mutant creatures are rare, let alone a dragon type with strategic skills.

It is conceivable that in the near future, the entire Daxia, and even all forces in the world, will focus on this unknown dragon mutant creature.

Shao Zifeng still didn't know that he was in the future whirlpool, and the alcohol anesthesia made his behavior become presumptuous.

He looked at the mountain that was smashed out of a huge hole, his smile on his face was even more mad, his eyes flashed with the pleasure of revenge, but unfortunately this shot was a bit off, and he did not count the ugly mutant creatures. Smashed to death.

They were stunned by the shock wave, with large areas of burns on their bodies, and they rolled in pain among the gravel rocks flowing with magma, and wailed.

Shao Zifeng raised his head, his golden-red pupils reflected the rolling dark clouds, looking forward to the arrival of the next meteorite.

At this moment, his figure suddenly shook, the heavy breathing of the ball became rapid, the flame covered on the dragon's wings quickly became thinner, and the two wings of fire element condensed began to become illusory.

The violently tumbling and spreading dark clouds suddenly stopped, and then retracted toward the center at a faster speed to dissipate, and the sky full of stars reappeared.

"What's going on." Seeing this scene, the sturdy man in suit quickly turned his head and asked his assistant.

The assistant held on to the frame, and the data on the lens refreshed quickly. After a while, he said: "It seems that we have far underestimated the power of the Dragon Flame Meteorite. That dragon mutant creature is not strong enough to maintain the complete release of skills. "

The strong man looked at the impact crater that melted into magma a little speechless, so this kind of power is not yet complete.

No, you have to prepare a case for this kid when things pass.

The ball slammed the dragon's wings as it gradually dissipated. When it was more than three meters away from the ground, it could no longer sustain it and fell directly into the air.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, the ball held Shao Zifeng in his arms and used his back to resist the impact.


There was a slight cracking sound of the scale armor, and the ball shuddered in pain, and subconsciously wanted to form a spherical shape to cushion the impact, but when he saw Shao Zifeng in his arms, it bit the non-existent teeth and resisted it.


The severe pain made it cry. Don't look at the reminder so big, but it is still a baby less than one year old.

Hearing the painful cry of the ball, Shao Zifeng's eyes slowly became clear. He quickly got off the ball and hugged its big head in his arms: "It's okay, the ball, where did it hurt?"

"Woo." (It hurts)

Being held in his arms by Shao Zifeng, the ball was gently rubbed with his head. This familiar breath made it feel at ease. Unfortunately, it was a little smaller, and he couldn't hide in his pocket happily and play.

Thinking of Shao Zifeng’s gentle voice, sniffing his body, thinking of not being able to follow him anytime and anywhere for so long, the ball felt even more aggrieved, and tears fell constantly The sobbing.

Tears fell on the hot ground and evaporated instantly.

Shao Zifeng was frightened and affected by the empathy of the ball. Water mist filled his eyes: "Don't cry the ball. Turn it over and show me where the deer has been injured. Come and chant with life. Treat it with the ball."

While talking, tears flowed down.

Hearing Shao Zifeng's call, the deer hiding on the side took a few long legs and jumped to their side, watching the ball worriedly.

The ball's head was buried in Shao Zifeng's arms and turned over with a choke.

Lingling who flew out from nowhere was eating and watching. Seeing them crying in joy, they puffed up their small faces and brewed, and a trace of water vapor was brewing in their jasper-like eyes, and quickly flew over and lay on Shao Zifeng’s hair He whimpered and joined the crying ranks.

The deer ignored them, but went to check the injury of the ball with concern.


Seeing the few scaly deer broken off on his back, I was shocked.

That's it?

Want me to sing praises with my life?

Bah, scumbag man.

The little deer looked at the three sand sculptures of the master and servant with disgust, her eyes shone, and he randomly brushed the ball with a healing technique.

Then they got more angry as they watched, and ran to the side with a grunt.

Yu Guang glanced over from time to time.

Ball ball.


I don't have a name.

When thinking about the deer, tears flowed down.

Born to be nameless, Deer is sorry.

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