My House of Horrors

Chapter 152: He has a unique charm

At seven o'clock in the evening, I ran the wrong two circuits. Liu knife finally carried Chen Ge to the destination.

"Get off the bus, I will take you to meet other people in our studio." Liu knife parked the car and got into the woods next to him.

"This is already fast in the county?" Chen Ge checked the backpack and took everything and got off the bus.

The road has not been maintained for many years, and it has been pitted and thrown with some broken stones. It is as if someone deliberately blocked this road and did not want people to pass through it.

The trees on both sides of the road should have been planted very early, very tall and tall, very lush.

Walking into it, the canopy obscures the moonlight, but it doesn't shine a little, giving people a feeling of a little gloomy.

It was dark, and Chen Song turned on the flashlight and followed the Liu knife. He walked for ten minutes or did not walk out of the woods.

"Brother, shouldn't you be lost?" Chen Ge looked at it for a long time and found no one.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Liu Knife made a phone call and then walked to the other side of the woods: "This environment is very complicated, there is no reference, and you will get lost if you don't pay attention. You go to the hospital alone, on the road. Be careful, it's best to make some markings on the trunk."

After another few minutes, Liu Dao and Chen Ge finally walked out of the woods. They saw a large civilian tent on a slope.

"This is the only open area in the vicinity, and it is also the best place to signal." Seeing the knife came over, the busy people in the tent all came out.

"Liu Ge, how come you come back? The manpower is not enough. You want to exhaust me and Li Jie." A young man with a flat head and a head with a teapot complained that he looked like he was in his early twenties. Greatly awkward.

"I clearly know that I am a road idiot, but I have to pick up people." She is talking about Li Jie. Her skin is rough and her body is stronger than the average man.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Liu Dao quickly slammed Chen Ge: "This is the anchor of the third hospital to be singled out - Chen Ge, there is still some time since the start of the live broadcast. You have taught him more about the use of live broadcast equipment. Method and shooting skills."

"He is Chen Ge?" Li Jie pushed the Liu knife away, and the Pingtou youth looked at Chen Ge together. When they saw the style of Chen Ge at this time, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Isn't it a live broadcast? What do you bring with a chicken?

They really want to vomit Chen Ge's dress, but after all, it is the first time to meet, and it is hard to endure.

"My name is Zhang Ping, this is Li Jie. Tonight, we are responsible for the live broadcast." Pingtou Youth entered the tent with Chen Ge, and there were a lot of equipment inside. He told Chen Song how to use various things, and then let Chen The song opens the black suitcase and teaches Chen Song's shooting skills and precautions.

Outside the tent, Li Sister looked at this scene, and she had no bottom in her heart: "Old Liu, are you sure that this kid can do it? We sacrificed two hundred thousand recommendations to focus on the anchor, and then won him a second-level page promotion. This is the fear and Qin Guang’s fallout, and it’s clear that we are not optimistic about us.”

Liu knife points to the root smoke, the platform recommended resources are divided into five levels, the best level, the fifth level is the worst, the biggest recommendation they can get for a new person is the secondary page recommended.

"He only has one second-level recommendation, Qin Guang's three first-level recommendations are carried out at the same time, and there is a cover big picture advertisement. The two sides are not a quantitative one at all." Li Jie has not been optimistic about Chen Ge, this feeling is seeing Chen Song. I am more intense, I want to be the anchor of the explosion, or look very beautiful, or speak very distinctive, strong personal style, or have a variety of specialties. But these Chen Ge seem to have no, he feels very ordinary. It is neither arrogant nor funny, looks calm and restrained, and is more like a surgeon than the anchor.

"What you see is only the surface. If you talk to him more, you will find that this person has a special charm. He has a completely different understanding of horror and horror." Liu knife remembered the first time and Chen. In the scene of the song conversation, when he was in conversation, he was led by Chen Song, and he had no initiative. He was mad at the real “perversion”.

Later, after he reflected on it, he discovered that the thinking of both sides is no longer a level.

"I still don't like him. This time, our investment is likely to be drowning." Li Jie sighed: "There is still a point, we help him to win the recommendation channel, and will definitely be hated by Qin Guangji. Now the platform put Qin Guang Pushing to the first-line anchor position, after he became the main anchor of the platform, the days of other anchors of our guild were even worse."

"Do you have a little confidence in Chen Ge? It is not good to say that Qin Guang’s two live broadcasts are plagiarism. The one we asked is the Lord." Liu Knife indicated that Li Jie whispered, don’t let people listen. To.

"I don't mean that I don't like him. There are no scripts, props, or actors. What is the meaning of his live broadcast? Can the audience buy it?"

"I don't argue with you. In short, don't make any mistakes tonight, do your own thing." Liu knife puts his expression into the tent. He goes up and greets Chen Ge, takes out his laptop, opens The collection of the page: "Chen Ge, you come to see this."

Chen Ge began to think that it was a script. After reading it, he discovered that it was a few news.

"We designed the script very easily and it was easy to wear. It looked blunt and simply let you play freely." Liu pointed to the news in the computer: "There are three things that are discussed by netizens in the rehabilitation center. The first is The missing dean is still unclear about life and death; the second is that whenever the night is deep, the squad will make strange noises, as if there are people living in it; the third is the **** words that appear inexplicably, sometimes I can see it at night, but when the day passes again, everything will return to normal. From these three directions, the live broadcast should be better."

Chen Ge nodded, read all the news carefully, and had a general understanding of the strange things in the rehabilitation center.

"First eat, let us discuss some details." Li Jie took out a few boxes of lunch from the incubator and distributed it to someone at the place.

At 9:30 in the evening, Liu Kou went out and made a few phone calls. After returning, he told Chen Song that he could start.

Zhang Ping took out a piece of live broadcast tool from the black suitcase. Chen Ge was also making final preparations. He opened the handbag and held the unintelligible eyes of everyone. He grabbed the coat from the white cat's claws and wore it. Body.

This dress has the smell of a kitten. After entering the ward, the white cat will follow him only when wearing this dress.

"What do you all look at me?" Chen Song put the rag doll into the jacket pocket and released the white cat: "Is it a normal thing to bring some cocks, puppets, and white cats to the live broadcast?"

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