My House of Horrors

Chapter 1108: Devouring the Fierce God (4000)

The endless black mist is like a dark ocean, and Xiangnuan is like an island in the center of the ocean. He bears all the sins, and his body is integrated with the past body, and he can no longer be separated.

The will began to dissipate, and his warm eyes fixed on the giant whale beside him.

The sins and curses that far exceeded the limit of his own were pressed on his body, and the huge body that merged with the warmth was deeply buried in the land of the dark fog world. His skin gradually became the same color as the land of the dark fog world.

The giant whale kept mourning, as if calling a name, but Xiang Nuan could not hear it.

His movements were getting slower and slower, until his sins spread all over his body, and his last will soon extinguished.

Lips moved slightly, and Xiang Nuan seemed to say something, but no one heard it.

The people present only saw that he was completely assimilated with the body and became part of the world of black mist.

The last consciousness was extinguished in the fog, and the unborn child flew away with all his sinful souls, leaving only an isolated island of humanity in the world of black mist.

Sinful, this island is not willing to get close to the ghosts in the black mist, but the huge and beautiful whale has been standing beside it.

The black mist was eroding her body. She didn't care. The huge body swam around the island, dispelling the black mist near the island and blocking the dripping black rain.

Chen Ge stood on the top of Building A in Jinhua Community, watching everything silently until the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and a faint **** smell drifted into the tip of his nose.

Turning her head, Chen Ge found that Zhang Ya was standing beside her. She was also watching the warmth that had turned into an isolated island turned into a warm whale.

The two watched for a long time, until a pale arm stretched out under the dark body of the "past", this hand was full of cracked faces.

The faceless doctor struggled to crawl out of the body, his **** coat was gone, his body was covered with wounds, and all those broken faces grew on his body.

Fortunately, he escaped his life. The faceless doctor had a lingering fear. He cursed the womb fiercely, but his eyes stared at the giant whale without blinking.

"Without the power to contaminate the slightest sin? The fetus gave the woman all the things she had accumulated for more than ten years?!" The faceless doctor's eyes were full of greed, but he did not wait for him to produce further thoughts, an extremely terrifying breath It appeared behind him.

Suddenly turned around, the broken faces on the faceless doctor all changed their expressions. He saw Zhang Ya and Chen Ge standing not far from him.

"I know that you are also hitting the fetal womb. The power he left behind, you can't swallow it alone, it's not as good as our cooperation?" The faceless doctor is very afraid of Zhang Ya. He has been seriously injured and can survive. It's not easy, now he doesn't have the courage to deal with Zhang Ya at all.

"There is no problem with cooperation, but you must answer me a few questions honestly." Chen Ge walked out of Zhang Ya's back and saw that the faceless doctor was still alive, he immediately let Zhang Ya take him to check with him.

He didn't plan to take away the things that Qing Qing had left for Qing Qing, but he would never let go of the fierce god, Doctor Faceless.

"What do you want to ask?" This is the first time that Faceless Doctor has talked to an ordinary person like this. All his faces are staring at Chen Ge. The extremely cold and terrible feeling penetrates Chen Ge's heart, but To his surprise, Chen Ge didn't respond at all.

"The first question, when did you stare at the unborn child?"

"Since he fled to Hanjiang, we know most of everything he does. As long as he becomes a patient in our hospital, he will leave the curse of the hospital. Even if he escapes, the hospital will also one day in the future. Appeared again in front of him." The faceless doctor did not conceal that a person like him can do anything for his life.

"That is to say, you have long known that the womb is hidden in Xiang Nuan?"

"Among the nine children chosen by the fetus, only Xiang Nuan had no self-consciousness. He almost died when he was born. It was the fetus that saved his life and replaced his life." The faceless doctor recovered in a hurry: " Not only do we know that the womb is hidden in Xiang Nuan, we also know that he is destined to fail, and no one can cross the distance between life and death, so we have to wait until the last moment to come over and recover."

"Recycle? Before he became your patient, he was my shadow." Chen Ge's tone was unpredictable.

"Do you want to win more shares with this? No problem, I only need 30% of the power left by the unborn child." The faceless doctor did not know whether it was delaying time, or did he intentionally say that he wanted to stabilize Chen song.

"I can give you all the power of the unborn child, but I hope you can answer my next few questions honestly." Chen Ge's head slowly went down, and no one could see his expression at this time: "You Why didn't the hospital dare to appear in Hanjiang easily? Is there any secret hidden in this city?"

"Aren't we showing up? I don't know how to answer your question."

"Midborn No. 0004, Doctor No. 0011, and more patients are all hidden in Hanjiang, but you haven’t caught them back for more than ten years. You didn’t start to enter Hanjiang unscrupulously until a while ago. I wonder if some of the powers you are afraid of have disappeared in recent times, so your courage has grown." Chen Ge used the Yin Tong to the extreme. He slowly looked up and took every micro-expression of the faceless doctor. Keep in mind.

The faceless doctor didn’t speak, all the broken faces on his body were looking at Chen Ge, and it took a few minutes to speak: “Yes, we couldn’t enter Hanjiang casually before because of a curse, or a promise, that curse has already been get rid of."

"get rid of?"

"Well, because the person who applied the curse is already dead." The doctor without face is also closely watching Chen Ge's expression change.

"Do you know what the name of the cursed person is?"

"It's a couple who put the curse on, but what is their name, what does it look like, and these specific things are only known to the dean." It is not the first time that the doctor without a face mentioned the word dean, he seemed to be in the bottom of his heart In awe of the dean.

"How can I see the dean?" Chen Ge was expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"The only known method now is to become a patient, and it must be the top ten medical professionals." The faceless doctor does not seem to be lying. He thought about it and thought of one of the easiest ways to achieve it.

"The last question, as the fierce god, only the fourth place in your hospital, how terrifying are the first three patients? Tell me all the information you know about them."

"I'm sorry, the information of the three patients is part of the curse itself, and as soon as they say it, ominousness will happen."

"It seems that you are not going to say it?"

"In fact, I have told you a lot. You have to understand that the more you know, the more dangerous your situation will be." The faceless doctor's body recovered slightly, and the broken face on his skin was slowly joining together.

Chen Ge and Dr. Faceless have been chatting for a long time, and Dr. Faceless has been dealing with it without telling Chen Ge anything substantial.

But even so, Chen Ge got the information he wanted from the dialogue.

"My parents had some agreement with the cursed hospital, and their disappearance was related to this hospital!"

After confirming this point, everything else does not matter to Chen Ge.

He only wants to do one thing now, that is to kill the faceless doctor as soon as possible, so that he will fly away and never be born, so that the cursed hospital will have one less fierce god!

"I answered all that should be answered. We have just experienced a fierce battle, and it is time to enjoy the loot." The faceless doctor's greedy eyes moved to the "giant whale", and he urgently needed help The power left by the womb to recover itself.

"All the power left by the unborn child can be given to you, but..." Chen Ge turned the comic book back: "You must die!"

Xiao Bu and red high-heeled shoes appeared at the same time, they were beside Chen Ge, and Zhang Ya set off against the faceless doctor in the first time.

The faceless doctor prepared a lot of cards for the unborn child, but the injuries on his body were too heavy.

The two sides fought for life and death, penetrated the black mist, and Chen Ge also saw the power of the fierce **** for the first time in real sense, that is completely two levels with red clothing.

The entire battle took much longer than Chen Ge thought. The faceless doctor was terrible and terrible. His body was shattered over and over again and reunited again and again.

During the period, he even shot Chen Ge several times, trying to threaten Zhang Ya with Chen Ge, but they were blocked by red high-heeled shoes and small cloth.

Chen Ge and Wen Qing are not the same. The strong psychological qualities, coupled with digital red clothing protection, he even dare to use the special abilities of employees to intervene in the battle between the fierce gods.

The faceless doctor desperately fought back, and also exposed some of Zhang Ya’s problems. She can’t use other people’s abilities for a long time, which will cause great harm to herself.

After the two sides slayed to the end, the sky was full of blood and rain, and the faceless doctor was finally trapped and killed by Zhang Ya in the ghost of the **** city.

Soaring grievances penetrated the black mist, and all the ghosts regarded it as a forbidden place and dared not take a step.

When the blood rain stopped, the faceless doctor was gone, and only Zhang Ya was above the blood sea.

"The unborn baby seriously injured the faceless doctor, but even so, Zhang Ya only killed him after paying a huge price. It is really difficult to kill a fierce god."

The sea of ​​blood gathered, and the blood-red city slowly disappeared. There was still a black curse flowing on the body of the faceless doctor. He was clearly gone, but he didn't seem to be completely dead.

"Although the doctor without face is a fierce **** with Zhang Ya and Ming Fei, but he feels different from other fierce gods, he is weaker than Zhang Ya and Ming Fei, and his breath is very unstable."

There must be other secrets in the faceless doctor, but Chen Ge is not ready to ask any more. He will hand over the faceless doctor to Zhang Ya, hoping that Zhang Ya’s strength can make new breakthroughs.

"As the most terrifying existence of the horror house, Zhang Ya becomes stronger and everyone can benefit. Moreover, the faceless doctor was originally killed by her, and it is very fair for her to handle it."

Chen Ge belongs to the kind of person who went to the black in the same way. In this way, he almost tilted all the ghosts and resources to Zhang Ya. This is also how Zhang Ya can break through from the red clothes in a short time. To the top red clothes, and then break through to become an important reason for the fierce god.

Walking into the bleeding sea, Zhang Ya stopped beside Chen Ge. She glanced at the dead tire that turned into an island, and then at Wen Qing, who turned into a giant whale, and finally her eyes fell on Chen Ge.

The sadness and despair that almost condensed into the eyes slowly dissipated. Zhang Ya did not return directly to the shadow this time. She seemed to be touched by the scene in front of her and stood silently beside Chen Ge.

Both Ming Fei and Zhang Ya are fierce gods, but their experiences are completely different.

Ming Fei struggled all his life. Everyone feared him as a fierce **** until he finally met Wen Qing, but at this time he had made countless mistakes. His love was like an abyss, and even he himself did not dare to let Wen Sunny close.

Compared with him, Zhang Ya was lucky. At an early time, Zhang Ya met Chen Ge.

No matter what you are in the eyes of others, in the eyes of Chen Ge, Zhang Ya is Zhang Ya.

"It's over." Chen Ge also looked at Zhang Ya. The female teacher holding the red umbrella in the rainy days overlapped with the person in front of him. He raised his hand subconsciously and touched Zhang Ya's cold fingers.

Zhang Ya didn't dodge and converged all her breath. At this moment she was like an ordinary person. Chen Ge approached Zhang Ya. When he was about to hold each other's hand, an excited shout came from behind him.

"Brother! You are still alive! I found your cat!"

For the rest of his life, Xiao Sun rushed out of Building A in Jinhua District holding a white cat, his face full of excitement!

He rushed towards Chen Ge quickly, not realizing that all the red clothes on the scene were frightened to hide away, and the white cat he was holding in his arms also struggled furiously.

"I was really terrified just now. I seem to have heard your sister's voice. I'm really worried about you..." Xiao Sun refused to let go when he hugged the white cat tightly. The woman in the red dress beside Song is not Wen Qing: "Brother? What about your sister? It wasn't her who was following you before!"

Xiao Sun, who lives alone in the devil's apartment building, speculates aloud who the murderer's Sun is among a group of murderers. Xiao Sun, who repeatedly jumps in the murderous camp and the perverted murderous camp, has now unlocked a new posture of death.

Chen Ge didn't know what to say for a while. The white cat held in his arms by Xiao Sun gave up the struggle and felt more grief than death.

"It's a long story..." Chen Ge's words didn't fall, Zhang Ya's breath just broke out, the infinite black mist was washed away, and the earth fell, and Zhang Ya just made a hair behind his ear action.

Xiao Sun was sitting on the ground, and he was frightened. The body of the white cat hugged in his arms seemed to be moist.

The red clothes hiding 100 meters away are busy with their own affairs. Some people are studying monsters in the black fog, some are trying to penetrate the body of the womb, and some are looking at the sky.

The water ghost who had just been forced to join the horror house just glanced at it, and was pulled away by Mennan: "People like Xiaosun, you need to stay away from him, otherwise when he is struck by thunder Even if it hurts you, it will definitely spill your blood."

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