Seeing that Bang Hao Shengji couldn't be teased by him anymore, Jill chatted with Eight Million Hundred.

"Hey, why did Eight Million come here to read as you?".

"Why can't I read it?"

"Uhhh Why did you come to this kind of school? "

"I like it, no. Hmph!".

"Okay, you like you casually. "

"The teacher is coming, I'll go back first. "

With that, the teacher walked in.

"Hello students, I am your homeroom teacher for the next three years, Sato Jump, please give me more advice in the future. "

"Now let's introduce myself, starting with the students in the first row. "

"I am....."

"My name is Eight Million Hundred, I like music and people, nothing nasty, please advise. "

After another long string of tricks,

"That, my name is Izuku Midoriya, I like Olmet, and I yearn for heroes and above. "


"Burst the heroes and beat yourself, Lao Tzu will definitely be the one who surpasses Olmet in the future, you remember it for me, I hate it for a long time. "

"Oh, it's my turn. "

"My name is Gilgamesh, I like music, and the man who sits on the throne of heaven in the future will only look up to me. "

"Above. "

Hearing Jill's introduction, there was a lot of discussion below.

"Ahh , Gilgamesh's introduction is so domineering. "

"I like Gamesh-san. "

"Ha, is Gilgamesh a celebrity?".

"Haven't you heard TheHero's songs? "


"Okay students, now that I'm done introducing myself. "

"There's going to be a freshman show in a week, who's going to participate? "

"Students are welcome to sign up, and if you want to participate, please go to my office to find me. "

"Gamesh-san, come with me to the office. "

After Mr. Sato finished speaking, he asked Gilgamesh to go out together.

As soon as I came out, I heard a commotion in the classroom.


"Teacher, being energetic is also a good trait. "

"Hehe, yes. "

With that, they came to the office.

"Gamesh, the main reason why I called you here this time is that the school wants you to perform at this freshman welcome. "

"I don't know, can I?".

"Yes, but I want to form a band to perform, okay?"

"Husband, Gamesh can be grouped casually, and I can report you up when the time comes. "

"Then, teacher, I'll go first. "

With that, Gilgamesh walked out of the office.

Gilgamesh walked out of the office and headed for the classroom, wondering who the band was looking for as he went.

"Well, the drummer's words are better than himself, he would have been, and he played very well under his influence. "

"So who should the keyboardist go to?".

"By the way, eight million hundred is that the eldest lady should have learned piano, so she will have no problem being a keyboardist. "

"Go back and ask. "

"There's still an electric guitarist missing, who should I look for? "

"I wonder I don't know anyone who knows how to play a guitar. "

"Find Uncle Yuan, no, the age difference is too much. It's not a good group. "

"Who the hell are you looking for..."

Thinking that I had arrived at the door of the classroom.

"Shengji, come over with eight million, let's discuss something. "

"Hah, bastard, what are you looking for me?".

"Stinky little ghost, give me an honorific title for your dear brother. "

"Well, what's the matter with Gamesh-kun? "

Seeing that the two of them quarreled again, Eight Million Hundred immediately interjected.

Or I don't know when I will be able to say it clearly.

"Oh, eight million you should know how to play the piano, right?".

"Well, yes, what's the matter? "

"Then you should know how to use keyboards, they all know each other. "

"I guess so, I haven't tried it. "

"That's good. "

"Katsuki, how is your drum kit?"

"Bastard cares what you do, it's fine. "

Although Bang Hao Shengji looked unhappy, he still responded.

"In that case, join my band. "

Both of them looked surprised.

"Huh, band?".

"That, Gamesh-kun, who is the band?".

"Oh, literally. "

"It just so happens that I want to form a band and welcome the new students at the school. "

"Hah, why should I do it? "

Bang Hao Shengji said with an unhappy face.

"Join me in teaching you to become stronger. "

"Cut, then Uncle Ben will reluctantly accept your invitation. "

Eight million hundred on the side took over the conversation.

"I can, I haven't tried. "

Hearing the idea of acceptance by eight million hundreds, Gilgamesh immediately returned.

"It's okay, eight million must be fine. "

Eight million hundred listened to Jill's words, and his face turned red again.

There has always been a voice in my heart that has been echoing again: "Gil-kun affirms me." "

looked at the eight million hundred faces flushed, pinching the corners of his clothes and shaking them.

The corners of Gilgamesh's eyes twitched, and she always felt that she was thinking something bad.

"Eight million, is that okay. "

"Hey, hey. "

Looking at the unresponsive eight million, the corners of Jill's eyes twitched faster.

"Eight million. "

Jill shouted loudly.

"Ahh Ahh "

"I'm asking, did you agree? "

"Oh, I promise I promise. "

Seeing that the eight million agreed, Jill felt a little calmer.

But where to find an electric guitarist?


You can guess who the electric guitarist is.

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