My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 331: I really want to escape but I can't escape ===

But as long as this sense of boredom is eliminated, in fact, everything will be cleared away, and the recited things will be able to enter the brain.

The logic of numbers makes Li Ziqian more interested, but as for the recitation of liberal arts, Li Ziqian can only express his deep regret.

The math test in the afternoon came as promised. After saying goodbye to Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian went to their own battlefields.

It took a long time to sleep at noon, which caused Li Ziqian's head to be drowsy. When he returned to the examination room and took his seat, Li Ziqian sat upright and tapped his head appropriately, trying to wake him up.

The guy in the back came later than him. When he came, he gave Li Ziqian a friendly smile, and Li Ziqian also nodded in a panic.

I have to say, this guy is very polite.

This is a nod to the acquaintance, right?

Maybe if you encounter something in the society in the future, you can ask the big brother to come over to support the scene.

That is, the big brother's export is warm and oily, which completely destroyed the original majestic momentum!

The exam started as usual, and the invigilators also changed a batch. Li Ziqian breathed a sigh of relief. At least he won't be "specially taken care of".

Mathematical exams have always been easy for Li Ziqian, still reading the questions, writing, and then checking on the draft, and the answer comes out.

Just because the importance of the test is different, the question type will also change accordingly.

But fortunately, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei didn't do the high-level questions for so long. Li Ziqian could clearly feel that some of the questions were very similar to the high-level questions.

But even without this high-profile problem, Li Ziqian is not afraid of mathematics.

Time passed quickly, and Li Ziqian's hands swiped on the ground without stopping. He was dashing and handsome, and he did it in one go.

Li Ziqian couldn't help but sigh, this state should be the state of the exam.

But thinking of tomorrow's English test, I feel down again.

In about an hour and a half, Li Ziqian had written every question, not even the multiple-choice questions and the last few questions.

Li Ziqian sighed and couldn't help looking around, and found that many people were still doing the second and third major questions from the bottom.

Li Ziqian smiled. That's why he has the sense of superiority now when he is in mathematics and physics.

After another 10 minutes, Li Ziqian checked the math paper from front to back and re-checked it again, so as not to lose points that should not be lost.

Thinking that when he used to do mathematics papers, Li Ziqian, who was too arrogant and self-confident, was too lazy to check and handed in the papers directly. After the papers were corrected and sent, Li Ziqian was so angry that he could not wait to bang against the wall.

Damn it's low-level mistakes forgot about simplification and arithmetic errors.

If points are deducted for writing mistakes, Li Ziqian will not complain at all. The bad thing is that he has made some mentally retarded mistakes even though he has made a mistake.

Every time Li Ziqian sees such a situation, his blood pressure goes up.

So in order to keep his blood pressure normal and stable, Li Ziqian felt that it would be better to check after writing the test paper.

He still handed in the papers ahead of time as usual, took his documents and notes, and left the classroom with his hands in his pockets.

Pushing open the door of the classroom, as expected, Mo Nanbei was still standing by the window, not knowing what scenery he was looking at.

Needless to say, if you don't know Mo Nanbei and just look at this picture, you can really use the word 'beautiful' to describe it.

The sad girl looked out the window, her long black hair fell on her shoulders, and her face was beautiful and gentle.

Truly a stunner.

However, it is not uncommon for such a quiet and beautiful scene to not last. After Li Ziqian sat next to Mo Nanbei, it was broken.

"You rubbish, real ink." Mo Nanbei smiled and turned to look at Li Ziqian with his head propped up.

It's really crunchy.

What about the good sad girl? ?

How about gentleness? ? ?

"Why didn't you just come here?"

"That's faster than you too."


Because there is no teacher in this classroom now, the atmosphere of the classroom has become noisy.

Some people are lowering their heads and whispering, while others are answering loudly in groups of three or five. From time to time, there will be a burst of noise and reasoned arguments. Those who don't know it think they are at the scene of the debate.

And Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei were the kind of people who kept their heads down and whispered.

The two had little interest in math answers, and naturally didn't want to join their camp.

One is that what kind of situation is in the test is what it is. The current quarrel cannot change anything and may also have an impact on the subsequent test. The second is because mathematics is too simple for them, and there is no need to correct the answer.

It is estimated that Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei are the ones who can be so tough.

I thought I could stay in the classroom quietly for a while, but I didn't expect that life always likes to create some scares.

Looking at Chen Dahai, who was late with a smile and was walking towards him and Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian felt a sigh in his heart.

Can't escape, right? ?

Damn neuropathy!

Li Ziqian even panicked, rubbing his hands, not knowing what to do.

I wanted to run away, but I couldn't.

Not to mention Mo Nanbei, who had a very bad impression of Chen Dahai, with a stinky face like a shoehorn.

"Li Ziqian, Mo Nanbei, you two are so early, you two are so good at math, I'm envious." Chen Dahai sat down directly at the front table of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, and first greeted him politely.

"Is something wrong?" Li Ziqian replied.

"I want to check the answer with you. The last time I checked the answer, I really chose a. You two are really good. I want to check with you this time." Li Ziqian still smiled.

At this moment, Li Ziqian suddenly thought of the macho classmate who was sitting in his back seat in the examination room.

The same is laughing, why do the two people feel so different?

The macho classmates are very sunny and polite, and this Chen Dahai brother is pure and pure.

"The two of us don't want the answer." Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei, who obviously didn't want to deal with Chen Dahai outside the window, and replied firmly.

Li Ziqian couldn't understand why Chen Dahai didn't wink so much? ? ?

Isn't it obvious that you and Mo Nanbei expressed their unhappiness? ?

Is there really such a low EQ?

Weird, weird.

Chen Dahai still smiled harmlessly, "Why don't you want to get the answer right? You two are very smart, you study so well, are you afraid that the answer will be wrong? For the two of you who study so well, the answer will bring All I can give you is happiness."

Fuck, is it over? ?

Does this person understand how bad he looks now? ! !

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