My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 206: Sooner or later the eyes or the heart must be blinded first ===


I'm ashamed to say that this day, if it wasn't for Mo Nanbei's early arrival, Li Ziqian didn't know if he would have slept until the sun was up.

Seeing that Li Ziqian didn't seem to be awake, he grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it on the bed, barely able to cheer up Li Ziqian's spirit.

"Li Ziqian, don't tell me that you still have to be in the top twenty-five of your grade." Mo Nanbei pointed at Li Ziqian with his hands on his hips.

Although Li Ziqian is used to giving up on himself like this, but every time he sees it, he can't help but scold him.

Li Ziqian rubbed his eyes and wanted to choke a few words, but seeing that Mo Nanbei was not good, he went to wash up.


Got ridiculed again.

Li Ziqian brushed his teeth and washed, while facing Mo Nanbei outside, he said: "Wake up so early?"

After the words were blurted out, Li Ziqian realized that he shouldn't ask this question at all.

No doubt it was another ruthless ridicule.

Sure enough, Mo Nanbei scolded her with her waist straight, "Yes, yes, you shouldn't get up so early, you should be **** like you, don't worry about any plans."

have to.

Li Ziqian regretted it.

I already knew that I wouldn't ask such a question.

After cleaning himself up twice, Li Ziqian walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Mo Nanbei twice.

Mo Nanbei snorted in disgust, and then took out a plastic bag out of nowhere.

There are three buns in it? ?

"I know you didn't eat breakfast, so I brought it to you." Mo Nanbei sighed.

Li Ziqian smiled and hurriedly took the plastic bag.

Excuse! It's still hot!

Excuse! It's still meat!

It's true that Zaun's girlfriend occasionally has her virtuous moments.

After Li Ziqian devoured the food, Mo Nanbei pulled her long hair together, coughed twice and said, "This Saturday, in the study bureau, as you said in your plan, it's not enough to just mention it and study during the day, whatever. Do you have to make a solid plan?"

Li Ziqian snorted twice, feeling very reasonable.

"And I can't always be cramming."

"Heh, if you had such a high level of consciousness earlier, I'm afraid it wouldn't be me in the third grade?"

Li Ziqian nodded directly, "Ah, yes, yes, I'm afraid the third grader underestimates me, the first grade is the right one."

"You're such a **** kind."

"I am over-flattered."

Use magic to defeat magic, and use yin-yang qi to defeat yin and yang qi.

"At the very least, you have to refine your study plan."

I have never seen anyone write a plan and only stay in the word plan.

Although this woman Mo Nanbei looks like a bad student, her understanding of learning is quite thorough.

Otherwise, staying in the third place in the grade is not something that happens casually.

"Well, that's right." Li Ziqian nodded in agreement.

Although I think Mo Nanbei is outrageous most of the time, but sometimes it is quite reliable.

The first thing worth thinking about today is to refine the study plan and make different changes according to different stages.

So good.

When hesitating about everything, take out a pen and paper.

Li Ziqian is ready here, and he writes and draws on it while thinking about it.

Although Mo Nanbei scoffed at Li Ziqian's behavior, he still came over.

"For example, in the morning, get up at 7 o'clock, and then take a half-hour break every two hours to play games. Then learn to play games for another two hours, and so on. When it's time for dinner, go have a meal, What do you think about the time limit for each meal within an hour?"

Li Ziqian nodded thoughtfully, then looked up at Mo Nanbei.

Mo Nanbei pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile.

She admitted that she was a little scared.

Originally thought that Li Ziqian, who has always liked to fish, will give everyone more leeway in terms of making plans, combining his own waste and laziness.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, is it so fierce?

Now that Mo Nanbei is a little shy?

"you sure?"

Li Ziqian raised his head and thought for a while, carefully interpreting Mo Nanbei's expression, he really didn't know whether the woman was holding a skeptical or sarcastic attitude.

After careful consideration, in order to save more of his face, Li Ziqian painted another stroke on the paper.

"How about learning to play games every four hours?"

"Don't, don't, don't." Mo Nanbei was in a hurry now, she pressed Li Ziqian's hand and said, "If you can insist on studying for two hours before taking a break, it will be a great miracle. It's really an old woman who goes into the bed and fixes it for the lord. Smile, let's weigh how many pounds and how many taels of yourself first, okay?"

It’s easy to make a plan, but it’s a different situation when you execute it. Don’t think that the face will hurt too much, it’s better to leave some leeway.

Feeling that what Mo Nanbei said made sense, Li Ziqian changed the content he just drew on the paper.

"Then study for two hours and then play another game?"

"That's it." Mo Nanbei compromised.

But there is one thing to say, Mo Nanbei understood in his heart that on the surface it was this kid who made the plan, but in fact it was himself who was the hardest to deal with.

Looking at a bunch of knowledge that I have already mastered in my heart, this is not torture, if Mo Nanbei can't stand it anymore and starts playing games, it means something, it means disturbing Li Ziqian's mind and breaking the rules and plans .

Don't wait until the end, it was Li Ziqian's own willpower that caused Mo Nanbei to fall on the charge of disturbing the morale of the army.

It's really not worth it.

However, the plan has already been made, and it is Li Ziqian who proposed by Mo Nanbei to do so, if he backs down.

That would be too embarrassing.

No, absolutely not!

Li Ziqian was very satisfied when he looked at the piece of paper covered with strange words by himself, and hung it directly beside the clock.

While admiring, he nodded affirmatively.

"Not bad, just follow this."

Mo Nanbei frowned and began to wonder if Li Ziqian was stealing lessons from aliens every night after he got home. This is her mother's pure alien literature.

"When you write the Chinese test paper, half of the points are deducted from the paper." It's hard to say anything else, only this sentence.

Li Ziqian was stunned, "Don't talk nonsense."

"It's very troublesome for the Chinese teacher to change your papers. After all, you can be sentenced to ten papers for the time you are sentenced to."

Mo Nanbei sighed, shook his head sincerely, and suddenly found that a teacher like Chinese and English who needs to take the exam is also very tired.

Sooner or later the eyes or the heart must be blinded.

"What the **** do you know? I wrote it for the two of us by myself, and the words are just casual. Of course, it's different during the exam!"

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