My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 575: Lin Ruoyi's phone

Chapter 575

Lin Ruoyi's phone

"This set of papers has a perfect score of three. If you can get more than 20 or 30 points, I will not only accept you for admission, but also waive all your expenses..." Qi Ningxiang finished, placing a stack of papers next to Mu Fei On the table. ]

"Begin answering, the time is one and a half hours. During this time, my office will let you..." Qi Ningxiang finished and said to Huang Changxia, "Xiaxia, let's go out and let him answer the questions quietly. I want to see See, is he as powerful as you say..."

"Mu Fei, please answer the question, be careful, don't drop the chain for me at a critical time..." Huang Changxia asked Mu Fei to go out with Qi Ningxiang.

Mu Fei sat aside and looked at the exercises on the paper. He felt a little strange.

But with his current brainpower, as long as these questions do not exceed the high knowledge range, it is really not difficult for him. Holding this test paper, he glanced at the two test questions, and the steps and answers to the question had already come to mind.

It’s so exaggerated... It’s so sad...

Mu Fei shook his head disdainfully.

But when he touched a pen and was about to answer the question, the phone rang suddenly.

Mu Fei touched the phone and saw the phone number on the screen. Although his phone card was reissued, many friends' phone cards have been lost, but this phone number, he will never forget.

Because this number is the number of Lin Ruoyi, the girl who really loved him and hurt him deeply.


Looking at this number, Mu Fei was filled with emotion. He didn't know how he felt.

After the phone rang three or four times, Mu Fei still pressed the answer button.

And he hadn't spoken yet, the voice that had made his dreams linger over the phone came out.

"Ah...A Fei?" Lin Ruoyi's voice trembled, and he was very excited.

"Um..." Mu Fei pressured his emotions and calmed his voice.

"What's the matter?" Mu Fei said coldly.


Lin Ruoyi over the phone, when he heard Mu Fei's refusal to speak thousands of miles away, he was stagnant. Then she tentatively asked, "Ah...Ah Fei, I want to see you..., do you have time?"

Mu Fei heard Lin Ruoyi's begging tone and said that when he wanted to see himself, he couldn't help but soften, and he also wanted to see Lin Ruoyi.

However, he thought about her deceiving herself again, and just softened her heart, and it became hard as a rock.

"See me? No need... I'm very time..." Mu Fei replied indifferently.

What he said was so, but when he spoke, how did he feel his heart hurt so much?

"Ah? Is this... like this?" Lin Ruoyi replied timidly, with a voice that could not conceal his disappointment. "Then A Fei, let's just talk on the phone, I think... we should have some... Some misunderstanding..."

Although Lin Ruoyi is a little soft and weak, she usually only cares about studying, not much. But she is not that stupid girl, on the contrary, she is still very smart.

So, after thinking over this period of time, she probably already knew what went wrong with herself and Mu Fei. Since it was just a misunderstanding, the misunderstanding was lifted, and naturally it can be reverted to good.

It is also because of this idea that Lin Ruoyi is still very sure about the "reconciliation" with Mu Fei.

But now, she is disappointed, because Mu Fei is busy here, plus there is a knot in his heart, where can she give her the opportunity to speak?

"I'm very busy now..." Mu Fei interrupted Lin Ruoyi before she could say a few words. "Is there anything to say when I'm not busy?"

"Ah? Oh, good... good..." Lin Ruoyi responded timidly.

"If there is nothing wrong, then this is the first thing..." Mu Fei said, he would hang up the phone.

"Hey? Wait... wait a minute..." Lin Ruoyi hurriedly stopped Mu Fei, "That... A Fei... I have a birthday in three days... You... can come? You... You promised me... …"

"Hu" Mu Fei took a long breath, hesitated, and asked, "When and where?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruoyi on the phone was relieved, afraid of Mu Fei's regret, and hurriedly replied, "Five days later, at five o'clock in the evening, toffee kt, private room No. 1103..."

"Okay... I will definitely go..." Mu Fei replied.

"Um...must come...I, I'll wait for you..." Lin Ruoyi said softly, with a strong expression in her tone.

Mu Fei shook his head helplessly and hung up the phone.

Originally, he thought he had put Lin Ruoyi down, but he didn't know until now that he was only deceiving himself.

Forget it... or get things done right now...

Mu Fei didn't dare to think about Lin Ruoyi any more, he could only quickly put his eyes on this test paper and shift his attention back from Lin Ruoyi...


When Mu Fei answered the question, Huang Changxia and Vice President Qi Ningxiang were afraid to disturb him, drinking tea and chatting in the conference room next door.

While chatting, Huang Changxia always looked up from time to time, looking at the wall clock on the wall. Obviously, she was worried about Mu Fei's "exam results".

"Hey hey, Xiaoxia, you've watched the watch eight times in a little while. Are you tired..."

Qi Ningxiang looked at Huang Changxia and looked up, and said uncomfortably, "That set of papers, I answered the students in the three key classes. They took an hour and ten minutes to finish the answer. This is only half an hour, you Why are you in a hurry? I guess he will be able to come out in another hour, so you can wait with peace of mind..."

"And I have to remind you that even if he comes out, his grades may not be ideal... Although this child looks very stable, I don't think he can be better than the third student in learning..."

Qi Ningxiang said, lifted a teacup and took a sip, and said to Huang Changxia, "Opportunity, I gave it to him. If he doesn't grasp it, don't blame me..."

"Humph, I have faith in Mu Fei..." Huang Changxia turned around, unkindly.

Obviously, the relationship between the two is very good.

In fact, Huang Changxia was just stiff in her mouth. In fact, she was not sure whether Mu Fei could meet Qi Ningxiang's requirements.


But when the duo spoke here, I heard the sound of the door opening in the hallway, the sound was very close, and naturally came from the office of the vice principal next to me.

Hearing this voice, Qi Ningxiang had a smug smile on his face, "Hey, look, I guessed it. He hasn't finished answering the question, he has given up... Xiaoxia, you lost to me again this time. ..."

Huang Changxia is also depressed. Although she is mainly engaged in arts, she still knows a little bit about learning.

She also doesn't think that within half an hour, Mu Fei takes three hours to answer the average student, and three students also need one and a half hours to complete the difficult test.

"Don't say that for sure, maybe Mu Fei has finished his answer?" Huang Changxia refused to admit defeat, "I will wait until you have finished the paper..."

Between the two talking, Mu Fei had found him. After he entered the room, he handed the paper to Qi Ningxiang.

Qi Ningxiang smiled with pride and was pleased that she had fought Huang Changxia, but when she saw Mu Fei's paper, she was shocked.

Then she couldn't laugh.

First page, full answer, second page, full answer, third page, fourth page...

A total of ten test papers printed on a4 paper, except for the last two pages, are full. And the answers to each question are written neatly and clearly, and clearly cannot be answered blindly.

This kid...all, all finished?

Three of the students took the papers that took 70 minutes to complete, but he finished them in more than 30 minutes.

No...impossible, is this too fast?

Guan Qi Ningxiang thought this thing was incredible, but it really put her in front of her.

"what happened?"

Huang Changxia saw Qi Ningxiang's surprised look, first hesitated, and then curiously joined the past.

And after seeing what happened, she laughed like a child who won a fight, "Haha, Ah Xiang, look, I said Mu Fei no problem, but this time you lose Now..."

"But... how is this possible?" Qi Ningxiang still had incredible faces.

"What might not be possible, but Mu Fei's answer in that room, and he still can't cheat? You hurry up, judge the paper, and see how he scores..." Huang Changxia urged.

I have to say that as a principal, Qi Ningxiang is still very "comprehensive". All these major subjects are proficient. You don't need to call other teachers. You have judged the test papers involving five subjects.

Two, twenty or forty! !

When the result came out, she was surprised.

Because Mu Fei's results were as high as twenty or forty, ten points more than the third.

You should know that Sanke is a provincial key study. The students cultivated there are all students who are studying in key domestic universities. Ten of the top ten college entrance examination champions must have at least five from three.

There are even some teachers who directly call San as "Zhuangyuan School". Although the name is somewhat tacky, it is enough to show the high quality of teaching in this school.

But it is such a key school of bullish Good results are not as good as Mu Fei's, how can this make Qi Ningxiang not surprised?

In addition to being surprised, Qi Ningxiang was also a little puzzled, because she answered Mu Fei's answer to this paper very strangely. He did all the previous questions and they were all correct.

But after two "big questions" with a total score of 54 points, he was completely empty.

These two big questions are not difficult...Why did he answer all of the previous problems, but put these two difficult questions down?

Qi Ningxiang thought suspiciously and asked Mu Fei, "Why didn't you answer the last two questions? Won't you?"

After listening to Mu Fei, the tea cup in Qi Ningxiang's hand almost came down...

"Oh, that's the case. I counted the scores, and after seeing enough to say two or three, you didn't answer those two questions..."

I saw Mu Fei cooked out a cup and poured a cup of tea to taste it comfortably. "The last two questions are actually not too difficult. It is too many steps. I am too lazy to write..."

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