My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

: (Fanwai) Follow-up: Baiyunzong? Have not heard!

"Two, do you know our Baiyun Sect?" The great elder held his hands behind his back, with a very arrogant expression. "I, Baiyun Sect, is very willing to make friends with the world's heroes. If two of you are willing to join our White Cloud Sect, I can be what you just said. I haven't said anything about it."

The fact that Snow Lion can be so jealous indicates that the two are good at strength. It is also a wonderful thing to include them in the Baiyun Sect.

It's a pity that he hadn't thought about it, since Yun said lightly that he dared to pay compensation after hearing the soldiers on both sides call them Baiyunzong, it proved that she did not take Baiyunzong in her heart.

"Bai Yunzong? Never heard of it!" Yun replied lightly without showing any face.

Then turned his head to look at Emperor Jiuque beside him, "Xiaoqueque, do you know Baiyunzong?"

Di Jiuque shook his head, "No."

When the two asked and answered the questions, the people of Bai Yunzong showed anger.

Their Baiyun Sect is on the top power rankings on the mainland, how could anyone have not heard of it!

These two casual cultivators dare to humiliate them deliberately!

The elder sneered twice, and the two majestic forces returned to the two of them, "Haha!

I don't know how high the sky is!

Today I will let you know what you can't afford! "

"Wait!" Qinghua frowned, and it was too late to stop him.

"Ah!" a painful howl sounded.

However, the screaming is not what everyone thinks Yun speaks lightly, but the Great Elder!

The power he shot out turned against him and hit back!


"Great Elder!"

"Ah!" The Great Elder stepped back two steps, his eyes flushed.

He was knocked down by his own power in full view, making him instantly angry into anger!

"Baiyun Zhan!" A dazzling blade of light swept across the air, and the air along the way was split by the sharp blade of light, and the strong wind caused the ordinary people around to retreat crazily.

A trace of impatience flashed across Yun Qingyan's face, **** together, lightly stroked!

There was no sound, the elder still kept a startled look on his face, his waist was chopped in half, blood splattered.

The broken soul pill rolled down from the Dantian.

And the brilliant white blade light automatically dissipated one meter away from them.


Deathly quiet!

This Baiyunzong great elder is a master of the city master level!

To be killed silently in this way is still one move, only one move!

The two guards who had been waiting for the arrival of Baiyunzong swallowed hard, their mouths long enough to swallow a whole egg.

The great elder of Baiyunzong died outside their city, and they couldn't get rid of the relationship! But this level of battle has exceeded the scope of their control.

Yun Qingyan sneered with contempt on his face, and his attitude was as usual, unrestrained, "Baiyunzong? Never heard of it!"

"The sect I can't afford? Doesn't exist yet!"

The gazes around them looking at them have changed again and again, from the initial simple surprise to the fear and awe.

"You! You... You killed the Great Elder——" Bai Meiqi's hand trembling at Yun Qingyan, her face was deeply resentful besides fear.

She smashed an emergency transmission crystal with her other hand, and a ray of divine knowledge passed to the Baiyun Zong sect along with the information. His face was twisted and hideous.

When her father comes, she will make them look good!

Wait for death!

Yun Qingyan naturally saw her small movements.

She swiped, and did not stop her, but after she smashed the transmission crystal, she teleported and came to Bai Meiqi.

Within a few strokes, she crushed a bone of her hand and crushed the person down.

Let Bai Meiqi's head aim at the mother and son she had attacked before, "Apologize!"

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