My Fantasy Comes to One Billion Years Later

Chapter 698 Heaven Kills the Wolf Army!


The Eternal Stone God statues cracked open one by one, and a strong breath permeated out.

All of these breaths are above the star level, and none of them are lower than the star level.

If it is only a 100,000 star-level god, it will not be able to resist the attack of the demon clan.

However, after the last of the eternal stone statues were cracked, the breath of the emperor permeated.

The first emperor!

The second emperor!

The third emperor!

More and more great emperors appeared, but Changxing Great Emperor was stunned.

"Lin Tian, ​​how many emperors are there?"

Xiao Xiner asked telepathically.

"Xiner, there are four armies in Heaven, and the gods sealed here belong to the Wolf Killing Army, led by the Wolf Killing God General. There are eight God Generals in the Wolf Killing Army, and each of them is the universe. The realm of the great emperor, and the wolf-killing god will be ranked second in the Thirty-six Gods in Heaven, the ninth level of the strength of the universe emperor, and the other seven gods will be in the seventh level of the universe emperor."

Lin Tiandao.


When Xiao Xiner heard this, she couldn't help taking a breath.

From this point of view, aren't the thirty-six generals above the seventh level of the Universe Emperor?

And the thirty-six gods are just a position in the heaven, and their status is not very high.

In this way, the number of cosmic emperors in the heavenly court is terrifying!

"Lin Tian, ​​the demon clan might have the tenth-level powerhouse of the universe emperor this time. At that time, I am afraid that even this wolf-killing army will not be able to stop it, right?"

Xiao Xiner is worried.

"Haha, Xiner, you are thinking too much, even if it is the tenth-level powerhouse of the cosmos emperor. As one of the four major legions of the Heavenly Court, the deterrent force of the Wolf Killing Army is not the power of an individual, but the power of an army. The Wolf Killing Army casts the Wolf Killing Army formation, which can kill the tenth-level powerhouse of the Universe Emperor!"

Lin Tiandao.

"so smart!!!"

Xiao Xiner was shocked.

When she communicated with Lin Tian, ​​all the 100,000 Wolf Killing Army woke up.

The wolf-killing general was the last to wake up, his powerful aura permeated the entire space, and wisps of coercion acted on the gods present, making everyone seem to have fallen into a swamp, completely unable to move.

"Kill the wolf! You and I communicate through voice transmission!"

Lin Tian's voice entered the soul of the wolf-killing general.

"You... are Lord Tiandi!"

The God of Killing Wolf suddenly looked at Lin Tian and said with a voice transmission.

Although his appearance has changed, Lin Tian's temperament is still there.

The unique heavenly emperor in the universe, his temperament is not imitated by others.

And only the Emperor of Heaven can unblock them, otherwise they will sleep forever until their lifespan is slowly exhausted in endless years.

Sealed sleep can delay the passage of life, but it is not really without loss.

If the Heavenly Emperor does not come, they will sleep to death.

Now that they are unblocked, it must be the emperor of heaven.

"It's me who killed the wolf. I didn't want to unblock you so quickly, but now the earth is in danger, and you need to take action."

Lin Tian said.

"Earth in danger?"

Killing the wolf suddenly became very nervous.

He was born on the earth, a genius selected from the earth by Lin Tian's eighth generation, and eventually grew into a wolf-killing general.

The earth is the home of the wolf-killing general!

"Heavenly Emperor, kill the wolf and swear to defend the earth!"

Guaranteed to kill wolves.

"Those enemies are in the outside world, I order you to immediately lead the Wolf Killing Army to destroy the enemies!"

Lin Tian issued an order.

"Kill the wolf to lead the order!"

The wolf-killing general answered.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! ! ! !

Under the leadership of the wolf-killing general, the newly awakened wolf-killing army rushed out of this space one by one and came to the outside world.


The Snow Ape Emperor, who was looking for Xiao Xiner and other human gods in the depths of the space, suddenly sensed some breath.

"There is a human breath, it must be Emperor Changxing and Xiao Xiner!"

Emperor Snow Ape was excited when suddenly his expression changed.

I saw a soldier wearing a battle armor in the induction.

These soldiers came through the void one by one, and everyone's breath was very strong. The weakest had the strength of the stellar peak, and there were many half emperors, and the best ones were the cosmos emperor.

The most terrifying thing is that the leader turned out to be a ninth-level existence of a cosmic emperor!

"How can there be so many strong people in the depths of the earth, impossible!"

The Great Snow Monkey couldn't believe it.

But at this time, he had expected something bad.

If he didn't escape, he would probably fall here.

"Back to the sky above Earth!"

Emperor Snow Ape is about to travel through the void.


A wave of fluctuations struck, the entire void was suppressed, and the space was completely imprisoned.

I saw the wolf-killer coming step by step, holding a bead in his hand.

"Killing the wolf dzi can suppress the void! You can't escape!"

"Whoever dares to offend the earth, die!"

A ray of light emanated from the hands of the wolf-killing general and bombarded the Great Emperor Snow Monkey.

In just an instant, the defensive artifact on Emperor Snow Ape was shattered, and his body was severely damaged!

"So powerful, not the ninth-level powerhouse of the ordinary cosmos emperor!"

The pupils of the Great Snow Monkey shrank sharply, and he was very afraid in his heart.

I saw that he burned the blood of the demon emperor, turned into a giant ape, and smashed the wolf-killing general with the stick of the sky.

"There are seven great sages in Heaven, one of them is the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, and he looks like a giant ape like you. If you are the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, I will retreat, but unfortunately you are just an ant!"

The God of Killing Wolf crushed his hand away, and the entire space seemed to be compressed many times at once. Some weak demon races were affected and immediately turned to ashes.

Although the Snow Monkey Emperor was not dead, he was severely hit by the palm of the killing wolf general, and his body shattered into many pieces.

Under the healing of the undead body, the Snow Monkey Emperor once again condensed the emperor body, but there was not much fighting power.

"No resistance at all!"

The Great Snow Monkey was desperate.

I thought that burning the bloodline could stop the wolf slaying general, but I never thought that the wolf slaying general would still be severely injured with one hand.

last moment.

Emperor Snow Ape only had time to pass the information to the demon clan, and he was deeply shocked by the killing of the wolf god!


over the earth.

Emperor Taizhi received a message from Emperor Snow Ape——

"An army has appeared in the depths of the earth, and the leader is the ninth-level powerhouse of the universe emperor!"

After receiving this information, Emperor Taizhi didn't believe it at first.

But immediately, he suddenly sensed that the breath that belonged to Emperor Snow Ape in the depths of the earth disappeared.

What it meant, he couldn't be more clear.

The Great Snow Ape has fallen!


Emperor Taizhi's face was extremely solemn! ..

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