"What are you doing out here?"

Luo Xiyun turned her head and found that Chen Xu had come out, and said anxiously, "Hurry up and go back to rest."

[She really cares about me. 】

From her instant reaction, Chen Xu was convinced.

After going out to the society, after suffering several losses, he realized a principle of dealing with people, don't listen to what others say, but watch what they do.

Just listen to what others say, don't take it seriously. You can tell how he treats you by his actions.

Moreover, with the increase of his experience, he vaguely understands that sometimes, what someone says is completely opposite to what they do, and maybe they don't intend to deceive others. Rather, he himself doesn't know what he really wants.

People are so contradictory. And women are a collection of contradictions.

He felt that he had grasped Luo Xiyun's psychology, he was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "It's too stuffy in the room, I'll come out to get some air. Don't worry, I'm fine now, look, I'm like this—oh!"

While talking, Chen Xu jumped twice. Suddenly, his feet went limp, he staggered, and his calf bumped against the stool beside him, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Chen Xu—"

Seeing him fall, Luo Xiyun threw down the pot in his hand and rushed over, helped him up, and asked anxiously, "How are you, are you not hurt?"


Chen Xu shook his head with his support, put his left hand around her waist, and slowly stood up.

Luo Xiyun saw something from his expression and asked, "Is it hurt somewhere?"

Chen Xu had recovered by now, and said with some embarrassment, "I got bumped in the face."

"let me see."

She bent down and carefully opened his trouser leg. Seeing that it was just a small bruise, and the injury was not serious, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't be brave, I'll help you go back to your room."

Chen Xu didn't say anything, put his left hand on her waist again, and walked into the room.

While walking, he turned his head to look at her face, and saw that there was nothing unusual on her face, as if he hadn't noticed that their current posture was very intimate.

In the room, Luo Xiyun helped him to the side of the bed, let him sit down, took out a medicine box, took out medicated oil to help him apply the wound, and finally said, "You stay here and rest well."

As soon as she left, Chen Xu recalled her various contradictory attitudes towards him, and gradually had an idea in his heart.


During dinner, Chen Xu kept staring at Luo Xiyun.

"Is there something on my face?" Luo Xiyun couldn't help but put down his chopsticks and touched his face.

Chen Xu shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's great to be able to sit and eat with you again now. I thought I would never see you again."

Luo Xiyun's lips moved twice before he asked, "You, why did you pass out there?"

"The car broke down, so I could only walk. When I got to that slope, I accidentally tripped and hit my head unluckily, so I passed out." Chen Xu said in a relaxed tone.

"Why don't you stay in the car?"

Luo Xiyun took a deep breath, "It snowed so much yesterday, it was so dangerous to walk. If I hadn't happened to pass by there, maybe you...you would..." At the end, her tone became a little excited.

Listening to her accusation, Chen Xu didn't feel impatient at all. He felt a kind of joy in his heart. He explained softly, "The car is parked too far."

Luo Xiyun frowned when she heard that, the place where she found Chen Xu was already the farthest area. Further outside, there is an ice area that can't be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, she realized something, her eyes widened, and she asked in surprise, "Did you run outside the ice area?"

The so-called ice surface area is a huge and relatively low-lying area flooded by rainwater. After cooling down, a thick layer of ice forms.

She occasionally goes out with Chen Xu,

Have some understanding of the surrounding environment.

The area around the villa where they live is several kilometers away, like an isolated island, surrounded by ice. No matter which direction you look from, you can't see the end of the ice.

As far as she knew, Chen Xu had always been active in the "isolated island area" and had never been to the ice area, so she didn't think about that at first.

"En." Chen Xu nodded.

"You..." Luo Xiyun bit her lower lip and asked, "Is it because you don't have enough gasoline?"

"The inventory is still enough for half a month. I wanted to explore the road first this time. Unexpectedly, something happened on the way back."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Chen Xu said, "It was agreed at the beginning, I will take care of the outside, and you will take care of the inside. This is my job."

"You are machismo." Luo Xiyun said angrily.

After a while, she picked up the rice grains with her chopsticks and asked, "How long have you been walking in the snow?"

Chen Xu said, "It's only a few hours."

a couple of hours?

Luo Xiyun thought of the heavy snow that covered the sky yesterday when he was driving to find him, and the visibility was less than ten meters. As the snow on the ground deepened, she had to slow down. In this way, the wheels still slipped from time to time. Sometimes the wheels get stuck in the loose snow and you have to get out of the car to deal with it.

It's so difficult for her to drive, let alone walk?

It was hard for her to imagine what kind of perseverance was needed to persist for several hours in such a harsh climate.


"Actually, I can't help it." Chen Xu said, "There is too little food in the car. I think this snow will last for several days. If you stay in the car, it will be a dead end."

Luo Xiyun opened his mouth slightly and glanced at him, but still didn't expose him.

After she rescued Chen Xu, she opened the backpack he was carrying, and half of it was chocolate, compressed biscuits and canned food. Enough to feed him for a week.

At this time, the man is still so stubborn.

[Desperate to save face. 】 She said in her heart.


After washing the dishes, Luo Xiyun pushed open the door of the room and saw Chen Xu had just come out of the bathroom and was drying his hair with a towel, apparently just after taking a shower.

"It's your turn," he said.

She went to the closet, found a suit of clothes, and looked a little hesitant.

Chen Xu seemed to know her worry, and said, "Don't worry, I won't peek."

She didn't speak, took the clothes and walked into the bathroom. After closing the door, she thought that Chen Xu had just taken a shower here, and she couldn't help feeling a little strange, but she didn't feel repelled.

I remember back then, when she and Chen Xu were still in a cold war, she had to separate their clothes by a few meters even when they were drying the clothes.

Now, sharing a bathroom doesn't bother me anymore.

[No way, there is a lack of gasoline now, so save it. 】 She thought so, and began to take off her clothes.

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