My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 430: In the cracks

Seeing that the worm mother was getting smaller and smaller, she finally became only one finger in length, and there seemed to be signs of getting smaller. There was also pressing pressure on Bai Yu's body, and her heart suddenly panicked: "What kind of monster is this? Isn't I making me so young? Qiaoyin is fine, at least she is still a thumb girl, so what am I?"

There was a severe pain in her body, and the second girl tried her best to drive away a golden light. Suddenly Bai Yu felt a little loose on her body. She tried hard to copy, and copied the worm mother's remains in her hands, but this round broke out. But it failed to play more role, the crack is getting closer and bigger.

Finally, Bai Yu, Er girl, the insect mother who was attached to the old Huang Yuanying, and Sun Qiaoyin were dragged into the crack!

A bright light struck, and Bai Yu heard a roar: "Dare! Return my apprentice!"

Bai Yu gave a wry smile, it was the fifth master Ouyang Sanjian who came! but……

What is the use? In a blink of an eye, the sky was spinning, and Bai Yu seemed to be spinning with stars, as if being thrown into a washing machine, only to feel that he almost threw his soul out.

After a long time, I slapped and landed on something that I don’t know. Bai Yu almost let go of her arm around Sun Qiaoyin’s waist, but Sun Qiaoyin didn’t move at all. When she looked down, she found that Sun Qiaoyin closed her eyes tightly. Has fainted.

Bai Yu said vividly: "Old Huang, are you okay?"

Old Huang's spiritual thoughts passed back: "Fortunately, it seems to have picked up a life, but where is this place?"

Lao Huang floated from the palm of Bai Yu's palm, looking around one by one.

Except for the second girl above her head, there was darkness all around, but the place where she stood was like a huge...meteorite?

Suddenly, a violent light flashed on the yellow mask, and the second girl screamed: "The power of space, there is the power of space around here, don't run around! It consumes my energy!"

Bai Yu took two steps back in succession, before the intense light extinguished, as if it had left its cutting range.

"It's not that the power of space is floating, but this stone is floating!" Er Yatou cried again.

"What's the situation outside the mask?" Bai Yu laid Sun Qiaoyin flat on the ground, squatted down, and dipped in sync with the irregularities. At this time, I don't know where the power of space would cut it like a knife or reduce the volume. Be safe.

"There is no air, no light source, no water, and no life force. This place is more terrifying than in the emptiness. You and Lao Huang will have no problem in a short time, but if Sun Qiaoyin gets out of the shield, it will only take a few seconds. The bell will die." Er Yatou's voice was a little unstable.

"How about energy consumption?" Bai Yu felt a little nervous when he heard it.

"Energy consumption, don't worry, if you don't encounter a violent attack, my energy is only to maintain the light of merit, and a low-grade spirit stone can support it for four or five days."

Bai Yu was relieved now. There were a large pile of spiritual stones in his storage space. No major situation occurred. He was afraid that he would be enough to live until the end of his life: "Where is the merit? Can the merit withstand the consumption?"

The second girl flattened her mouth: "This seems to be out of the scope of the Haogang Heavenly Dao. The merits will not increase or decrease unless they are judged by the Heavenly Dao. How can it be consumed?"

Bai Yu said in shock: "This is not within the scope of Haogang Heavenly Dao?"

The second girl nodded and said: "Yes, I have merit protection, and I can always sense the way of heaven, but after I get here, I can't feel anything."

In a short time, there was no problem with survival, Bai Yu relieved his mind: "Can the environment around here be detected? Where is the monster?"

Just after speaking, a violent light flashed, Bai Yu and Lao Huang looked over there at the same time, but it was another huge rock-estimated to be seven or eight kilometers long and two to three kilometers thick. It was covered in the distance above their heads. It was cut in half, and the momentum was huge, but in the vacuum, there was no sound.

Old Huang's voice trembled. If he is not too young, he must be able to see that his face has turned pale: "This place is too dangerous, right? Can we find a safe place?"

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "A safe place? Where?"

The second girl said: "I'm afraid that the safe place you mentioned... can't be found. The rules here are incomplete and very abnormal."

Bai Yu frowned and said: "The rules are incomplete?"

The second girl said: "Yes, the five elements are complete, there are yin and yang two qi, and the lunar sun can become a small world, but here is not able to sense the power of the sun and lunar, so it is an abnormal space. Perhaps, here are all worlds. A transit point."

Bai Yu blurted out: "Subspace?"

The second girl was stunned for a moment: "Subspace? This word is used appropriately. The power of these spaces should be left by the great abilities when they used the space escape method through subspace. Unfortunately, our cultivation is not enough. If these cracks go out, they should be able to reach the main world space."

Bai Yu asked: "Do you mean that the location where the power of space is located is the channel?"

The second girl nodded and said: "Yes, those cracks caused by the unstable space, the teleportation method, the space escape method, will bring scars to this space, these scars carry the power of other spaces, so I plunged into it. You can get out of this subspace."

Lao Huang said with a dry smile: "These cracks have no significance at all, and they cannot be detected. If they rush up, it might be a clean break..."

Bai Yu shuddered: "Girl, let's talk about it. Since we are still safe now, don't be too anxious to go out. At least we must figure out the situation here. Where are we going out?"

The second girl said depressed: "Wherever you go out, you can only look at your face. I often hear what you say about the black chief of the Western Emperor... Then it depends on whether your face is white or not. The possibility of going back to the Haogang world... …Very very very very small."

Bai Yu said silently, "Is this a crossing?"

Er Yatou said: "Dogzi, you understand."

Bai Yu ignored the nonsense that the second girl had learned from him, and asked, "Can you guess where the monster is going?"

Er Yatou shook her head: "It is estimated that the sword of the fifth master still injured it. The moment it was dragged in, it let us go. It is completely impossible to calculate in this space with normal physical data. Maybe this separation, It will lose the coordinates of our world, and it is not far away from us now."

Bai Yu asked: "Can you give me a plan to return to the Haogang world?"

Er Yatou: "According to the data obtained so far, since we can survive here, there must be other life forms that can also survive here, and the Nascent Infant realm is not particularly difficult to reach. Let’s first look for if there is a gathering of life forms. It’s a place, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing to fall here. At least, there are a lot of space-based treasures here."

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "It's pitch black here, where are we going to find the living things? Treasures of heaven and earth? Are there any here?"

Er Yatou said: "According to the spectral analysis, you have a silver ore body under your feet, which is much stronger than your sunny moon and starry sky silver. If you use it to make a storage ring, as long as you find a large enough space bubble, you are It can be installed on a planet, but the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period, it is estimated that the largest space is the size of a playground..."

Bai Yu's eyes lit up: "This is the ore body of the Dark World Starry Sky Silver?" He stretched out his foot and stomped twice on the rocky surface under his feet.

The second girl nodded and said: "Yes, but it is a bit troublesome to refine, the temperature of the pill fire is slightly lower, and the efficiency is not high enough."

Bai Yu is eager to fist. Even in Haogang, Dark Realm Star Silver is a very good natural material. Not only is it to refine storage equipment, but also to make armor to add some, and its defense power will be greatly improved, even the power of space can be accommodated. Not to mention ordinary physical attacks or even energy attacks.

However, the dark world star silver must be formed at one time and cannot be polished, so there is no way to make knives, swords, guns and the like.

The second girl made another cut: "Not only your pill fire is not hot enough, but the ore is too hard, what do you use for digging?"

Bai Yu was instantly dumbfounded: "Yes, what shall I dig? Then I will look at Jinshan and starve to death?"

The second girl stopped talking.

Bai Yu was dissatisfied in his heart, took out the flying sword, and stabbed it to the ground with a fierce one. A small white mark was pierced from the ground in the middle of Mars.

Old Huang and Er Yatou laughed at the same time, still like old yellow, the fleshy worm body writhing in the air, looking extremely happy, of course he is happy, and he has escaped from the life of eating dung **** and the tunnel maze. Except for being in a subspace, his life is not so perfect, but at least three people can accompany him, unlike the previous tens of thousands of years, there is no chance for someone to chat.

Seeing these two non-human guys so happy, Bai Yu took the sword in angrily: "It's not that I can't help it alone. What's funny, can't you also be the same?"

Old Huang said proudly: "Hey, Fellow Daoist Bai, don't despise me, the worm mother is the mother of the zerg in the world. Since she can breed so many weird worms, how can the worm mother have nothing to do with this thing?"

Bai Yu snorted coldly, "Could it be that you really have a way?"

Old Zodiac: "That's right! In the inheritance of the worm mother, gold-eaters can be cultivated, and all metals in the world can not be swallowed. Of course, you must have the ability to gnaw metals! There are also bugs that spit acid. , Can dissolve everything in the world..."


Old Huang took a mouthful of yellow with green, and green with a bit of naughty grandma's ash acid. Suddenly, a choking acid mist rose from the ground and foam rose on the ground. Bai Yu was shocked and hugged Sun Qiaoyin. Quit, that acid mist is obviously not a safe thing!

"Old Huang, you are going to die! Haven't seen Qiaoyin yet to wake up?" Bai Yu said angrily. Sun Qiaoyin was obviously violently shocked when he was pulled in. She was still in a coma at this time, and it didn't take long to build a foundation. The little monk of, if he accidentally inhales these acid mists without using the exercises to protect his body, his lungs will be broken. At this time, he lacks doctors and medicines, and he has to wait for death if he suffers such injuries. Up.

Er Yatou controlled the mask to retreat, no longer covering the location of the bite of acid. In a vacuum, the outside temperature did not know what the bottom was. The acid mist that had evaporated was immediately frozen to crystallize and melt. As gravel, it fell back to the ground.

Old Huang grieved: "Didn't I forget this?"

Bai Yu said, "You can't use your acid, can you chew it?"

Old Huang twisted the twisted insect mother's long, fat body and said depressed: "You see I am such a small one, I have to gnaw until the whole world can't finish the stone, right?"

Bai Yu's eyes gleamed: "Really chewable? Just enough for a few rings!"

The second girl nodded again and again: "I think the grade of this ore is not bad. It won't take long to refine a few rings... right?"

Old Huang didn't float anymore, and he slumped to the ground: "I'll forget if you trample to death... The weight of a ring is enough for me to chew for a few months. Are you ready to settle down on a rock? Ah, by the way, I will be the witness. You and Miss Qiaoyin have done the marriage. In the coming year, maybe you will find a chance to return to Haogang. You are already full of children and grandchildren... Don’t be afraid of not having any grandchildren. Come out, the baby is guaranteed to grow according to the person's appearance, in-laws, what do you think?"

With a scream, Sun Qiaoyin was dumbfounded when she heard about marriage, and woke up: "Bai Xiaoyu, are we back to the palace? When will we be married?"

Bai Yu looked depressed: "No, we are now in an inexplicable place, and we won't be able to go back for a while."

Sun Qiaoyin sat up, rubbing her eyes, "The head hurts, what is this place? Why is it so dark?"

Bai Yu then talked about the experience of being involved one by one, Sun Qiaoyin's eyes lit up: "Such a big piece! It's all dark world star silver mines? It's all? It's ours?"

Old Huang said: "Mother-in-law, don't be too happy. It's okay to say that it's ours, but we have nothing to do with it."

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry. This old Huang could really hit a snake and go on a stick, but he was accidentally climbed up to his in-laws.

Sun Qiaoyin said with a face of wealth: "You can't eat a lot of money, Bai Yu burns the pill, slower or slower, but you can always get it out. As a bug mother, you don't even have a space ring..."

The despised insect mother said unhappily: "The insect mother possesses the power of space, have you ever heard of the sky swallowing insects? I have swallowed even the sky. If I have insufficient realm, what can't be swallowed by this little ore? ?"

Sun Qiaoyin said: "A hundred birds in the forest, it is better to have a bird in your hand, old yellow, you can do it!"

Lao Huang sighed: "Who told you to be kind to me? Let's go, let's chew some rings out for you..."

After that, Lao Huang fell on one of the rocks, arching out of the mask one by one - he is now in the realm of Yuan Ying, without fear of vacuum and ultra-low temperature.

Suddenly, Lao Huang was trapped in the fog and dust, but he drove the insect mother madly to bite the dust raised on the surface of the rock, and Bai Yu was moved with horror: "This insect mother's teeth are really good!"

Not long after, a tuft of ore that was originally protruding on the ground was bitten out by the old Huang’s worm mother, and finally fell to the ground. Bai Yu was overjoyed and jumped out of the mask, picking up the size of his head. In the dark world starry sky silver mine, a divine thought came out and asked: "Girl, how much can this piece be extracted?"

After a few breaths, the second girl replied: "Fifty or sixty more, it should be enough for a ring!"

Old Huang: "..."

Bai Yu: "..."

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