My Divine Diary

One hundred and nineteen Cas nine for subscription

Su Hao, through comparative research over the past few years, summed up the regularity of the gene sequences of ordinary Zhu Huo and foreigners.

If all the genes are arranged in order so that they are under the same chain.

It is easy to compare the genetic differences between aliens and ordinary people.

It was in this way that Su Hao found the difference between aliens.

Alien's genes have more fragments than ordinary people's genes, some are long and some are short, and they are located in different positions.

Make a simple analogy.

Compare the genes of an ordinary person to the sentence "I go home for dinner".

This sentence contains three parts of "subject, predicate and object", which are completely expressed and can express a clear meaning.

Then the gene of the alien is to insert some "fixed state supplements" in this sentence, and complete it, so that this sentence can express a stronger and more targeted meaning.

Such as "my mother called me home for dinner".

This sentence has evolved a little bit more than the previous one, and it feels stronger. If this is more intense, it will be labeled "Level 1", which represents the genes of the first-level aliens.

Continue to add words to this sentence, and it can become "My mother called me back to my grandmother's house for dinner".

The meaning of the expression is more clear, this gene is more abundant, we compare it to "secondary", representing the second-level alien gene.

So, when we keep adding the right words to it, the sentence can express a stronger meaning.

For example, "My mother called me to take my girlfriend back to my grandmother's house for dinner."

There is no doubt that this sentence is "level three".

The same is true for the genes that Su Hao observed. Ordinary people's genes are the basis. On this basis, after inserting the gene sequences of various specific fragments, another special expression is obtained.

And this way of expressing is the special power of aliens.

By comparing the genes of Yashan before and after the evolution, Su Hao confirmed this point even more.

Su Hao knew that the creatures in this world have mastered a method to edit their genes according to certain rules.

That is, in Sumerian mythology, the knife that made man in the hands of the Anunnaki.

"So, how did they accomplish this process of modifying genes?"

Regarding this point, Su Hao also found the answer.

It was precisely because he found this answer that he shivered with excitement and even had goosebumps, a kind of spiritual joy that filled his whole body and mind.

So what did Su Hao find?

This is the key that he discovered after using the genes of Zhu Huoren and ordinary human beings in previous generations to compare a lot.

It's actually not complicated.

That is Zhu Huo's genes, which are more like bacterial genes, and are fundamentally different from ordinary large animals.

As for the difference?

To understand the difference between them, you need to know how the genes of bacteria are different from those of ordinary animals.

Everyone knows a common sense.

For a normal person, once a virus or bacteriophage invades the human body, the white blood cells in the human body will actively recognize and clean up these bacteriophages.

So here comes the problem.

There are a large number of bacteria and bacteriophages in the ocean. From ancient times to the present, the war between bacteria and bacteriophages has never stopped.

However, in these bacteria, there are no white blood cells used to destroy bacteriophages, so how do bacteria fight the invasion of bacteriophages?

The answer is simple,

on the dna of bacteria.

Bacteria have two special stretches of DNA.

A gene dedicated to recording viral gene segments can be called a database.

A section of DNA specifically used to produce weapons can be called an arsenal.

When the phage invades the cell, the arsenal produces a kind of scissors, which can be called 'No. 1 scissors'.

After the 'No. 1 scissors' cut out a section of DNA from the phage, the cut DNA fragments were recorded in the DNA database.

At this time, the arsenal began to mass-produce the 'No. 2 scissors', and came to the database to retrieve the genetic information of the phage.

Then the No. 2 scissors carrying the virus information becomes the deadly weapon of bacteriophages - cas9.

Cas9 will actively find the phage's DNA, and once it finds a matching gene segment on the phage, it will immediately cut the phage's DNA.

Complete the kill.

It's that simple.

And Su Hao discovered that the gene of Zhu Huo in this world is similar to the gene of bacteria.

Because in the gene sequence of Zhu Huo's body, there are also 'databases' and 'weapons' like bacterial DNA. Not only that, but there is also an extra switch that looks like a 'controller'.

In other words, the secret of the world's plundering evolution is actually in those special gene sequences.

Such a discovery made Su Hao open a door to a new world.

Suddenly it became apparent that he really had the means to modify his genes at will.

As long as he can control the synthesis of cas9.

Can cas9 be synthesized artificially?

The answer is yes!

It is true that cas9 can be synthesized artificially, but it does not mean that Su Hao can do it now. The basic conditions do not allow it.

But he is not discouraged, there is still a long time in the future, there must be a way to solve this problem.

Why is cas9 so important?

This is like the cursor of a computer. We can control the cursor and edit and modify a document arbitrarily. It can be inserted or deleted, or whatever we want.

Conversely, if we can't control the cursor, there's nothing we can do about this document.

Of course, it is also possible to shuffle all the documents and then reorganize them, but who can confirm that the reorganized articles can still be read smoothly?

It's more likely to get a meaningless gibberish.

The same is true for genes. With the cursor of cas9, there is the ability to modify genes arbitrarily.

"If I want to completely uncover the secret of evolution, I still need to go through a round of evolution and then collect data." Su Hao is ready for evolution.

And the sequence he chose was the same [Shen Jiaren] sequence as Ashan.

Because this sequence allows him to maximize the power of the rune.

Although the other sequences are very powerful, they are far less compatible with him than [Shen Jiaren].

What about other abilities you want in the future?

Very simply, as long as his genetic research can make a breakthrough, these are not too big problems.


Time flies quickly in Su Hao's research.

A year passed quickly.

Su Hao is ten years old!

Su Hao was walking in this seemingly brand-new city and was very happy.

At this time, the population of Temple Forest City has skyrocketed, and most of them have come here from other cities. As soon as I came to Temple Forest City, I fell in love with this city from the bottom of my heart.

Without him, ease, harmony.

All this is thanks to the "Temple Forest Association" established by Yashan more than a year ago.

Today's "Temple Forest Association" has developed into a gang of more than 20 people, and all the internal members are foreigners above the second level.

During the day, he dealt with ordinary disputes in the city, but at night he became an alien 'inspector', catching those who violated the rules, beating them violently, and then forcing them to recite 'two cores, three principles'.

Today's "two cores, three principles" is not as simple as it was a year ago.

All foreigners hate reciting "Two Cores, Three Principles", and when they see the "Temple Forest Association", they all walk around.

Can't afford to offend.

After a long time, few people dare to commit crimes again.

Under Su Hao's suggestion, Yashan also made the rules of the Temple Forest City into a proclamation. The streets and alleys are covered all over the city. As long as you open your eyes, you can see huge fonts.

"The core of harmonious development of temples, forests and cities is to build a better future".

"The core is the happiness of ordinary people living and working in peace and contentment in Temple Forest City".


Even ordinary people who have seen a lot of it will memorize those two sentences.

"Boss Wei!"

"Hello, Boss Wei!"

"Morning Boss Wei!"

Su Hao walked by and almost everyone greeted Su Hao. In the beginning, it was only aliens who did this, but later, ordinary people followed suit, and Su Hao really became the boss of Temple Forest City.

Su Hao smiled and nodded, "Not bad!"

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