Chapter 134

Bai Ju gave Xiao Yao some time to digest the so-called "treasure" question, and didn't say much else, and Xiao Yao didn't ask any more questions.

If you talk too much about this thing, it might reveal the secret. Xiao Yao naturally understands Bai Ju's concerns, so he just speeds up his actions, packs up, and sets off with Bai Ju to find Qingbozi.

When the two of them set off, they naturally had less constraints when moving. They didn't have to worry about other people, and the two of them moved much faster. They used magic to shrink the ground to an inch, and in less than two hours, they arrived at the secret realm of Qingbozi. .

Qingbozi had received the news in advance. When the two of them walked up the mountain road, they found that the small bamboo house halfway up the mountain had disappeared, and was replaced by a magnificent house with white walls and black tiles, and gray-white stones stacked at the base of the walls. After walking around, the whole house looked quaint with a hint of the beauty of a Jiangnan water town.

On the door facing due south, there is a huge circular gold seal with the word "Life Wheel" inside, which seems to have something to do with Qingbozi's reincarnation technique.

"This is the house where Qu Lang and I lived when we were cultivating with Master." Xiao Yao was a little surprised when he saw the door. He quickly came back to his senses and introduced Bai Ju, "That's where Master sealed my memory at that time. There may be something useful in this house now."

Of course it comes in handy.

Bai Ju frowned and looked at the sky above the house. He could clearly feel a simple and unfamiliar wave, like a magic weapon. It was not a simple thing. It might be bigger than an ordinary mythical beast.

If Qing Mo Zi had such a magic weapon in his hand, then it would not be incomprehensible that he could seal Xiao Yao's fate.

Xiao Yao himself couldn't feel the fluctuation of the magic weapon. The reason was for no other reason than his insufficient cultivation.

The cultivation of human monks is divided into many small stages, and different stages correspond to different ways of operating spiritual power. Xiao Yao's current level is about half a step of golden elixir.

Human monks usually have stages of cultivation including Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Nascent Soul, distraction, and integration. After that, they reach immortality, and there is a set of levels of immortality.

In this part of the world, the Heavenly Court was established very late, and there were many messy disputes. For a period of time, the Heavenly Court's combat power was scarce, and it often attracted human monks with enough hearts to become gods. Generally speaking, as long as the monks step into the Golden Pill, It means that the prototype of the great avenue has emerged, which means that we have touched the edge of the fairyland. If they are lucky enough, it is possible for human monks with Golden Core and above to skip a bunch of levels and ascend directly to become gods and become so-called transcendent immortals.

When a flying immortal is recognized by heaven, the spiritual energy in his body will directly undergo a qualitative change and turn into immortal energy; however, the spiritual power reserve of the flying immortal himself is not as large as that of the monks who climb up step by step, so after ascension, it will be controlled by a group of heavenly beings. Collect the magic weapon of opening the sky and carry out the void cultivation. In that magic weapon, you start to practice on your own from the cultivation level before ascension, make breakthroughs layer by layer, fight inner demons, and go through setbacks, and finally make up for the missing ones, and it takes time But it is extremely short, one breath lasts for ten years.

Everyone wants to enter this kind of crash course in cultivating immortals, but in fact, only those geniuses with a high enough level of mentality are admitted. They are just held back by their age. Even if they are unable to ascend through the ranks, they can still become immortals given time.

Returning to the topic, the cultivation level and ascension mechanism of monsters like Bai Ju are different from humans.

The cultivation of monsters can be roughly divided into five stages: ignorance, enlightenment, elixir formation, transformation, and disembodiment. As the name suggests, during the period of ignorance, monsters are no different from wild beasts; during the period of enlightenment, it means that spiritual inspiration enters the body and the monster embarks on the path of spiritual practice; Chengdan means that the demon elixir takes shape, and the monster's talents and skills begin to awaken, and there is a golden elixir in the body. The demon elixir contains all the abilities of a demon; in terms of strength, it is comparable to the golden elixir human cultivator.

As for getting out of the body, you can control the demon elixir to leave the body. From then on, as long as the demon elixir is not destroyed, even if the body is damaged, the monster can use the demon elixir to reshape its flesh and blood. After leaving the body, there are no obvious stages in the monster's cultivation level. All differences in strength lie in the accumulation of spiritual energy in the body and the pressure of blood.

Baiju and Jinhege are both losing their bodies.

If it were transformed into the level of human cultivation, it could only be said to be at Nascent Soul and above, but the specifics are difficult to define; however, what is consistent with human cultivation is that monsters can also ascend through higher levels after becoming elixirs. As for the elders of the Warlock Association, their cultivation levels are basically between the first and second levels of Jindan, which is far behind Bai Ju.

Divided into golden elixirs and accomplished elixirs, both human cultivators and monsters have one elixir as the threshold of the immortal world. Before and after becoming an elixir, there will be a qualitative change in strength and ability.

Bai Ju could detect the fluctuation of the magic weapon, but Xiao Yao couldn't. This was the difference.

Qingbozi's current cultivation level is about at the third level of Jindan, and he is still far away from the ninth level to become an infant. The biggest obstacle is the current incomplete Dao and the thin spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

"Come on, let's go in." Seeing Bai Ju looking at the sky above the house without saying anything, Xiao Yao realized that something important might be hidden here, so he reached out and pulled Bai Ju's palm, stepped forward and gently opened the door. .

The Qingbozi was unlocked, and Xiao Yao pushed the door open without even breaking the formation. What he saw was not the ordinary flower and rockery decoration in the front yard, but an empty martial arts field with a giant cauldron in the center.

The gray-white stone slabs are spread on the ground tightly, and slight fluctuations of spiritual energy are flowing. It is obvious that the damage can be repaired by itself.

Xiao Yao turned around and closed the door. He walked to the giant cauldron with some nostalgia and raised his hand to touch the surface of the cauldron.

The giant bronze cauldron has a simple style, with characters and patterns from various dynasties engraved on the outside. However, there are also many palm prints and sword marks on the cauldron, which are the names of Xiao Yao and the others.

Traces left behind during years of practice.

After walking around the front yard for a short time, Xiao Yao took Bai Ju to visit the study room, scripture copying room, confinement room and some large and small warehouses. However, after walking around the entire front yard, he didn't see any green moths. figure.

Xiao Yao was confused, so he walked to a bookshelf in the study room, raised his hand to touch a hidden compartment, opened it, and pulled out a paper crane with a note.

"I need to find something, and I have to come back in a few days. I've packed up Xiao Xiao's original room. You guys can stay here first. If you want to do anything inappropriate for children, remember to put a ban on it."

"..." Xiao Yao crumpled the paper crane in embarrassment, and the voice of the blue moth lingered, making it difficult to ignore.

Bai Ju chuckled and raised his hand to touch Xiao Yao's head, quite satisfied with what Qing Mo Zi did.

After all, the first thing they need to do when they come to this secret realm is to let Xiao Yao learn the dual cultivation method. Borrowing the high concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm will obviously get twice the result with half the effort.

I thought of sleeping on the couch where Yaoyao slept when he was a child...

cough. Can't think.

Xiao Yao has no less scraps in his mind than Bai Laogou. On the contrary, Director Xiao, who has an Internet celebrity Weibo account, knows a lot of tricks.

Xiao Yao put the paper crane that started playing on a loop back into the dark compartment after he finished speaking. He glanced at the antique study room, and a lot of mosaics began to pop out.

This study is not Qing Mozi's study, but Xiao Yao's own.

At that time, Qing Jizi occupied an entire large house by himself, and many buildings were empty. He generously arranged a set of rooms for each of Xiao Yao and Qu Lang, including a study room, kitchen, bedroom and warehouse. If there were not enough You can still ask him to apply again.

After all, after waiting for more than a thousand years to accept two precious disciples, Qingbozi was very generous.

Xiao Yao stood by the bookshelf, looked at his large desk, and then at the comfortable couch and sturdy rattan chair...

He felt that there were a lot of unlockable positions in the study.

Bai Ju felt guilty just thinking about the bedroom, but he didn't expect that Xiao Yao had skipped the regular car and started planning a modified car; so he just stayed there with red ears and was embarrassed for a while, and then reached out to pull He pulled Xiao Yao's palm and asked in a low voice: "Can I go to your bedroom first?"

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows: "Want to try it in the bedroom?"

Bai Ju coughed slightly, touched his nose, and did not deny it.

Xiao Yao stopped teasing him, just held his knuckled hand and left the study, walking slowly to the backyard.

The layout of the atrium is warmer than the front yard. There are flowers, trees, rockeries and small ponds. The clear water is rippling with microwaves. There are water lilies with blooming flowers and a few small goldfish with red and white flowers.

After bypassing the exquisite courtyard and passing through the long corridor, the last row of houses is where Xiao Yao's bedroom was. On one side of the corridor is an exquisite corridor wall with wood-carved murals and some hanging works of landscape poetry. Many of the hanging works are the pen and ink of some human beings in ancient times and have been protected. After the ban, it was hung here on display for many years.

"Master likes to collect these things very much." Seeing Bai Ju's eyes lingering on the pen and ink, Xiao Yao explained, "According to Master, his seniors also like these things, but this one seems to come from It’s in your bones.”

Bai Ju nodded, glanced at the delicate lines on the rice paper, and agreed: "Lin Yuxian also liked this back then. My father didn't know what to buy. If my mother was lucky enough to get good calligraphy, painting, poetry, she would also give it to Lin Yuxian. To avoid being ruined by my father.”

"Since ancient times, China has valued literati. Rough people like me and my father will inevitably look down upon literati. We don't know how to paint, but we will subconsciously respect these works."

As a person who has been washed away by the times, it is only natural for Qing Jizi to be interested in and rely on this kind of calligraphy and painting.

Xiao Yao saw that Bai Ju seemed to have a lot of emotions, so he talked to him a few more words. As he continued walking along the corridor, he remembered something: "By the way, Brother Bai, there are a few pictures of me and myself hanging at the end of the corridor. Works painted by Qu Lang."

"Yao Yao, do you know how to draw?" Bai Ju was a little surprised. Looking back, Xiao Yao did have the Four Treasures of the Study in the study room of the Demon Management Bureau apartment, but Xiao Yao had never used them.

Xiao Yao shook his head and said: "I don't know how to draw, but when I was learning to draw talismans, I had to lay a good foundation. Just practicing calligraphy with the wrist hanging cost us a lot of energy... Later, my level was almost set, and I basically Only practice talismans, not calligraphy and painting.”

Speaking of this, Xiao Yao couldn't help laughing: "Alang and I are different. When I was practicing calligraphy and painting, he only practiced calligraphy. He felt that painting by older men was too effeminate, so he never painted well. Master also There is no need to force him, as long as he can draw the basic talisman paper well; but his masterpiece is still hung in this corridor by Master."

Bai Ju was curious and let Xiao Yao lead him towards the end of the corridor. He soon saw an eye-catching work among five or six landscape paintings - in the center of the snow-white painting paper, there was a crooked tortoise painted, lower right. In the corner is the powerful word Qu Lang.

"Alang's calligraphy and painting are not on the same level." Xiao Yao smiled and continued, "The landscape paintings next to them are my exercises. The inscribed seals were carved with the help of Master. The seals are in the apartment of the Demon Management Bureau. Leave it alone, I will find it for you another day and show it to you, a good bloodstone."

There was a lover's halo in Bai Ju's eyes, and he immediately fell in love with those Xiao Yao's paintings. He leaned over and touched them lovingly. Fortunately, these works have been banned, so they are not afraid of being damaged by touching them. Bai Ju touched them again and again eagerly, wishing he could take them off and take them away.

Xiao Yao

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry and took Bai Ju's hand: "They are all inferior works. The textures of the stones and leaves are all wrong. There is nothing interesting..."

After a pause, Xiao Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he continued: "Brother Bai, let me draw a portrait for you. There are four treasures of the study in my bedroom. Do you want to draw it?"

Bai Ju was also happy when he heard this, his phantom tail wagging behind him. His family Yao Yao wanted to paint a portrait of him! This is what it means to fall in love with him! Of course you have to paint!

Bai Ju followed Xiao Yao and walked briskly towards his bedroom.

An hour later, in Xiao Yao's former bedroom.

The tip of the pen stained with light ink moved from the rice paper to the skin of a certain demon king as he drew.

Trace the texture and add a little bit of vermilion, and finally the portrait becomes a wet erotic picture.


The lustful white old dog went to eat and forgot to teach the exercises.

Then I ate it again while it was hot.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-12 02:56:46~2019-12-16 02:39:53~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: Yu me, one with long hair reaching his knees;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Butterfly Dream 6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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