My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 714 Performance on the battlefield for the first time

Guarded by Jingyu, Qiangwei easily smashed three enemy battleships, including a flagship and two battleships.

During the period, after the two big robots, Taotie also tried to organize a wave of offensive, trying to thwart the two. However, it was easily dismantled by Jingyu. After that, Taotie gave up the main battleships one by one and fought close battles with the enemy.

Almost all the boats were dispatched. Together with the gunboat, while Jingyu and Qiangwei were fighting the battleship, they pressed into the low altitude of the city, almost next to the building.

These enemies were partly hit by Monkey King's clone. When Qiangwei was the last capital ship, there were even some enemies fighting with Monkey King's clone.

And most of them have either been killed or have been lowered down.

The remaining soldiers of the Xiongbing Company encountered them.

Qilin shined brightly, shot one sniper rifle, and there was nothing wrong with it. Make her a target.

Lena saw her being sniped to the head.

"It's okay." Qilin answered her. It's not that 027 is trying to do her best, but that the enemy's bullets didn't break through the defense that Jingyu had set for her. While she was surprised, she couldn't help but secretly pleased Jingyu's kindness.

Rui Mengmeng can also fight an enemy alone.

Liu Chuang even cut down several gluttonous soldiers. Xinneng moved around with his mobility. Cheng Yaowen can make up for Lena's shortcomings in command, calmly put forward opinions and help mobilize everyone.

Only Ge Xiaolun shouted in the channel: "Me, I am surrounded by several gluttonous soldiers, no, it is gluttonous heroes. They are all beating me, asking for support!

The power of the gluttonous warrior made him think that he was facing an elite monster.

"I can't see you here." Qilin replied.

"Xiao Lun, wait a minute, buddy will pass." Liu Chuang shouted.

"Xiao Lun, don't be so persuaded, okay," Although Lena didn't see it, she could roughly guess it. "Their weapons can't hurt you at all. You can just slash with a big sword."

"I can't cut and cut their armor, what should I do? I will be killed." "Ge Xiaolun was crying. He also said: "I knew it, I asked Jingyu, no, I asked Long to cut the iron. The mud knife is out. "

"If you are a woman, Brother Long will give you special care." Xin Zhao teased him.

I've never been on the battlefield, and I'm afraid of being beaten. In fact, people who are bolder like Xin Zhao know what's going on. At first glance, it seemed that the gluttonous soldiers were particularly awe-inspiring, but immediately after the fight, they knew that gluttonous soldiers were not so scary.

After all, they are super fighters who can jump ten feet at random. Ge Xiaolun could actually defeat those gluttonous soldiers with bare hands. He is a force type, and tanks can be snatched by him as a great sword. He was just afraid that his hands would become weak.

Jingyu and Qiangwei destroyed the battleship and also heard these conversations.

"How is it?" Jingyu asked Qiangwei, "Are you going to support it?'

Qiangwei frowned and said coldly: "No, let him solve it by himself. Let's go fight those gunboats."

She flew out first, and Jingyu followed.

But in the middle, Jingyu speeded up and made a circle. On Ge Xiaolun's side, he easily released a few blades and killed those gluttonous soldiers who "want to kill Ge Xiaolun, but from the end point of view, they were only to the extent of beating."

He quickly returned to Qiangwei's side.

Qiangwei didn't look at him, and said in a low voice: "If you do this, he may never grow up." She was not really unfeeling, but hoped that Ge Xiaolun could stand up where she fell.

But Jingyu also has his own thoughts, "Some people just have to be pulled by others. (aieg) I am different from you. You have been trained since you were a child and you have been a real soldier. I was until the age of thirty. Ordinary people, then suddenly

The goddess gave a new identity and started a new life. It's like Ge Xiaolun now. That is not a simple matter. "

"Then when you were on the battlefield for the first time?" Qiangwei asked, "I heard that your side is also in the era of space battleships. You are still the strongest pilot who fought with big robots. Would you be as persuaded as him? "

"This" Jingyu remembered his own experience, "Well, it's really not like him."

Qiangwei showed a "look" expression.

But Jingyu said: "Because I have received another kind of training. It can let me automatically enter a calm state regardless of tension, fear, excitement, etc., by the way, it might be better to teach him this."

If you are not calm, your brain will be blank. I can't remember what I can do, and I don't know how to analyze the enemy.

So, no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

Ge Xiaolun was like this just now. And if it can keep him calm, there should be other effects.

Then he looked at Qiang Wei again, and what he remembered in his mind was the battle of Tianhe in the animation. Naturally, it is not so easy to play now. He also remembered how Qiangwei's performance was at that time.

That didn't show up in front of my eyes.

That doesn't mean there is no.

It is not triggered.

‘I can’t wait for the trigger to happen later, Qiangwei can’t calm down even when things happen, and I have to let her receive training. "

I decided on this idea, but I didn't say much to Qiangwei now. Together with her, step by step killed the remaining flying gunboats. After that, chase down the gluttonous soldiers who are alone.

Large forces also entered Tianhe City, searching for and pursuing the remaining enemies.

The real version of the Battle of Tianhe, with Jingyu joining, miraculously won and ended with the least damage to the city and the least casualties.

Luyang temporarily stopped its invasion of China, and the Xiongbing Company entered the training stage again. Jingyu began to implement a training program for Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei. The company of male soldiers was still stationed at sea, so he flew over once a day first. Thereafter

He quickly learned the movement of wormholes within the earth from Xiao Liangbing. It was much more convenient for him to find Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun again.

As for the knife that Ge Xiaolun wanted, I didn't give it.

Ten months passed quickly, and Keisha finally came. Xiao Liangbing was the first to notice that as soon as Keisha entered the Milky Way, she was walking around restlessly.

Jingyu flew out of the earth to meet Keisha.

He saw the small sky blade where Kesha was sitting, smiled and waved to Kesha.

However, from the dozen female angels who followed Kesha, a female angel with a ponytail flew out. .

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