My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 52 Murrue appears

Heliopolis is a cylindrical satellite with a length of 32 kilometers and a diameter of 3 kilometers. As a resource satellite, one end of it is almost dependent on an asteroid. From a distance, it looked like a huge rock protruding something.

When the spacecraft approached the satellite, Jingyu did not miss looking at it from the window.

When you enter the satellite, the first thing you see is that the city that manages the city in the satellite has grown... The size of the satellite is no less than the hourglass-shaped satellites of PLANT, and the number of residents inside is even greater.

Mr. Shi told Jingyu them that the guests of the Earth Union had also arrived.

After obtaining Mina's consent, the head of Shi sent a secretary to notify the guests, and the first meeting was held an hour later.

Since this time it involves military secrets, a colonel is responsible for leading the team from the Earth Union. The rest are also military attributes and elites with various professional knowledge.

Among them was a female captain with chestnut and shoulder-length hair.

After receiving the notice, they first assemble in front of the colonel. The colonel confirmed who was going, and the female captain was called by name.

"Murrue. Ramius!"


Murrue stood in the front row like the others whose names were called.

By the way, even though they are still the style of the army, they are actually wearing suits to cover people's eyes. A total of nine people participated in the first round of talks. In order to be further unobtrusive, the trip was divided into three groups.

Murrue will join the colonel and another colleague as the third batch.

After meeting with Secretary Shi in the designated building, he led him to the conference room.

After the colonel first stepped into the conference room, the five Orb officials sitting at the side of the conference table all stood up...Among them was a young woman in aristocratic costumes, the shi who manages the satellite, and the Shuguang Society. A person in charge.

The colonel and Mina have already conducted a video communication to get to know each other. He knew that Mina was the person in charge of the negotiations in the Sahaku family. In the last communication, Mina requested the meeting place here on the grounds of ‘avoid being known by the Ashar family’. And said that he would give a reply here.

That is, the colonel thought that Mina should be the person in charge.

What surprised him was also here... There were more than five people at the conference table in this room! Two seats were also set up behind them, a young man with brown glasses, and a delicate girl.

The two of them were still sitting when the colonel came in.

Mina has to stand up to greet the guests, and what do they represent when they sit?

The colonel had a hunch that this meeting would not go so smoothly. But the change will definitely happen to those two people.

Unfortunately, for this, there were no signs in advance, and they were not prepared.

The secretary led the colonel and others to the other side of the conference table. A group of people kept coming in according to their ranks, and Murrue was almost at the end. When she entered the room, she also found the two people over there... and she was even more surprised than the colonel.

‘That, that’s...’

She didn't dare to recognize Jingyu at a glance, but she recognized Xiaoling at a glance.

He fixedly looked at Xiaoling's face, then looked back at Jingyu's face, "Is that him?" It's him. ’

She couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes.

In fact, Jingyu didn't think of this... it was Mina's arrangement.

Since Jingyu wants to change the loose conditions to harsh, he has to oppress the other party in the negotiation. In this way, the best way is to win people out first... Before you start the negotiation, let the other party feel uneasy.

So he sits here pretending to be indifferent.

But when I saw Murrue...No, in his impression, the first reaction was "Mala Mias", the beautiful woman who had been on a blind date with him and was willing to try and try with him... I didn't expect it would Seeing her here, he couldn't help being surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Thanks to the brown glasses that he wore, most of his expression changes were obscured. Otherwise, Mina's plan would fail.

Murrue was still looking at him.

Jingyu glanced at the others... Mina was talking to the colonel, and everyone else was watching them. After he didn't see anyone paying attention to him, he quietly and inconspicuously nodded to Murrue.

He couldn't help feeling somewhat satisfied when he saw Murrue's face reassuring.

(Recommend "The Demon King of Time and Space")*

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