My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 48 Continuation of temptation

Uzmi Nala Askha, the head of the Uzmi Nara Ashar, is now in his prime of life, and Jingyu has just succeeded as the head of the Patriarch. It takes time for the former to step down from the position of representative head, and for the latter to accumulate sufficient prestige.

And it will not be just a few months.

As a strategy, Patrick wants to win over Jingyu. This is a long-term investment.

So, he didn't force Azalia to give him an answer right away... The deadline given was before Jingyu left PLANT.

Isalia has enough time to set up!

Just from the first teaching, she knew that Jingyu was not resistant to her. And his reaction was very interesting... the ambivalence that he wanted to see but kept him away from it was clearly expressed on his face.

Azalia never thought that a politician would be so bad at hiding her expression.

She is not a woman who is accustomed to seduce men, she has a strong ambition to do this. But when she was watched, her heart was not without fluctuations... So in the beginning, if Renoah hadn't appeared at that time, Jingyu would not have seen that first glance, nor would she have noticed his expression.

And because she noticed his expression, she relaxed!

This is not a man, but a little boy!

Suddenly, it seemed that with the leeway of the big sister, she would be more proactive in the second half of that class.

Jingyu endured without showing an unbearable expression, and Azalia also endured in the second half... and did not laugh.

Not mocking, not contemptuous smile, but funny...just just think it's funny and laugh.

Then she spent a week thinking about what she did that day and planning for the future. She felt that he should not be forced too tightly. If he is allowed to adapt to her quickly, then her plan will fall in vain.

Therefore, in the second and third weeks, Azalia conducted a total of six classes, all through video communication, instead of going there in person. In the video, she is dressed in a congressman's uniform, not only wrapped tightly, but also deliberately showing the sternness of the teacher.

But I have to say that she has to admit that Irene's judgment is correct. The student's rapid progress and high level of hard work are really the kind that the teacher likes the most.

The information she got showed that he was a natural person. Like Irene, she didn't believe it.

In the fourth week, she had another half day free and came to Renoa's house.

It is a pity that Renuoa is not at home today, which makes her less fun to provoke Renoah...her attention is completely focused on Jingyu.

Seeing him face-to-face again, perhaps the two-week-old class played a role, and she saw his restraint again.

This makes her very satisfied.

Perhaps it is a factor of character. She is a teacher, and the teacher is naturally an object worthy of respect and fear for students... Even if she will seduce him, she still wants him to have the respect and fear of her at the same time.

She wants to make him surrender like a queen!

In this class, Azalia always pretended to tease him unconsciously when he was most attentive...have been in contact with him seven times. As a councillor, she can successfully grasp a problem that she is not good at. The state of the person who hides the expression.

It was very successful, and on three occasions he was blushed by her!

The blush of an adult man? In Azalia's memory, it seems that only some people blush when they are excitedly arguing about something. That's ugly.

In front of her, she thought his appearance was really cute.

He was like this again because of her, she made him show such a cute expression... She couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment!

After the class on that day, Jingyu sent her to the door.

Before getting into the car, "Your performance today was very good, beyond my expectation, so this is a reward!" Azalia suddenly leaned close to him and kissed him on the cheek.

He showed his embarrassment again... At the time, Azalia resisted the reaction. It was the first-class car that left Renoa's home, and she smiled in the back seat blankly, to the extent that there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Jingyu naturally didn't know about this.

Despite this, he still smiled helplessly.

He waited until the car was gone before he returned to the house.

Aisha has already gone to prepare tea... This is Renoah's advice, to take care of him in place of Renoah who is not at home.

It's not that there are no maids or butlers in the house, but Renoah still chose Aisha. She was already trusting Aisha, and she didn't know how Aisha did it. Jingyu sometimes sees them sitting together and chatting very happily.

Aisha, who walked into the living room almost at the same time, heard the sound of the closing of the living room, and said from a distance, "I have worked hard today. Come and have a cup of tea to rest..." She stopped in the middle of the conversation and looked a little surprised. Hold him.

"What's the matter?" Jingyu is also a little accustomed to Aisha's existence, he walked over to the sofa and sat down on his own.

"Your face..." Aisha came to him and put down the teacup and teapot. "Wait a moment!" She didn't immediately pour the tea for him, but turned around and took the wet wipes first.

After returning, he handed him a wet wipe.

Pointed to his left cheek.

"Hurry up and wipe it, I was seen by Renoah, there will be problems."

Jingyu was puzzled, and wiped the position she indicated on her face. After putting down the wet wipes, I saw that the white surface was dyed with a layer of red.

That seems to be the same color as Azalia's lip gloss.

He was really surprised and embarrassed.

"Ah, that, that..."

He wanted to explain to Asia.

Aisha shook her head slightly and smiled... She always has a way to make the most appropriate expression at the right time. Now, Jingyu can't help but relax seeing her feminine and tolerant smile.

She poured a cup of tea for him first, then poured a cup for herself, and sat down on the sofa on the side.

"It's Senator Azalia," she said.

Jingyu nodded.

"I noticed it last time." Her voice was sweet, but a bit venomously said: "When the woman came, only one button was unbuttoned on her shirt. When she left, she unbuttoned one more...I don't She would naively think that she did it because she felt hot. Did she shamelessly seduce you last time?"

It can be said that Azalia is a little bit overwhelmed, but she also has to praise Aisha for her careful observation.

Jingyu rubbed his nose, coughed and nodded again.

He thought to himself, ‘if you look back now...she is a little bit like you. ’

Aisha easily read his thoughts from his face, and she squinted her gaze and said: "I didn't want to seduce you, it was purely for teaching... I would think it was seduce, just because someone's mind was impure! "

Jingyu smiled awkwardly.

Aisha didn't wait for him to explain anything, she said to herself, "Is it? Renoir was not in a good mood last time. It really was because she discovered this. So, did Renoa deliberately avoid it this time? ?"

She thought to herself, if it was, Renoah would be a little naive.

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement" and "Prophecy Becomes Demon King")*

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