My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 44 Girls here

Siegel Klein entertains Jingyu and Renoah in the reception room, and his daughter Lax is responsible for guiding Long Xiaoling because she wants to stroll around the house.

This is actually intentional by Long Xiaoling.

After the two girls separated from the adults, Long Xiaoling stopped in the long corridor leading to the courtyard behind the main house. She turned back, and looked at Lux with a somewhat arrogant expression that was different from the quiet girl just now.

This singer has a long light pink wavy hair that hangs behind her like a light cloud. Snow-white crystal skin, big watery eyes, dreamy eyes... these with full cheeks, it seems that she is always smiling.

Among the women in this world, Long Xiaoling actually only values ​​two.

One is Aisha, and the other is Lux.

Aisha is synonymous with femininity, and she is full of femininity. She is mysterious and brilliant, she has a fatal temptation to men, and she has extraordinary abilities in her own...On top of maintaining such a foundation, she can do a little bit-she can live only for a certain man.

Many women can do a lot for the men they love, but they have their own careers.

Aisha is different, she can give up everything for the man she loves.

What he will do is what she will do...she can live around him at all times.

So Long Xiaoling can tolerate Aisha and expects Aisha to be conquered by Jingyu.

Long Xiaoling values ​​Lux. It has something to do with her beauty and her temperament.

This young girl was already out and out, but her appearance and figure were not sharp or stiff at all.

She has nothing to do with the world!

However, this is by no means that she lacks the wisdom and strength to compete.

Long Xiaoling values ​​her hidden talent!

The so-called "close to the vermilion" and "close to the ink" are black... Long Xiaoling hopes that Jingyu can enjoy the care of Aisha's femininity and at the same time be influenced by the good aspects of Lacus.

She wanted these two women to stay by his side.

As for the others, let him be happy. He wanted, had that intention, and she helped him arrange his encounter with them, and helped him create moments that would impress them.

Now, "Miss Lux, I want to call you by your name, can you?" She said politely.

Lacus saw that Long Xiaoling was different from just now. She smiled quietly, and did not pursue why there was such a change.

"Of course, if possible, I would also like to call you Xiaoling directly."

She placed her hands on her abdomen, and raised one hand to make a gesture of please.

"A little further ahead, this is the courtyard Xiaoling wants to go to."

"Don't go to the courtyard!" Long Xiaoling smiled: "That's just an excuse to separate from the adults. Now, Lux, is there a place where I can surf the Internet at home?"

"Yes." Lux didn't ask why either. In her opinion, this child might want to go online to play a game. She took Xiaoling to her room, "There is a computer here, Xiaoling can use it at will."

She gestured to the pink laptop on the desk by the window.

Long Xiaoling walked over, pulled out the chair and sat down... There was a kettle in Lux's room, but there was no cup for the guests to use. She called a box robot and asked the maid to prepare tea and deliver it.

In order to facilitate the entry and exit of the box robot, she did not close the door of the room.

Walking back to Xiaoling again, she would smile and ask, "Is it still used?", but was surprised to find that Xiaoling's ten thin fingers were spinning like enclaves on the keyboard.

Only one minute passed...No, including the time Lacus ordered to prepare the tea, it was probably a total of two minutes.

"Okay!" Long Xiaoling glanced at her, smiled and tapped on the ‘enter’ building.

A picture popped up on the laptop, and sound came in.

"This is..." Lacus covered her lips, "The reception room at home, father and them..."

The guest seats are reflected from the side of the screen. Xiaoling obviously manipulated the up, down, left, and right buttons to control the movement of the camera installed in the reception room, and was able to zoom in to see the facial expressions of the characters.

The incoming voice is exactly Siegel's.

He seemed to be very interested, casually talking about PLANT's customs.

It seems to be irrelevant content, but Lacus is still a little nervous.

"Xiaoling, it's not good for us to eavesdrop like this, or..."

"It won't hurt you!" Long Xiaoling took advantage of the identity of a child at this time, "I'm caught, I will bear it all... Dad always puts me aside as a child, obviously I help him I'm in charge of the Long Family."

She also deliberately complained about Jingyu.

Lacus smiled bitterly when she said "I won't hurt you". I was surprised when I heard it.

PLANT are all adjusters, and there is no shortage of geniuses.

But to say that the person who manages the Long Family, one of the five greats like Orb, is a ten-year-old girl, this still shocked Lacus.

"Is it Xiaoling?"

However, she did not doubt whether Xiaoling's words were true, but rather curious on this basis.

"If Xiaoling is in charge of the house...Mr. Long, what do you usually do?"

"Before Dad took over as Patriarch, he was like your sister, doing almost nothing." Long Xiaoling said casually.

Lux's heart slammed.

She has the feeling that there is something in Xiaoling's words.

But Xiaoling has continued to say, "Now, Dad is studying...physically, intellectually. They are still just starting, and they are still far away."

Lacus smiled warmly, "Xiaoling is very demanding of his father. In my opinion, Mr. Long is already an amazing person."

"Really?" Long Xiaoling smiled slyly, "Then, have you reached the point of becoming your sister's object?"

"Object?" Lux was stunned.

"It's the kind of marriage!" Long Xiaoling emphasized.

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement" and "Prophecy Becomes Demon King")*

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