My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 21 Love can be effectively created through the chain of things

For Jingyu and Renoah, it was also a sudden rain... They were immersed in the same emotion, as if their hearts were intertwined. Warmth and sadness are mixed into one, circulating in two hearts.

That is a wonderful experience.

There is me in you and you in me. In the beautiful natural landscape, no one wants to break this tranquility. The goodwill towards each other is rapidly improving, and in the next second it seems that they will be able to admire each other.

However, the young Chuangshi Shen could see through the results of such development... They will always get rid of the current emotions! If you let this happen naturally, how good you feel about the other party at this time will be much invisible embarrassment in the future.

They didn't have time to eliminate the embarrassment and then move on.

So she decided to help them divert their attention. In this way, not only to forcibly eliminate the doomed embarrassment, but also to further promote the warming of their feelings, pushing it to the critical point of love at one time.

She is a god of creation, and can calculate what to do to achieve this result.

The heavy rain suddenly poured down, and for three seconds in a daze, the thin coat of Renoah was stuck to her slender body, revealing the traces of her underwear.

She was undoubtedly called back to God.

But the first thing that comes to mind is not to greet the guests and run back to the house to shelter from the rain.

"How come?" As a senior researcher of this satellite, she felt that the rain came too abnormal. So out of professional habit, the first thing she did was lift her head and look at the sky with frowning. My mind is already analyzing the possible reasons and the impact.

This was interrupted suddenly.

She recovered from the automatic wandering of her mind, and found that she was taken by the young man's hand. While pulling her to the bungalow, he slightly hooked his body to protect something on the other hand.

Renoah didn't see clearly for a while, and couldn't concentrate on that one. She followed him, looked at her hands, and then at the back of his head... It seemed that this was the first time that she was being dragged away by a man so aggressively. This thought flashed through her mind, and her heartbeat accelerated a little.

The two went up the steps of the bungalow and stood under the eaves created by the protruding second floor of the building.

Huh, he heaved a sigh of relief and straightened his waist.

Renoah saw that it turned out to be the mousse cake she made...Three pieces were collected by him on a plate.

Does he not hesitate to be so gaffe, even to get wet, just to protect the cake?

When Renoah thought of this, she couldn't help but smile.

Being drenched by heavy rain caused the carefully prepared afternoon tea to be destroyed; I was clearly the owner, but miscalculated the time of the rain, so that the guests were caught in the rain... The former will make her mood worse, the latter will make her even more so. Embarrassed and embarrassed.

But none of this was in her mind at this moment.

She just thought about how he would protect the cake she made.

Jingyu heard the laughter and looked at her suspiciously... His gaze lowered slightly and he was taken aback, then quickly looked away, and opened the door calmly.

"Come in." He urged her.

The rain was engulfed by the wind, and it seemed that it could still blow on the legs of the two of them.

Renoah responded with an ‘um’ and walked in first.

She did not forget the moment before he looked away, and took the opportunity to lower her head to check her own condition...The soaked skirt of the clothes could not help but make red clouds appear under her eyes, and the shy emotions have not been in the past for many years. superior.

But, ‘you are not a young girl, there is no need to waver at this level. Besides, this is your home, you should take care of him in the manner of a mistress. ’

She told herself not to enjoy a male gentleman for granted just because she is a woman, and women should also be responsible for women.

She turned around generously and was about to say to him, ‘I’ll get the towel, please take a break first’, but saw that he had put down the cake plate. I took the communicator out of my clothes pocket, it seemed that I had already dialed the number, and was listening.

‘By the way, his daughter is still outside. Renoah thought of the delicate girl, looked at the dimness outside the window, and was a little worried for the girl.

The communication was connected after three seconds, "Dad." The girl's crisp voice was faintly heard.

"Xiaoling, where are you?" Jingyu asked quickly.

"I'm already down the slope. It rained, so I hid under the eaves of a house. Don't worry, I'll go back when the rain stops." Long Xiaoling said. She was actually still sitting on that tree, but the rain couldn't reach her.

"House? What kind of house, is the eaves wide?" Jingyu walked to the window and watched the corridor outside the door being swept by the rain constantly. There seemed to be a bad picture of the rain constantly drenching her daughter in her mind, "House Where's the master, don't you want to let you in to shelter from the rain?"

His distress towards his daughter turned into anger towards the homeowner, and his voice increased.

"It seems to be a house with no one. There was no response when I knocked on the door." Long Xiaoling said.

"That..." Jingyu was patted on the shoulder when she wanted to say something more.

He looked back and saw Renoa's gentle smile... She was also holding a communicator to her ear.

Jingyu's heart moved, thinking of Renoah's identity and the environment here... Since the satellites can be controlled by the seasons, let alone rain?

He said, "Good girl, don't hang up, wait a minute, Aunt Renuoya is trying to relieve the rain."

"Oh." Long Xiaoling replied cleverly, but thought in his heart, ‘how can I relieve her. ’

Renoir's communication was connected, and her expression became majestic, and she said in awe-inspiring manner: "I am Renoir Sarah, immediately stop the rain in the satellite."

"Hug, I'm sorry," a slightly burnt voice came from the other side, "Representative Sara, the rain control system is malfunctioning, and we are trying to fix it."

Renoah frowned, "What is the estimated time for troubleshooting?"

"Three, three hours!" The technician's voice was a little weak.

Renoah gritted her teeth and said, "Work as soon as possible! Also, I will be held accountable for the accident afterwards!" She tried her best to restrain herself so as not to shout back in front of Jingyu, but still gave an angry warning.

Then she looked at Jingyu, "I'm sorry..." She was so guilty that she couldn't be more guilty.

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement")*

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