My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 2766: 4.456 Does it matter?

Chapter 2766 4.456 Can't pay it?

At the same time, Xie Ci stretched out a hand and snatched away the black maggot of Tianshui Miu.

The comer was a man in his thirties, with a very mediocre appearance, a pair of squirrel eyes, as if stunned all year round, revealing every inch of light.

Holding the Tianshui Mithril in his hand, the whole man couldn't help screaming in excitement, "Tianshui Mithril is Tianshui Mithril, ha ha ha ha ha ha! I did not expect that I could still pick up a Tianshui Mithril in my lifetime. "

"What are you doing?" Several people at Hua Tao stared at the man with an angry expression, yelling, "Let ’s go!"

This man was also a mercenary who just rolled out of the belly of the fish.

But it didn't look like he was in the Deer mercenary regiment.

Sure enough, Dael frowned and said to Murano the next second, "Vice deputy, aren't you being kind? We are all rescued by these brothers. How can you do this, not only don't give back to others? And robbing others of things. "

The man squinted a little, and sneered, "It's no use calling heaven and earth to find treasure on the ground."

At this time, Mo Lian had already collected all the rest, and walked to the side of Girl Qiao, and gave her a grieved look at her, "robbed."

"I want to build a weapon for Hua Tao and Mata with Tianshui Mithril."

As soon as Qiaomu heard that, his companion's weapons were taken away, his eyes immediately became unfriendly, and he stared coldly at the rat-eye man, "Who are you?"

"Brother, poor." Shi Yongqian, who was on the side, had already walked happily, "Is Uncle Shi Lang in?"

"Yueqian's niece." A laugh came from behind him, and the head of the Shi Lang mercenary regiment came over.

He had cleaned up and hid behind the tree, replacing all his clothes. Compared with Zhongli Puyi who had only changed his coat, his body was naturally much brighter.

Seeing Shi Yongqian as if a rat saw rice, Qionghao had a pair of mouse eyes spread a little distance, and smiled with an eyebrow, "Sister Yongqian."

Just now, his whole mind is on this piece of Tianshui Mithril, and it is too late to grab things. Where can I notice Shi Yongqian.

At this moment, he was very happy to see the goddess in his heart.


The small face was paralyzed with a small face, as if a basin of cold water poured him from the head to the soles of his feet.

"Let down what's in your hand, otherwise, die."

Shi Lang frowned, and a few mercenaries shouted dissatisfied behind him, "Girl, you're too aggressive."

"That is, you've all picked up so much ore, what can you give someone else?"

They talked like this, and if they were others, they might be ashamed to give them something.

However, the faceless face was expressionless, just coldly asking the three words, "Could it be paid?"

When Qionghao's eyes were angry, when he was about to speak, he saw Shi Yongqian pulling his sleeves aside.

"This is Prince Edward China and the Crown Prince."

Poor's eyes narrowed.

The identity of the other party made him dare not act lightly.

Although their Shilang mercenary regiment, backed by the Shi family, became a well-known fifth-level mercenary regiment on the mainland of China, as long as they walked in China for a day, they would not be able to offend the Prince of China.

Shi Lang on the side had already been a little bit persuaded, and hurriedly smiled and apologized, "The princess must not be angry, huh, huh. Qiu Hao is a master forge. No other meaning. "

(End of this chapter)

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