My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 401: Phoenix


"Look at you," said the red woman.

"Look... look at it, don't have to follow it all the time," Du Yun said depressedly.

"I want to know what kind of person you are," said the red woman.

Du Yuner is turning his eyes. "Are you a school leader? Is the Ministry of Education? Check me?"

The red woman shook her head and did not answer.

Du Yuner had no problems and had to start eating.

The red woman is still painting the gourd, Du Yun children eat, she also eats, from time to time, Du Yun children, as if to find something novelty.

Finally, Du Yuner couldn't help it. Even eating was imitated. It was too strange. He shouldn't have a female metamorphosis! ?

"Who are you?!" Du Yun asked with a whisper.

The red woman said: "My name is Xiao Xiner..."

"Xiao Xiner?" Du Yuner thought about it. He really didn't know, and he had never heard of it. "My name is Du Yuner, Miss Xiao, why have you followed me, what purpose do you have?"

Xiao Xiner said faintly: "I know that you are Du Yuner."

"You still haven't answered my question." Du Yun is not happy.

"I don't want to answer," Xiao Xiner said.

"You... you bully people!"

"Well, that's it."

"What is it? (You... how do you bully people? It seems very reasonable!?" Du Yun's children are crying.

Xiao Xiner grinned and smiled. The look looked very sweet. "I am amazing, so I am reasonable."

Du Yuner was completely speechless. He was definitely a female madman. He had a good look. Waiting for someone who would not run a group of mental hospitals, take her away?

"Du Yuner, you see, we have a 'child' in our name, Xiner, Yuner," said Xiao Xiner.

"What's so strange, there are so many people who have gone," Du Yun's children are not in the mood to eat.

Xiao Xiner blinked and his eyes fell on the mouth of Du Yuner.

"What is hanging on your neck?"

"A piece of jade, my parents left it to me." Du Yuner finished, and watched Xiao Xiner with vigilance. "What do you want?"

"Jade?" Xiao Xiner blinked, "I want to see."

Du Yuner wanted to refuse, but looked at Xiao Xiner’s eyes and took Yu Pei weakly.

"Look at it... I want to return it to me." Du Yuner felt that he was too weak. Why can't he say "no"?

Xiao Xiner didn't care about her at all. When her eyes fell on the jade, she immediately condensed.

After she grabbed Yupei, she stared at the jade and smashed her god.

Du Yuner saw Xiao Xiner’s expression and was a bit puzzled. “What happened? Miss Xiao, why are you so excited?”

Xiao Xiner’s eyes looked at it intricately for a while and said, “Your jade, is your father’s gift to you?”

"I don't know, in short, what my parents left for me, I don't know whether it was my father or my mother." Du Yuner smiled bitterly. "I am an orphan, I grew up in a welfare home."

Xiao Xiner took a deep breath and held the jade tightly, then slowly loosened it and gave it to Du Yuner.

"Miss Xiao, have you seen this jade?" Du Yuner thought of something and asked with expectation: "Do you know anything?"

Xiao Xiner was silent for a while and said: "I don't understand."

"Oh..." Du Yuner nodded in disappointment. "Actually, I have been looking for someone to ask about the origin of this jade. This jade is an ancient jade. I heard the antiques say that this is a phoenix..."

"No, this is a phoenix, not a phoenix. It cannot be called a phoenix," said Xiao Xiner.

"Why? Isn't Feng and Phoenix different?"

"Feng is male, and phoenix is ​​female. Under normal circumstances, the world is not separated, but the jade is only phoenix," Xiao Xiner explained.

Du Yuner thought for a moment, "Does that mean... This jade may be a pair? Is there a jade of a phoenix?"

Xiao Xiner’s body trembled a little, and began to eat down, not snoring.

Du Yuner hung jade back to his neck and saw Xiao Xiner not talking. He was curious: "Miss Xiao, are you saying that I guessed it?"

Xiao Xiner said with some absent-mindedness: "Maybe..."

Du Yuner said with joy: "Thank you, I know a little more about this. If I can find my biological father and mother, I will remember your goodness."

Xiao Xiner said faintly: "It is not necessarily a good thing to see...".

Du Yuner listened, and the mood was a little low. He said, "Well, I also thought about it. Maybe they really didn't like me before they left me in the welfare home."

However, I just want to see them, and I really don't want them to compensate me. I am growing up now. In fact, I have been living for so long and I am used to it. ”

Xiao Xiner looked up at the girl, didn't say anything, and ate quietly.

After the two finished eating, Xiao Xiner learned Du Yuner's appearance, put the plate and put it out, and then followed the canteen.

Passing through the playground, the students looked at the two curiously. After all, Xiao Xiner was too eye-catching.

"Miss Xiao, when are you going to follow me?" Du Yuner laughed and laughed.

What Xiao Xiner is trying to say, the phone is ringing.

After picking up, Xiao Xiner listened to a few words, and she flashed a glimpse of her eyes: "You finally found something interesting to do for me... I know, I will go see it..."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Xin said: "Du Yuner, I have to go, I will come next time."

" are leaving, why are you coming, is there anything else?" Du Yuner was a little scared.

"I want to come and come."

After Xiao Xiner finished, he walked toward the school.

At this time, the students who played on the playground kicked a football and flew over here, and it was about to fall on Xiao Xin’s head!

Du Yuner saw it and quickly shouted: "Miss Xiao is..."

After the words have not been finished, Du Yuner was shocked.

I saw that the football was about to fall on the head of Xiao Xiner, even in the air, wrapped in a golden flame!

Xiao Xiner's body is surrounded by a circle of flames around the forbidden zone. The football is directly burned into a black dregs!

This is only happening in an instant, some people passing by, many did not notice, but Du Yuner is close, but it is very real!

The black residue drifts with the wind, as if the football has evaporated from the world.

Du Yun's head was amazed, she remembered, this flame, as if she had appeared on her body before!

This makes Du Yuner feel incredible and excited.

She suddenly realized that this Xiao Xiner came to her, and she would never really just come to see her. There are definitely other secret reasons!

It is a pity that when Du Yuner catches up and wants to find Xiao Xiner's figure, he has already disappeared from the red back...

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