My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2599: What to keep

Seeing that Ji Xuanzhen once again killed, Ye Fan could only bite the scalp and fight again.

He does not expect to win, and winning can not solve the fundamental problem.

However, he needs to have enough time for him to find a way in the black hole.

Either let the black hole stop working and no longer attract the power of chaos in all directions.

In this way, there may be a "dimension reduction" conjectured by the etheric civilization, and the floods become a world of too plain.

Either, let the black hole expand directly infinitely. As a result, it may make the floods "upgrade" and become part of the Taishi plane.

In these two ways, Ye Fan is still unable to do anything.

Presumably, Chiyou, who was originally unable to find a solution, will give him such a trial.

"You especially, you don't want to understand the problem, let me think for you, you can really see me..." Ye Fan smiled in his heart, but he could only find it in the dark world... At the same time.

The guardianship of the wild temple has been broken.

Although Muhren and Nabucci are dead with a group of believers, they can face more than a dozen sacred warriors and command their Urbashan. They are not opponents at all.

In the blink of an eye, all the believers in the temple, the killing, the wounding, and the living, were all driven to the white jade square in the middle.

Urbashan looked at the scene of hundreds of longevity and the monks who took the heavens, quite satisfied.

"The gods will not let you go! You will be condemned!!"

"Abominable aliens! You must not die!"

There are several shrine elders who are filled with indignation and shouted loudly.

But they just did not say a few words, they were directly killed by the monk monk next to them.

"All shut up! We are the Obsidian Legion under the Emperor Xuanlong, is to give you the opportunity to live this idiot, do not know the grateful waste, who dares to nonsense, kill innocent!"

The believers looked at the bodies around and began to mourn the scriptures.

Urbashan pouted, "I knew that you are hiding here, the generals will not go to a tribe to find, all take to the mine!"

"Yes! General!"

An adjutant went up and reported: "The general, there is still a temple that has not been captured.

There are more than a dozen strong bans outside the temple, and there must be very important people or treasures."

Urbashan sneered aloud. "This general has discovered it early, go and see it together."

The generals followed and went all the way to the tower.

"General, according to intelligence, the current high priest of the wild temple, is the sword **** Ye Fan.

Now that we are sweeping through the grasslands, we will also capture the temple. But he did not show up. Could it be... hiding in it? ”

"If this is the case, the generals should be careful, that is the only Hong monk who can make the Emperor Tianzhao adults jealous."

Urba Shanliang turned his eyes and said: "If he is inside, then we can make a big profit..." "Oh?

why? ”

The adjutant did not understand.

"You think about it, under what circumstances, this sword **** can watch his doorman being killed, but not shooting?"

Urbashan asked.

When the black obsidian warriors heard it, they all showed a faint color and a deeper smile.

"He was hurt, or something, it is difficult for him to protect himself!"

Urbashan laughed happily. "If I can really get rid of the sword god, I will make a big contribution."

Carrying the head of the man, hanging to the city of innocence, those who are left in the wild, who dare not accept it! ?

The public will listen to the order, and give me the ban on this tower outside, all removed! ”

A group of obsidian warriors shouted loudly, excitedly facing the tower to make full repairs, and began to bombard.

Ulbashan was not idle, raising his hand to release a dark and gloomy chaos, countless skull-like shadows, and then rushed out, hitting the golden shield outside the tower! Inside the tower of the tower.

Ning Zi Mo, Feng Yueying, Nian Rujiao, Xu Lingshan and Shi Lanyu were five women sitting in five corners.

They gathered their own cultivation and gathered them in the center of the line.

Ling Yuwei sits in the middle of the center, maneuvering a suspended array of chessboards, constantly transposition through the slabs on the board, manipulating the entire defensive array, and defending against different directions and different attack attributes.

"Oops, the outermost array of the three layers has been broken. It really depends on the cultivation of several of us. It is too reluctant to resist a dozen or so holy places and a chaotic master..." Ling Yuwei’s forehead Fine sweat, try to keep yourself calm.

Nian Rujiao looked at the high platform, the one that had cracked a lot of sews and sewed, feeling like it would be broken at any time.

Look at the dying, life is like the sails that will be exhausted, the eyes are red, tears.

"It’s always been the husband who protects us. This time... even if we die, we can’t let them get close to the husband.”

"Everyone knows...but...but it’s really tired, it’s too fast,” Xu Lingshan gasped.

"I may... I couldn't hold it for the first time. I knew this way. I didn't spend so much energy on learning spells. It's better to improve it." Feng Yueying turned pale.

When the blue rain was full of strength, it gave a little energy, released the holy shrine, and turned it into six green silk threads, which was implicated in six people.

"Sisters, I used ‘青藤蛊’ to connect us together, so that our cultivation can be spread out to each other, no one will fall down first...” “Light rain...thank you”, Feng Yueying smiled reluctantly.

Chu Yunyao held the tablet at this time, and frowned next to him: "You are all one, all of them are in a state of waiting for death, if you can't keep going."

I will find a way to attract those people with the drone mech. You should leave some strength to leave here, don't really wait to die."

"Yunyao, you can't die, if it's not working, you take the sacred **** beads first, we cover you," Ning Zimo firmly said.

Chu Yunyao blinked and sighed. "I blame the idiot Ye Fan. I don't discuss anything about it..." "Boom! Boom!..." The explosion outside is getting bigger and bigger. Close.

Ling Yuwei's flower is pale, "No... the chaotic monk, the strength is too strong, these arrays are all placed with the most common array of eye stones, the power is not enough, can not continue."

"Is there a safe return to the message?

Xiner and Shulanting, why don’t they come? ”

Xu Lingshan asked anxiously.

"The temple and the city of innocence are too far away. It took a long time for the husband to fly.

Even if the speed of the children, fly back to the words, and wait for the Xin children to come over, not two or three days is not enough.

The time is too tight, and if it is a day later, it may be able to survive. ”

Nian Rujiao sad.

While talking, I only heard a loud noise at the door, and the last shield was broken.

Several women felt a big shock, because of the relationship between the green vines, the five people vomited blood at the same time.

Chu Yunyao has already put on the Sparks armor, put the sacred **** beads into the ring, ready to retreat.

But as soon as she got up, she found that all the temples were surrounded by the other fighters.

"Oh... what did the general find out, how are some beautiful women?

What are you waiting for here? ”

Urbashan smiled in a low-pitched manner, and walked into the temple with a dark mist.

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