My Clone Empire

Chapter 78 Breakthrough

After the convoy rushed out of the camp, several pickup trucks who were on guard on the periphery also started their engines and chased after them.

Hearing the sound of gunshots getting farther and farther behind, Tang Jiu and Tang Shi breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that they had escaped from the encirclement.

However, just when the two were about to rejoice, a shuttle of bullets suddenly swept over the side of the convoy!

Through the gap between the buildings on the side of the road, Zero One saw five white pickups with machine guns driving parallel to them on the other road that was separated by a row of buildings.

Based on how familiar the other local snakes are with the road conditions, it will be a matter of time before they copy to the front of their own team to block their way and others!

"Zero San! Kill them!" Zero One, ignoring the consumption of activating the mental network, shouted directly to Zero Three, the driver of the car at the front of the convoy, with his consciousness.

After receiving the order, the car at the front of the three off-road vehicles suddenly slammed into a dozen, directly crashing into a tin house beside the road, rushing onto the road next to it, and colliding with a white pickup.

At the moment of the collision, a dead man suddenly leaned out from the co-pilot position of the off-road vehicle, aimed his rifle at the surrounding pickups and pulled the trigger frantically.

The driver and machine gunner of a pickup truck were unfortunately swept away, and the pickup truck lost control and crashed into a nearby earthen house.

In the blink of an eye, only four of the five pickups were left, and one of them was firmly held up by the off-road vehicle driven by Zero Three, and the pressure on Zero One was greatly reduced!

Knowing that Zero Three and Zero Two were almost impossible to survive, Zero One One steered the off-road vehicle to a fork in the road.

After the two off-road vehicles entered the fork, the last off-road vehicle driven by Zero Four suddenly drifted in the middle of the road.

In this situation now, someone must sacrifice, and Zero Four and Zero Five will use their lives to gain precious escape time for Tang Jiu and Tang Shi!

The two people took out a few mines from the car and walked towards the front of the off-road vehicle. After simply laying the remote-controlled mines in the gravel on the side of the road, the two hid behind the car and only extended their guns.

After a while, Tang Jiu and Tang Shi, who had already escaped some distance, heard a loud noise behind them!

After this loud noise, there was a steady stream of louder sounds like thunder.

They knew their camp had fallen when they heard the continuous loud noise behind them.

When they left, they set up mines in the arsenal, and these explosions were undoubtedly the sacrificial explosions of those ammunition! Zero six to zero ten and the two hundred cannon fodder soldiers are probably more fortunate!

Tang Shi violently smashed the car seat next to him. This was the first time someone had been bullied on the head after their split body was born. He would not let these people go!

This siege revealed some important information. First of all, the city is not the best place for Black Mask to develop. The forces in the city are too complicated!

Moreover, the current black mask development funds are still insufficient, and some weapons and equipment can only be purchased from arms dealers at high prices, not to mention the ridiculously high prices of food for survival.

In general, the steps taken by the Titan Security are too big!

If they want to gain a firm foothold in this chaotic land, ten dead men are simply not enough. They can only wait until Tang Shizhe's body evolves again and can split more splinter bodies.

At this time, Tang Shizhe also knew that the black masks far away in Heizhou were wiped out except for Tang Jiu and the other four who survived.

Originally, I wanted to let Titan Security develop slowly, but now it seems that it is completely impossible without group blood transfusion!

But at this stage, if you want to transfuse blood to Heizhou, it may expose the Titan Group and make the Titan Group wear a bad hat.

After thinking about it, only the Riying Group in Dongying can take the blame. Riying Biotechnology, a subsidiary of Riying Group, has just signed a contract with Apple for 400 million batteries. According to the agreement, the funds of 200 million this year have been advanced. paid.

A total of $4 billion has been credited to the account of Riying Biotechnology.

It didn't take long for Riying Group to acquire a small shipbuilding company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. The company had a dry dock by the sea. Because there was no order for a long time, this 100,000-ton dry dock had been abandoned for a while. It's time, but the skilled workers are still there.

In order to meet the needs of delivering materials to Black Mask and Titan Mining in Heizhou, Riying Group purchased another 100,000-ton container ship that has been in the water for more than a year. of South America and the Black State.

The freighter was towed to the newly purchased shipyard for a complete overhaul.

Because this freighter is transporting materials to dangerous areas, how many materials are transported is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that it can be safely delivered to the destination.

It must be known that there are many pirates from Dongying to Mali, and how to get rid of these pirates and successfully reach the Republic of Mali is the key.

This freighter will reinforce the armor below the waterline, and at the same time install heavy armor at key positions of the ship. These armors are mainly used to defend against pirates' rpg and other heavy weapons.

The parts above the waterline have only been reinforced simply. After all, these positions without engines or fuel tanks will not sink even if they are bombed dozens of times.

In addition to the external armor, the structure of the cargo ship has also been significantly strengthened to withstand the impact of stronger waves and explosions.

Just strengthening the hull strength accounts for one-third of the cargo ship's carrying capacity!

In order to facilitate the transportation of materials, a large lift for helicopters has been transformed on the freighter. The lift goes directly to the hangar that can accommodate four helicopters.

A large number of portholes composed of bulletproof glass are also designed around the hull. These porthole structures are actually inclined to the shooting holes of the bunkers. After entering the high sea, these windows will be opened, and the crew inside can safely hide behind the armor. Strafe enemies outside the ship.

And many platforms that can be raised and lowered are also designed on the deck of the freighter. Once the ship reaches the open sea and the weapons are purchased from the middlemen, weapons can be installed on these platforms, and the raised platform can adjust the shooting angle to and The ship has an included angle of forty-five degrees, and the layout of the first three and the second allows the entire ship to have no dead ends!

In addition to these weapons, Nippon Film Group also ordered a complete set of helium airships, which will be loaded with civilian radar and ultra-high-definition cameras.

After the ship enters the dangerous sea, the airship will be released and connected to the hull by a high-strength rope to ensure that it will not fall behind.

In this way, the alert range of the ship has been directly increased by a large margin, giving the ship more early warning time.

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