My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 328: The newly made plaque is up

The gray glass on the top floor was wiped clean, revealing a clear and overflowing brilliance, and at the highest point, people can see it from a long distance, very bright and noble enough.

The exterior that was also covered in dust was wiped clean by the craftsmen with their special tools. It was only at this moment that everyone realized that the small building was not dangerous or broken. It just stood there for too long and the dust covered it. , like old!

Then people were amazed that the external structure of this small building was so exquisitely built, and upon closer inspection, it had some exquisite style!

No one has gone in and seen it, so I don't know what it looks like inside?

When I saw this small building, everyone just skipped it and didn't take a second look. Naturally, no one has ever gone in to see it, and I don't know what structure is inside. Looking at the appearance, many people immediately feel itchy and want to go in and see it.

Look at this newly hung plaque.

The big characters gilded on it are very majestic.

"Linhe Picking Stars Building? That's a good name!" Someone read it out: "It's very artistic and suitable for the occasion. Isn't it just standing by the river? The view of the river from this small building at night is so good, it's really like reaching out to pick stars .”

As if the seal had been lifted, all of a sudden, everyone found out about the new store.

People at the pier market came to watch, and they all exclaimed and made their own comments.

"Oh, when did this building sell?"

"Why didn't I know there was a store here! It's still a small building, hey!"

"I didn't know there was another building here!"

"I know! Isn't this a dangerous building! It has been standing by the Yuan River for several years, but no one bought it. It has been gathering dust here all the time. We all thought it was going to collapse, and half of it was on the river. I didn't expect it to be so. Someone bought it..."

"Why didn't I know this store was for sale! I thought it was someone's private building!"

"Me too. When I went to the dental store to ask about the store for sale, the dental staff didn't mention this building at all..."

Some people actually beat their chests and stomped their feet.

The local people in Yuancheng were speechless. Knowing the inside story, of course they knew that Yaren didn't mention it, so they didn't take this storefront seriously at all. How could anyone in Yuancheng buy this storefront by the river...

Who knows someone bought it.

"Who bought this shop? From the name, I only know it's a building. What kind of business is it? Is it a restaurant? Or something?"

When everyone probed their brains and guessed, there was a figure of a woman inside, who seemed to have stepped out a few steps and said something to the craftsman who was busy at the door.

People who don't know this figure can only see a general idea.

But the person who recognized... recognized him instantly.

Some people in the crowd outside suddenly widened their eyes and froze in place as if they had been struck by lightning.

Isn't that...not from their village?

The housekeeper... Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law? !


Didn't it mean that Guan Liu's daughter-in-law didn't come out of the city to do business? Doesn't it mean that the stalls are gone?

How come there is a storefront! A small building!

Although it is said to be by the Yuan River and the wharf, it can still be considered to be in Yuan City.

Guan Liu's daughter-in-law has a shop in the city!

Ye Lulu saw that someone found out that the pavilion was being renovated, but she didn't care, and it was a good discovery.

Therefore, she simply ignored the fellow villagers in the crowd.

The same villager turned around, hurried back to Yunwu Village, and said something as shocking as a thunder.

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