My Cell Game

Chapter 52 New Attack Mode

The players' thirst for Hei Jing also made Jiang Zuo see business opportunities. He began to consider opening an exchange in the game, allowing players to trade Hei Jing freely and extracting fees from it.

It is impossible for Jiang Zuo to officially sell Hei Jing. What he needs now is Hei Jing, not money.

His own black crystals are not enough, how can he sell them to players?

The legion system should also be considered open. Most players like to form a team to farm monsters. Opening the legion can allow more players to gather together and increase the efficiency of pioneering.

When Jiang Zuo was considering updating the content, a strategy post was pushed to the top on the forum, and the number of replies and likes was soaring every second.

"What kind of post is so awesome?" Jiang Zuo was also attracted by this dark horse post.

I think when he used his official account to post an update announcement, the popularity of the post was almost the same as this post.

A private strategy post so awesome?

Jiang Zuo put down the work at hand, and opened the post in doubt.

The name of the post is:

[Virus Illustrated Book--Tearer, Complete Raiders and Guess]

The ID of the post was "E to go and not return", Jiang Zuo remembered seeing it somewhere, it seemed to be the brother who went to the canyon to give away the head.

"Ahem, hello everyone, please remember this ID, my name is E, I will never return.

At the beginning of the post, let me criticize those pioneer players, you are too ink-stained in your work. Playing games, happiness is the end, what game experience is there for looking forward and backward?

Playing games is just one word - reckless! If you dare not be the first, how can you get the latest information?

Don't talk about team battle support, teammate assists and other nonsense with the old man. As long as I run fast enough, the support of my teammates can't catch up with me!

Well, back to the topic, let me talk about my pioneering experience first.

As a level 1 cell, I went to the tearing canyon bravely and alone (@cell onlineofficial, the title of the fearless pioneer should be mine! Angry!).

At the mouth of the Riven Canyon, I met the first Rippers.

It is no exaggeration to say that based on my years of jungle experience, I knew at the first sight of the Ripper that this was someone I could not afford to mess with.

But still the same sentence, you can't be cowardly when you play games, and you have to be reckless if you can't beat them!

With a fearless spirit of sacrifice, I rushed into the crowd of Rippers.

Heck, everyone knows it. Although I was cold, I also got first-hand information.

First of all, with all due respect, the source cell is simply a natural disadvantage against the tearer.

The skin of the source cell is too brittle, and the drill bit of the tearer is completely the nemesis of the cell membrane. Without protection, a light poke from the opponent's drill bit will break a big hole in the cell membrane.

Without overcoming the weak point of crispy skin, the source cell can only remain weak in the face of the tearer.

For this reason, I rummaged through all the props in the mall, and finally, at the bottom of the props, I found the props to overcome this weakness - outer membrane armor.

You can check the specific prop information in the mall, so I won't go into details.

Collectively, the outer membrane armor is equivalent to a tailor-made armor for cells. Putting on this set of armor and facing the Ripper, the source cells will not be so crispy.

After talking about "defense", let me talk about "attack".

I also watched the live broadcast of the battle just now. Obviously, the source cell's attack routine is very old-fashioned, and there is only one move-swallow.

This simple and crude attack method is not bad enough in the face of the ball virus, which has no attack power. But when it comes to dealing with more advanced Rippers, it is obviously stretched.

The most direct point is that if the lysosome of the source cell can no longer digest the virus in the first place, the ripper that is swallowed will tear the cell from the inside and kill the source cell more easily. This situation is very common, accounting for 90%.

In other words, the vast majority of intact tearers cannot be digested by the source cells in the first place, and only those tearers that have been swallowed four or five times and have damaged surface protein shells can be digested immediately.

Therefore, I speculate that the difficulty of digesting the Ripper is related to the integrity of the Ripper's shell.

I have a wild guess - have we got it wrong with how we attack the Ripper?

Cell online is a game with a high degree of freedom. The map is surprisingly large and the gameplay is diverse. You can even taste delicious food in the game. In my opinion, we should not bring the thinking of traditional online games into Cell Online.

In traditional online games, players attack wild monsters with nothing more than a few officially designed attack modes, such as slashing with knives, slashing with swords, and shooting. But in the cell online, I would like to ask everyone, has the official provided us with an attack mode?

Does the government stipulate that the attacking virus must be swallowed by the cell membrane?

The answer is obvious, no!

The official never gave any hints, saying that the cells online must be swallowed by mouth. The so-called devouring virus is just an instinctive reaction of the players.

In my opinion, swallowing viruses is not the only attack mode, on the contrary, it is the lowest-end attack mode, which is only effective against low-level orb viruses.

When encountering more advanced Rippers, this attack mode will not work, and we need to innovate and come up with new and effective attack methods. "

Seeing this, Jiang Zuo was shocked, he was really shocked.

To be honest, facing the Ripper, Jiang Zuo doesn't know much more than the players. Including Shu Ran, she also knows little about the Ripper.

The information that the two GMs knew was told to the players through the virus illustrated book.

As for how to effectively attack the Ripper, Jiang Zuo actually didn't think much about it. The inertia of his thinking made him, like most players, think about using the cell membrane to swallow the virus, and never thought about other attack methods.

Not only Jiang Zuo was watching, but the players who "please kill me first" were also watching.

This was originally a soy sauce "E goes and never returns" in the hearts of players, but now it has become the king of reasoning in the forum.

Seeing the analysis of E going and never returning, all players felt a sense of enlightenment.

Yes, the attack method, is there something wrong with their attack method, which makes the Ripper extremely difficult.

But having said that, it was the first time they had seen players who could freely explore the attack mode.

The degree of freedom of this cell online is really terrifying. Even the attack mode allows players to discover it by themselves. Looking at the entire empire game industry, it is a unique pioneering work!

People like Jiang Zuo immediately pulled down the post, they were eager to know what the new attack mode that E Quobuhui was talking about.

(PS: Thanks to Jia Shuyou, He Yezhiyuan, and Crayon Kids for their rewards~ My collection just now has finally exceeded 10,000. After writing these few books, I finally have a book with a collection of over 10,000. Thank you for your support O(∩ _∩)O)

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