My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 402: little girl

People who don't know the truth are full of expectations after hearing Shang Haozhi's words.

The comics listed above are all ten or twenty years ago, and the single-volume editions are almost out of print on the market.

If it can be packaged again and returned to everyone's field of vision, firstly, it will let people now know more about the comics at that time, and secondly, it will also allow these cartoonists to have an extra income.

Regardless of the amount of income for the time being, at least let the author have a thought.

But some people know that the whole thing is not simple.

Shen Xin also felt pressure after hearing Ji Yinxuan's explanation.

It is a good thing for funds to enter the comics industry, but if the rules are not followed, the existing order is likely to be disrupted.

As a cartoonist, he can't take into account the operation of the company, and can only do his job well.

"What's the matter? Sorrow?" Ji Yinxuan whispered when she saw Shen Xin with a solemn expression.

"It's not enough to worry, but for normal people, once they are too comfortable, they will worry about change. Perhaps, I am in the same mood? However, my painting skills are not good enough, and I can be a painter. ."

"Or, how about coming to our company? The person from the famous game set it up for you." Ji Yinxuan asked.

"Forget it." Shen Xin waved his hand, "I can't get too busy."

"I thought you were going to change careers?" Ji Yinxuan smiled rare.

"It's still early." Shen Xin also smiled.

Since it is a buffet, everyone can take their plates and choose the food they like.

Shen Xin just took some fried noodles and was about to get some more dishes. Suddenly he felt that his leg was touched, and he turned around quickly, but saw a little girl holding a large plate, standing behind him obediently. Looking at him with eyes wide open.

so cute--

Shen Xin glanced at the table with food, and then at the little girl.

The table is indeed a bit high for her.

"Little sister..."

"Little sister, what's your name?" Ji Yinxuan knelt down and looked at the little girl.

"Zuo Chan."

The little girl is not very articulate.

"Xiao Chan, come, what do you want to eat, tell my sister." Ji Yinxuan whispered.

Knowing that girls are more taboo about age, Shen Xin pursed her mouth without making a sound.

"Eggs, beef, shrimp..."

The little girl ordered four or five dishes in a row, including meat.

Shen Xin scratched his head, so I won't say anything else, beef... can you bite it?

"Um, little sister, when eating shrimp, you must peel off the outer shell." Shen Xin reminded.

"Well, thank you..." Zuo Chan took the dinner plate with both hands, glanced at Ji Yinxuan, then at Shen Xin, "Thank you sister, thank you brother..."


Ji Yinxuan gently rubbed Zuo Chan's face, Zuo Chan narrowed his eyes, showing his white teeth, turned around holding the dinner plate, and ran towards a young man.

Seeing that the man was talking with others, Zuo Chan stood on one side obediently, without making a sound, just looked at the dinner plate in his hand, and then raised his head to stare at the young man.

The man turned around, bent down, and said a few words, Zuo Chan nodded quickly, put the dinner plate on the side chair, and began to eat the eggs.

"So good." Shen Xin looked envious.

There is a kind of child called someone else’s child.

"Yes." Ji Yinxuan said in response, turning around and taking some fruits.

"Just eat these?"

"Well, I don't want to eat other food at night."

It should be said that these foods are not appetizing.

Shen Xin looked at Ji Yinxuan's expressionless face and speculated in her heart.

In the lobby, there are few editors and many authors.

The person in charge of some companies will have a simple communication with the author, and at other times, it will be the communication between the authors.

With a Japanese translator, Haruka Tamagawa bowed to the unknown author.

Ye Hexu didn't know where he got out from, his mouth was stuffed with meat.

When someone came up to answer, he whimpered twice. As for whether he could hear what the other party was saying, he probably didn't even know it.

Seeing Shen Xin, Ye Hexu raised his hand to say hello, then swallowed the meat in his throat, and walked over.

"Ms. Shen, long time no see."

"The time is a bit long."

Rough calculations, the two have not seen each other for almost two years.

Although the works of the two people are usually "you up and me down", the communication between the two of them is really not much, and it is more about the appreciation of each other's works.

"Miss Ji hasn't seen it for a long time." Ye Hexu also said hello to Ji Yinxuan with a smile.

Ji Yinxuan nodded slightly.

"Do you know each other?" Shen Xin asked in surprise.

"Well, I talked about the cooperation of "Hunting Abyss" before, but unfortunately I didn't negotiate." Ye Hexu said depressed.

"There is no way, the funds have not been turned around, and there is almost a little money. Just in time, Zhenyu Technology's signature game "Shen Jiang" began to research, and a lot of funds were drawn." Ji Yinxuan also looked regretful.

"Goddess" is the trademark of Zhenyu Technology. It has produced 5 generations so far, and the sales volume of each generation is more than 30,000 copies.

For every game like this, Zhenyu Technology has to spend a lot of time and money into it.

""Hunting Abyss" was hacked to death by "Goddess", and it is not a loss." Shen Xin laughed.

Ye Hexu rolled his eyes unhappily, "It's bad luck, isn't it that way. By the way, Teacher Shen, how do you think about the things Mr. Shang just said?"

"Well, it won't affect me for the time being. Binglai will cover up the water and cover, the network of comics, and even the mobile phone, which can not be done overnight, there is a certain buffer time."

"Same as I thought." Ye Hexu nodded slightly.

"However, sometimes, once the momentum rises, the networkization of comics may quickly rise." Shen Xin said

"Huh?" Ye Hexu frowned slightly, "Is it soon?"

"Who knows?" Shen Xin didn't dare to be too sure.

Magazines have advantages and disadvantages, but compared with their own disadvantages, the advantages are not obvious.

Without mentioning the issue of portability, placing books will inevitably occupy a certain amount of space. If there are too many books, there may even be no space for special bookshelves.

The electronic version is placed directly on the Internet, as long as the account is not lost, it can always be viewed, and there is no problem of occupying space.

With the increase in housing prices, this will also be a question for readers to consider.

What's more, things related to the Internet have always come quickly, and perhaps they have been accepted before they can react.

The adjustment ability of "comicfuture" will directly affect its position in the industry.

Bao Jiyi should have also noticed the seriousness of the situation, so he didn't come here tonight.

"Mr. Shen...cough cough." Ye Hexu suddenly gave a light cough and said to Shen Xin, "I want "Hunting Abyss" to end."


Shen Xin was taken aback and looked at Ye Hexu in surprise.

"However, Jian Xiaomei did not agree to let me postpone it for another two years." Ye Hexu sighed, his face unspeakably depressed.


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