With the impact of the explosion and the force of Jiang Yong's attack, Liu Wen took the opportunity to fly back and retreat to Chen Nan and the others.

"Ge Fat, come up!" Liu Wen shouted towards the bench.

When Ge Pang heard this, he was immediately pleasantly surprised and prepared to raise his gun and go into battle, and finally it was my turn to show his might!"

Standing beside Chen Nan, Liu Wen said in a low voice.

Chen Nan looked dazed, that is, he was still fighting, otherwise he would definitely look at Liu Wen in shock.

The opposite side is full of professional-level card masters, you told me to rush forward?

Ge Fat was teleported to the field, and he also knew where his position and only advantage was, and the moment he came on stage, he summoned the Lich King-

"Lich King's World-Destroying Energy Wave!" A

ghost rose into the air and sent out a "soul scream" towards the whole ring.

More than half a month has passed, and this Lich King has also improved a lot, in addition to the single spirit attack, he has also comprehended a group spirit impact skill.

At the same time, Liu Wen also cooperated with the Lich King's attack and quietly released his momentum.

Under Liu Wen's careful control, his momentum did not cause any eye-catching movements, just like a gust of wind, and the players in the stands did not feel anything abnormal.

Only he had been carefully observing the battlefield, and Coach Xie from the headquarters of the Donghuang Association suddenly shot a ray of essence in his eyes.

As long as there is no king's will, the influence of the potential is inevitable, so although Liu Wen's release is not large, it still makes everyone on the school team substitute momentary stunned for a moment.

At the same time, the Lich King's mental shock swept by, and the unsuspecting six were once again controlled.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the stands couldn't believe their eyes.

"What did I see?

That fat man controls six?" "That's a professional-level card master, and his mental power is much higher than ours, how did that fat man do it?" "

This is no longer simply affected, it is really controlled!" It

stands to reason that with the level of spiritual power of Ge Fat and the Lich King, even if it is a range of spiritual impact, it is impossible to make the six people on the opposite side dizzy, at most, it is a headache, which affects the operation.

But the reality is that even if the time is short, his mental impact does control all the members of the other party.

"Not only did we underestimate that Lin Yi, but this fat man was also ignored by us. Chen Yuanlan muttered.

"It's troublesome to be able to affect the mind control skills of professional-level card masters, but they've been exposed too early. Zhang Yuanjun sneered.

This is indeed a big killer, but although the strength of this person named Liu Wen is good, he is a little unbreathable.

A secret weapon like Ge Fat, if it can be hidden in the main game of the league, it will definitely be able to pit a strong team.

It's a pity that it is now exposed to the field of vision, and I believe that it will spread soon, so all the teams will naturally be wary of Ge Fat.

And Chen Nan also kept Liu Wen's words in mind, out of trust in Liu Wen, although such an act seemed very dangerous, Chen Nan still rushed forward the moment the Lich King launched his skills, and directly crashed into the enemy camp at the moment when the other six people were stunned.

At this moment, the earth armor hunting tiger hidden behind Liu Wen gently slapped the ground with his claws, and under the earth control skill, the ring suddenly sank, and the soles of everyone's feet sank, and they all sank below the ankles.

Lin Yi and Lu Qi seized the opportunity together, and suddenly there was a burst of firepower output with all their might.

Liu Wen did not participate in the attack because he wanted to be distracted to control the earth control of the Earth Hunting Tiger, but only symbolically slashed forward twice.

Of course, it was impossible for this level of subsidence to trap the six professional-level card masters, and they broke free from the restraints with just a strong lift of their feet, but there was no doubt that the rhythm of the attack was disrupted.

In the face of Lin Yi and Lu Qiqi's crazy attacks, the chaotic school team candidates began to retreat for the first time.

They themselves were also surprised by the level of the other team, although the overall hard power is a little worse than the first two teams, but there are so many tricks.

This skill is also interesting to make the area change suddenly.

Not only is the ground subsidence, but this Chen Nan is actually able to control the surface of the ground to instantly soften, stab, roll, shock and other forms of change, which greatly affects the play of strength.

However, the scope is limited, and the power is not particularly strong, enough to be suppressed by their unparalleled strength.

Compared to this skill, the spiritual impact of that ghost is a little more awesome, I don't know what means are used, even the six of them professional-level card masters can be affected.

"That Chen Nan also has something, all of a sudden, it is a large-scale subsidence.

"It's really underestimated, their hard power may not be very strong, but there are a lot of Yin skills for team battles!" "

It's a pity that they can't hold their breath, it's just a guidance battle, and these hole cards are said to be released."

"Yes, but it's good for us, and we can go back tonight and make a special plan for these two people.

Listening to the discussion of his teammates, Luo Xin looked at the ring very puzzled.

Liu Wen's approach was too reckless, is this really a mistake that a captain would make? It

can't be intentional to expose the team's hidden methods like this, right

? What good will it do him?

You must know that these two skills, especially Ge Fat's mental impact, are definitely a big killer in the league.

Even if it is a first-line strong team, it may be killed without knowing it!

Although they are temporarily taken advantage of by Liu Wen and others, the strength of the school team candidates is still much higher than theirs.

After being prepared for these skills, the varsity team alternates once again showed their due suppressive power, beating Liu Wen and the others to scream.

In fact, the ability to control the earth is more than that, but Liu Wen does not plan to expose too much.

After persisting for more than ten minutes, the elimination speed of the first team of Huazhong began to increase rapidly, and in the end, only Liu Wen and Lin Yi were left, and it was inevitable that they would be eliminated.

Despite this, the Huazhong team is the team that has caused the most trouble for the varsity team alternates since the beginning, and it is also the team that feels the most tricky.

"I'm honored that you can use your hole cards on us, but wouldn't it be too reckless?" Jiang Yong said to Liu Wen, who had already left the game.

Liu Wen smiled when he heard this, but did not speak.

Just kidding, confusing the eyes, I'm a professional!

All you want is that you all think I've exposed my cards.

When your hole cards are not revealed, everyone will be wary of what hole cards you are hiding.

When the hole cards are exposed, and even the strategy against you is done, it is naturally easy to take it lightly.

It's a big deal, in the league, I'm going to make it a little more powerful and shock you.

When you make adjustments, you find that these two people can be used without us, and then shock you!

Finally, Chen Nan is a meat shield, and it is best to attract enough attention.

And Ge Fat's strength is slightly weaker, and it is not bad to be able to attract firepower for several other main forces.

These two people are Liu Wen's special targets for the league competition, hiding his targets.

Surrounded by everyone, Ge Pang smiled happily.

Seeing this, Liu Wen immediately nodded with satisfaction, Ge Pang still has great potential as a target, he doesn't need to be taught!

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