After showing off a wave of operations, Liu Wen took advantage of Wang Ge's failure to get up, left the practice room and returned home, opened the wardrobe, and picked and chose among the few clothes he had.

This morning, the association's newcomer elite class will officially open, this is not a trivial matter, I heard that at that time, several master-level royal card masters in Pingyang City will attend!

As the first in the assessment, there must be a row.

"Not bad, handsome. Wan Yiyi sent a thumbs up.

Liu Wen couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, he was in too much of a hurry to send it just now, and forgot that there was a beautiful woman who had just been added inside.

Wan Yiyi: Did you design this weapon card yourself?

Liu Wen: Hmm...... Sort of......

Liu Wen originally thought that the other party was just greeting politely, but he didn't expect that he seemed to be really interested in his knight's belt.

In fact, he didn't know how to answer this kind of question.

If you want Liu Wen to "make" a card of this level, it is absolutely beyond his current level.

But "integration" is just about being able to do it.

It's like opening the gambling dog mode, Liu Wen wasted countless cards, discarded all kinds of four dissimilarities, and fused such one

! It can be said that he fought completely for love!!

he also learned from this card making that it turned out that "fusion" is likely to fail

! And the cards will be scrapped directly after the fusion fails!

The success rate of card fusion with high compatibility will increase, and some cards that can't be played with eight poles will instantly turn into a pile of coke if they are forcibly fused.

Liu Wen is glad that he didn't mess around with Xiao Gu, and the result of the card is scrapping, so if Xiao Gu's skill fusion fails, what will be the consequences? Liu Wen can't


Wan Yiyi repeatedly browsed the transformation video taken by Liu Wen, and only people with a certain level of card making can find the difficulty of creating this card.

"Although the transformation efficiency is very low, there are defensive and offensive means during the transformation time, and it doesn't particularly affect the battle, and the entertainment is full, but I don't know what the actual combat effect is. Wan Yiyi muttered.

Being able to switch between various forms of armor at will, as well as changing element types, and a trigger mechanism similar to the card slot, the complexity of this weapon card is absolutely unimaginably high, and it is also very creative, and Rao himself did not make it at this level.

If he only thought that the other party was a peer who was still a little talented, then now Liu Wen is enough to get her attention.

If Liu Wen's card-making talent is really as outstanding as he imagined, Wan Yiyi doesn't mind introducing him to his grandfather and trying to get a guaranteed place for him.

Wan Yiyi: Do you have time now? If I can, I'd like to see how effective your weapon card is.

Wan Yiyi: I'm sorry, I'm leaving Pingyang City in the afternoon, only now I have time, if this is your secret weapon, I will apply for an independent practice room, and I won't let its data leak.

Liu Wen: But later it will be the opening ceremony of the newcomer elite class, ......

Liu Wen smiled bitterly, as the first freshman to speak on behalf of the freshman assessment, this is not easy to invite.

But the opportunity to share a room with a beautiful woman, if you refuse, isn't it a bit ignorant......

And about that treasure, Liu Wen is also very concerned.

Wan Yiyi: If you don't mind letting President Ye know about this work, I can help you ask for leave, I believe that President Ye will also be very interested in your card, and will definitely pay more attention to you in the future.

"Huh, help me ask for leave?" Liu Wen was surprised, listening to the other party's tone, as if he was very familiar with the president.

Even if he is only the president of a city-level association, at worst he is a master-level card master, and he is definitely a behemoth to Liu Wen, and he has never seen it in the news, newspapers, and magazines.

Although the president can also be seen at the opening ceremony, but this opportunity in front of him, maybe there is a chance to get the president's individual guidance?

Liu Wen: I promise you! I'll go over now!

And in the Royal Card Master Association, President Ye, who Liu Wen said was a dragon with no head but no tail, happened to be standing by Wan Yiyi's side.

"President Ye, look at this. Wan Yiyi smiled and raised the mobile phone in front of Ye Sheng's eyes, which was the video of Liu Wen's pose.

"Oh? It's interesting! It's only semi-open, it's very potential, etc...... This person?" Ye Sheng's eyes were vicious, and he could see at a glance the goodness of this weapon card, and the person who used it attracted Ye Sheng's attention.

"It seems that President Ye has also paid attention to him, and to be honest, I am very interested in his weapon card. Wan Yiyi said with a smile, "I have just asked him to come to the association's practice room, I wonder if President Ye can allow him to take a leave of absence at the opening ceremony of today's rookie elite class?"

"I'm with you!"


This is to meet the president, Liu Wen did not dare to slack off at all, picked out a dress that he thought was the most handsome, and looked at himself in the mirror with a personable demeanor, Liu Wen said that he was very satisfied.


on the street, Liu Wen is like a child who has just gotten a new toy, eager to take out the "knight's belt" on the street and show it off again, take a step to change his form, and swagger into the association, so that everyone can hear the "armor fit".

It's a pity that non-professional card masters are not allowed to use cards on the street, and if Liu Wen really dares to show, he will inevitably be arrested by the police.

Can't pretend to be like a brocade at night, Liu Wen's vigorous energy instantly deflated, and he walked listlessly towards the association.

Along the way, Liu Wen's mobile phone was vibrating wildly, and hundreds of messages and calls were constantly attacking his mobile phone.

When she came to the association, Wan Yiyi was waiting at the door, leading Liu Wen into a practice room.

Liu Wen followed behind and looked at Wan Yiyi's back, he still needed to lead the way by himself when he came to the association two days ago, and now he is as skilled as walking around his own home.

"You are classmate Liu Wen, I am the president of the Pingyang Royal Card Master Association, Ye Sheng. Ye Sheng stood in the center of the practice room and smiled gently.

"Report to the president, I'm Liu Wen!" Liu Wen suddenly became nervous, not knowing what to say, so he had to straighten his waist.

"Relax, Wan Yiyi and I are both very interested in your newly made weapon card, so I want to come and take a look. Ye Sheng patted Liu Wen on the shoulder.

President Ye's height is about 1.85 meters, only a little taller than Liu Wen, but his body is very strong, which makes Liu Wen feel like he is facing a big mountain.

"It's my honor to be recognized by the president!" Liu Wen smiled modestly.

"By the way, I don't know if you know this classmate, but she is a genius from Xingdu, and now she is a professional card master. Ye Sheng pointed to Wan Yiyi, who was standing quietly beside him.

Liu Wen looked over in surprise and responded with a gentle smile.

is obviously about the same age, but he is already two realms higher than himself......

instantly cut off half of Liu Wengang's pride in winning the first place in the assessment.

"Don't be discouraged, Wan Yiyi is not only talented herself, but also has a powerful teacher to teach, you can come to me if you have any questions in the future, it doesn't matter if you treat me as a teacher, I will do my best to guide you, I believe you will be able to catch up with her soon." Ye Sheng's hand touched his head from his shoulder.

Wan Yiyi's smile froze, and suddenly became a little stiff.

Liu Wen was also stunned, but instantly understood the meaning of President Ye's words, and said with admiration on his face: "Thank you Teacher Ye! I have admired Teacher Ye since I was a child, and it is a blessing for me to be able to receive Teacher Ye's guidance!"

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