"Please choose the examiner as soon as possible and do not waste time. The

candidates wandered around the ring for a long time, but no one came up to challenge, and the examiners couldn't help but remind them.

The eyes of the candidates couldn't help but fall on Liu Wen, as if to say -

you are strong, you go first.

Liu Wen shrugged his shoulders helplessly, but he didn't refuse, at least he didn't have to line up, didn't he?

After thinking for two seconds, Liu Wen walked straight out of the crowd and walked towards the seventh ring.

Examiner: Ouyang Ji

Configuration: Flowing Rain Dagger (a rare elemental attachment weapon in the

blue-level weapon card, a kind of alienation weapon, configured as a white-level skill - sharp, white-level skill - continuous slash, white-level skill - walking, blue-level skill - water tail) Overspeed (blue-level enhancement card, which can greatly increase speed and a small amount of comprehensive physical fitness in a short period of time.

Phantom clone (a blue-level magic card that simulates a realistic illusory clone with the help of illusions.)

Liu Wen's choice can be said to have stunned everyone.

"Really, choose Ouyang Disease Examiner?"

"This is self-confidence...... Or is it arrogant?"

"The real purpose of this assessment is to test everyone's combat strategy and card matching, and he is good, and directly chooses an examiner who is the most restrained himself. "

The strength of the examiner Ouyang is definitely the strongest among the ten examiners, and just a "Flowing Rain Dagger" is enough to stand out.

The standard configuration of the blue-level weapon card is three white-level skills, and Ouyang Jian's "Flowing Rain Dagger" can have a blue-level skill, which is already a qualitative leap!

What's more, Liu Wen's weakness has been studied and understood by all candidates, it is nothing more than poor self-protection ability, and Ouyang Jian's instructor happens to be an assassin-type card master, and the combination of speeding and phantom clones is not too simple to behead Liu Wen.

In the stands in the distance, the squinting examiner and Ye Sheng were holding on to the handrails, looking at the scene with great interest.

"Stupid. Ye Sheng's voice was dull.

"But there's nothing wrong with that, it's true that our purpose is to test tactics and card combinations, but what kind of wonderful battles can we come up with for the opponents who are restrained by ourselves? Isn't it more interesting to fight against the strongest and most unfavorable battles for yourself, and to turn defeat into victory?" the squinting examiner smiled, appreciating Liu Wen's choice.

"By the way, Ye Sheng, let's go to other exam rooms, the junior competition is nothing to see. The squinting examiner suggested.

"Good. Ye Sheng nodded, and then both of them turned into points of light and dissipated.

But then, in the two most hidden corners of the stands, a figure appeared in each of them.

A message popped up on the communication channels of both sides at the same time -

"My stomach hurts, I'll first, you patrol for me." Ye

Sheng, squinting examiner

: "......" below, Liu Wen walked into the ring, Ouyang Ji said with a smile: "I watched your battle yesterday, the pet beast is very powerful, but isn't it wise to choose me as an opponent?"

"I didn't say it, yesterday's battle is all my strength. "

Oh, your skeleton archmage is already very strong, although I am a little surprised, but I really can't rule out the possibility of hiding strength. Ouyang raised his eyebrows, "It's just that if you hide this fact and catch me off guard when the time comes, wouldn't the effect be better?"

Liu Wen smiled without saying a word, summoned Xiao Gu, and stood in the ring.

The big butterfly in the waves VS called me His Majesty the Demon King The

battle began, and neither side acted rashly, and still stood still.

Ouyang Ji hid two daggers behind him, and his whole body was in a tense state.

Liu Wen only has one card slot, so the so-called hidden strength is naturally what other skills this skeleton mage has not been exposed.

It would be too embarrassing if you were in a hurry to behead yourself, but you were eliminated by the skeleton mage's sudden outbreak of sneak attacks.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a long time, and neither Ouyang Ji nor Xiao Gu seemed to have any intention of making a move.

"Hard drag is not the way, speed is my advantage, and I can't be led off the pace. Ouyang said in his heart.

His three cards are not strong in frontal combat, and he has no chance of winning one-on-one with this perverted skeleton archmage in the ring, and the breakthrough point is still on Liu Wen.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ji took the lead in breaking the deadlock, his body was like a ghost, and he quickly approached Liu Wen.

"It's so fast!" Liu Wen exclaimed.

Even though Ouyang Ji's mental strength and physical fitness were suppressed to the first order, his combat skills could not be changed, and the speed displayed by the other party was even faster than those candidates who used "Walking".

Seeing that the other party easily bypassed him, Xiao Gu was a little embarrassed and angry, and with a wave of his staff, a barrier of arcs of lightning burst out suddenly from the ground.

Ouyang Ji jumped back as if he had expected it, and only a trace of electric arc climbed up his left leg, and the paralysis was very slight and harmless.

And just as Ouyang Ji smiled proudly, three fireballs appeared on the left and right sides and behind him at the same time, blocking his retreat.

Liu Wen didn't expect the "electrification barrier" to stop Ouyang Ji at all.

And even if Ouyang Ji is fast, he still needs space to exert it, and the large arc of the barrier can block the road, providing a good output opportunity for the small bones.

In a hurry, Ouyang Ji's double knives were covered with a thin layer of mist, his waist twisted, his body rotated at high speed in mid-air, and the blade also sprayed a fierce turbulence from the original mist, forming a waterspout, counteracting the sudden fireball.

The blue-level skill that comes with the "Flowing Rain Dagger" - Water Tail.

"It's amazing, it seems that I can't be careless when dealing with you. The

wave just now was indeed thrilling, and Ouyang Ji, who was serious, no longer held up, and his body was covered with a layer of faint blue light, which instantly integrated into his body, and his speed became even higher.

Blue Enhancement Card - Overdrive.

The small bone staff swept across, and three fireballs shot out again, but they couldn't even touch the afterimage of Ouyang Ji.

"I'll just say it, once the examiner of Ouyang Ji gets serious, it will be a nightmare for players like Liu Wen. "

Even if the examiner is leveled, his combat skills are not comparable to that of the rookie royal card master, and with the agility speed bonus of the blue-level dagger and the blue-level enhancement card 'overspeed', it has surpassed the level of the newcomer in terms of instantaneous explosion.

"It's a pity, if Liu Wen has a normal number of cards, maybe he still has a few chances of winning. "

The fireball technique is difficult to achieve, and the small bones instantly switch to the "arc" skill, hoping to restrict Ouyang Ji's movement through the two characteristics of the arc's "high speed" and "wide range".

The continuously released arc formed a semicircle, and half of the ring was covered by lightning in an instant, forcing Ouyang Ji back.

"I really can't do it without giving my all to you. Ouyang Ji chuckled.

Another card flew out of his eyebrows, turning into a point of light and merging into Ouyang Ji's body, instantly blurring Ouyang Ji's figure.

In an instant, two identical Ouyang Ji stared at Liu Wen with fierce eyes.

"Let's take a gamble on whether your all-out blow will defeat my true body. The two Ouyang Ji ran at both ends of the ring, one in front of the other and one behind Liu Wen.

"A blue-level skill, six fireball techniques, and four or five power arcs, the spiritual power they consume is undoubtedly huge. Ouyang Ji weighed slightly in his heart.

Liu Wen looked around the ring and rushed in the direction of Xiao Gu with his legs.

Their current position was very awkward, and if Xiao Gu wanted to use a large range of magic to attack two Ouyang Ji at once, he would inevitably hit Liu Wen as well.

The two Ouyang Ji instantly launched a sprint, and the small bones fired several arcs in succession, hitting one of them, but they had no real sense at all.

On Liu Wen's side, the small bones also released an electrifying barrier to try to block it, but it was difficult to stop Ouyang Jian in the state of "overspeed".

"It seems that you are unlucky, you guessed wrong!" Although Ouyang Ji's true body was exposed, it was only a few steps away from Liu Wen, but in the same way, there were only a few steps between Liu Wen and Xiao Gu.

"He lost, and was forced to such a close distance by Examiner Ouyang.

"It's a pity, obviously with such a strong frontal combat ability, he chose an agile examiner.

"Do you think the examiners will open the back door for him, after all, his strength is really strong, it's a pity to fold in the second assessment like this, right?"

"What's the pity? He's only one card slot, even if he is a little ahead of us now, the gap in the card slot will only get bigger and bigger in the future, and he acts recklessly, has no combat skills, and there's no pity to throw it out!"

The remaining candidates who were still queuing generally paid attention to Liu Wen's battle, and they were extremely happy about the "failure" that Liu Wen was about to face.

"Little Bone, Lei Ben!" Liu Wen shouted.

If it is a small bone under normal conditions, the distance of these few steps is indeed like a curse, but the small bone in the thunder state has mobility that is not inferior to Ouyang Jian in terms of instantaneous explosion.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is to let Ouyang Ji take it lightly, focus his attention on himself, and take the initiative to approach Xiaogu under his own traction.

Otherwise, if the protracted battle starts again, Xiao Gu is still not Ouyang Ji's opponent in terms of speed.

"Roar-" Xiao Gu let out an impassioned roar, countless lightning flashes, and Xiao Gu instantly collided with Ouyang Ji in the rush of ten thousand thunders.

Xiao Gu's staff was covered with raging flames, and Ouyang Ji's twin knives were two waterspouts roaring.

The misty mist was instantly stimulated, filling the entire ring, and in the sonorous sound of swords, there was the sound of boiling water.

"This time it's really planted ......," Ouyang smiled bitterly.

Xiao Gu's "Flame Qi Blade" has both a "vigorous" amplification and a "fire element amplification", even if it is restrained by the "Water Flow Tail" in terms of attributes, Ouyang Ji can't stop it at all.

The mist dissipated, and only the majestic little bones were left in the ring, as well as Liu Wen's ......, who was lying on the ground and twitching by the external discharge arc of Lei Ben

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