The air in early autumn has revealed a hint of coolness, and on the lawn of the playground, Wang Qian and Gao Qi are both lying there with a lollipop in their mouths.

Neither of them spoke, just quietly looked at the figures running on the football field, and the sweat and hearty laughter formed a beautiful landscape.

In the end, it was Gao Qi who took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Brother Qian, you have changed even more than before when you come back this time!" Wang Qian

didn't know how to answer, so he could only reply briefly, "Hmm."

"In the blink of an eye, we are all in our third year of high school, time flies so fast, the days when we both stay up all night seem to be yesterday."

"Yes, it's so fast!" Wang Qian couldn't help but sigh.

"Then are you going to leave this time?" I

have to say that Gao Qi's intuition is very accurate, which is why Wang Qian came back this time.

"It's not about leaving, but about to take a break from school!" After a little silence, Wang Qian still spoke.

"Suspended?" Gao Qi was puzzled, in his opinion, even if something happened, it would not reach the point of suspension, especially in the third year of high school.

"I encountered something related to the disappearance of my parents!" This is the reason that Wang Qian has long thought of, and this reason is true.

This not only did not violate the principle of secrecy of the Special Bureau, but also told Gao Qi the truth to a certain extent.

Do you need to call the police?" Gao Qi understood that the disappearance of his parents would always be a thorn in Wang Qian, so he did not stupidly stop him.

"If it had been solved by calling the police, I would have called the police a long time ago. Wang Qian sighed.

Even the B-level spirit ruins have encountered sublimation level beasts, and the devil knows what demons and ghosts will be in the A-level special dangerous spirit ruins, which is not a place where Wang Qian can easily set foot now.

"This matter is not as simple as you think, in short, you don't have to care, I will solve it!" Wang Qian didn't want Gao Qi to get involved in the matter of the beast, but he also understood that some things were not what he said.

So he handed the note he had prepared in advance to Gao Qi.

"If you encounter something incomprehensible, call this number. "

This is a special rule issued by the Special Bureau for the safety of employees' families, within the principle of confidentiality, each employee can tell the family of the emergency contact information of his or her contact device, so as to avoid the family members from encountering danger under special circumstances."

Wang Qian also had a number, but he never dialed it after his parents' accident.

And Wang Qian's relatives, after discovering that they could not get into his compensation, they all chose to ignore it, so Wang Qian had no feelings for them.

Only Gao Qi, who was by Wang Qian's side when he was in the most pain, comforted him in a clumsy way unique to young people.

He didn't want to see Gao Qi have an accident because of the beast, so Wang Qian gave him his emergency contact information, and he hoped that the phone would never ring.

In the afternoon of the same day, Wang Qian went through the formalities of suspension and left the campus.

As for why he suspended school and did not drop out, he still had a glimmer of illusion that maybe he would have a chance to come back after everything was over.

Standing at the school gate, he glanced at the six big characters of 'Taiyang No. 4 Middle School' that had fallen a little dust, and Wang Qian walked forward without looking back.


At the same time, a B-class spiritual market in Qingquan City next door was attacked by a group of unknown people, and the entire base was paralyzed.


Three days passed in a hurry, and Wang Qian was wielding a long knife at the training ground at this time, but the long knife was not covered with flames, but with a green light.

Looking closely, this green glow is made up of wisps of rapidly rotating wind, and if you listen to it, you can hear the slight sound of the wind.

This is exactly the re-forged Tang Dao, which gave birth to a new attribute after being integrated into the Wind Feather Eagle, which only needs to be stimulated by the knife bearer, and can generate a wind around the blade on its own, which can not only increase the lethality, but also turn into a wind blade to strike.

It now has its own name, called Liufeng.

Of course, all this is not free, for this sword king to pay 1,000 contribution points, if not for the reward for exploring the spirit ruin, he can't even pay the manual fee.

Speaking of the reward of this exploration exceeded Wang Qian's expectations, he originally thought it was about 3,000 points, but he didn't expect to get 4,000 points, it seems that the historical information is beyond imagination.

Ben came to hand a huge amount of money, Wang Qian was still hesitant to spend it, but he didn't expect to use 2,000 points as soon as he came to the special game.

One is the reforging of the flowing wind, and the other is the low-level space ring.

These two are necessities, and Wang Qian can only bear the pain to pay.

For the Flowing Wind King Qian is still very satisfied, on the basis of retaining the original ability, there is an additional wind that can only be used for 10 minutes a day, but this is enough for him, and the victory and defeat are often only in the electric flint.

Moreover, the wind attribute has a huge increase in flames, and after Wang Qian's research, adding wind when using flames can increase the power of flames by one-third, which is not a small increase.

While Wang Qian was training hard, Wu Guoguang led the remaining three members of the group to the outside of the venue.

Seeing Wu Guoguang's serious face, Wang Qian knew that something had happened, so he also lost the mind to train, and quickly rushed to the side of several people.

"What happened?" Wang Qian did not mince words, and directly asked why several people came.

"Three days ago, Qingquan City's B23 Spirit Market was attacked by unknown people, and the entire base lost contact, and our team was sent to investigate. Hearing

this, Wang Qian also understood the seriousness of the matter, but another question came to his mind.

"Why did you lose contact three days ago and send us over now?"

"Because we have been sending people to investigate, but they have all lost contact one by one." Speaking of this, Wu Guoguang's face was difficult to see.

"However, according to some news that came back, this time the enemy is likely to be Dawn.

Wang Qian was slightly startled, he didn't expect to meet this organization so soon, he wasn't sure if he was ready.

Wu Guoguang obviously thought of this, none of the four people here had killed a human except him, so he needed to remind them.

"Since the enemy is most likely human this time, you need to be prepared to kill your own kind, and they are not normal people.

Of course, if conditions permit, arrest is the mainstay, and the living are more useful than the dead.

Although Wu Guoguang's words sounded like comfort, several people understood that when they really fought, as long as they were not crushed by strength, it was difficult to keep their hands, because once they left their hands, it was likely to be themselves.

Life doesn't have a chance to do it all over again, so it's a mission destined to kill the same kind.

"Simply rest for 30 minutes, replenish the necessary supplies, and leave in 30 minutes!" Wu Guoguang's voice was not loud, but it fell into everyone's ears very heavy.

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