My Best Wife

Chapter 3129: Last fight

When the few strong men in the room saw this scene, they were immediately stunned! But what surprised them even more was that Fang Zhiqiang's figure jumped from the ceiling!

A few strong men have never seen such a picture in their lives. Even if they have seen it, they are only seen in the movie. I can't imagine that there is such a brave person in reality.

A few strong men didn't have time to think about it, so they rushed up to Fang Zhiqiang, but Fang Zhiqiang was naturally prepared. Seeing the two big guys rushing over, Fang Zhiqiang opened his bow from left to right, left fist and right leg, and evened the two with one move!

Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin watched this scene, both with their mouths wide open but unable to speak. They originally thought that Fang Zhiqiang was greedy for life and fear of death. When faced with danger, they only cared about his own safety and fled, but now they see Fang Zhiqiang not only returning, but also risking his life to get close to these two big guys. Physically fighting, this made their heartbeat quicken.

On the one hand, Fang Zhiqiang is worried. After all, the two big guys are all five big and three thick. They seem to be ugly guys. They punched them down. Who knows how many kilograms they weigh? But Fang Zhiqiang appeared to be a lot slimmer. On the surface, he was not an opponent of two people, not to mention that he still had very sufficient combat experience.

However, Fang Zhiqiang was able to balance the two with one move. This made Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin breathe a sigh of relief, but they were all **** tightly by the rope at the moment, and they couldn’t find any chance to help. It was watching Fang Zhiqiang alone, fighting with two people. At the same time, the group of idiots upstairs finally found the traces of the passage being opened, but they were really stupid to the horizon, and they plunged in without even thinking about it.

During this process, Fang Zhiqiang's slender figure played a vital role. This group of guys are five big and three thick, and they are struggling to move forward in this passage.

When they finally climbed to their destination, even the day lily might be cold.

Fang Zhiqiang is also very aware that his time is extremely tight. Looking at the two strong men in front of him, Fang Zhiqiang rubbed his nose and said: "It's impossible for two of you to stop me. I don't know if you have heard of it. After my deeds, I used to beat 30 people by myself. Without two brushes, I can't come back and make trouble. So I advise you to give up if you know you, so as not to hurt yourself!"

Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin watched Fang Zhiqiang performing here intently at the moment, but listening to the words Fang Zhiqiang said, both women frowned in confusion. Although Fang Zhiqiang also had some fighting experience, what did he do? Have you beaten 30 people alone?

After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's words, the two big guys couldn't help but stare at each other. They naturally knew that the man in front of him was not easy to provoke. After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's vivid description just now, they quickly believed it to be true.

And at this time, the two big men, from the very beginning, became fierce and hesitant. This is exactly the effect Fang Zhiqiang wants, at least to overwhelm them with aura, or else, with his small arms and legs, he can't be torn directly by others?

Just when the two big guys looked at each other, Fang Zhiqiang seized the only opportunity, picked up a chair from the side, and threw it over at the two big guys!

The two strong men hadn't reacted yet. When they turned to look at Fang Zhiqiang, an iron chair flew towards them! The two big guys couldn't help but froze, both with wide-open eyes, raising the baseball bats in their hands, trying to block one or two.

But that was an iron chair, and the heads of the two people who hit them suddenly blossomed. They were holding their foreheads, each of them dizzy, staring at Venus, and at the last moment they fell, they did not forget to glance at Fang Zhiqiang with contempt. Fang Zhiqiang used such despicable means to deceive the two of them first, overwhelming them in aura, and then attacked them while they were not paying attention. This is nothing about martial ethics! The two strong men were also full of grievances.

But there was no way, the eyes were getting darker and darker, and the top of the head was getting more and more spinning, and in a short while, the two people fell to the ground one after another.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't hesitate to see the two people falling, so he immediately stepped forward and uncovered the ropes on the wrists of Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin. The three men quickly regained their freedom.

But at this moment, the group of idiots on the ceiling were finally overdue, and one of the big guys even used his bone shrinking skills that he had sealed for many years to get out of the small ceiling. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help grinning when he looked at his black face. Although in such a severe atmosphere, his smile seemed a bit contrary to him, but the face of the man who couldn't hold it looked really funny.

Before the big man could react, Fang Zhiqiang held Li Xiaoxiao with one hand, and Wang Yaxin with the other hand rushed towards the door.

I just led these idiots to the top of the building, so now it should be safe outside. But after going out, Fang Zhiqiang discovered that Cui Yuanhao was waiting for him at the elevator entrance. A cold arc of an acre appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he beckoned to a group of security personnel standing on the elevator behind him, and coldly shouted, "Call me!"

Fang Zhiqiang saw that the situation was not good, and was about to take two people to find another exit, but at this moment, the horns of the whole mall suddenly sounded: "Cui Yuanhao, come to my office!"

A simple sentence was repeated three times. That Cui Yuanhao looked up for a long time with a blank face, he was very familiar with that voice, Chen Kexuan, the ultimate boss of the entire mall! This guy can be said to be a complete dude. He is only 25 years old. He has no real ability to learn, but he can't bear his father's money. In this era of fighting daddy, Chen Kexuan can also swear by himself.

But at such a critical time, Cui Yuanhao didn't pay attention to Chen Kexuan at all, still beckoning to the group of security personnel: "I will let you fight! Fight to death! Didn't you hear?"

A group of security personnel couldn't help but stunned, the ultimate boss has already spoken, this Cui Yuanhao is simply a lunatic, did he just jump into the fire pit with him like this?

Cui Yuanhao yelled several times. A group of security personnel were indifferent and looked at each other. Cui Yuanhao was not afraid of losing his job, but this group of security personnel was scared.

"Cui Yuanhao, have you seen it? You have lost the hearts of the people, the general situation is over, you can honestly admit defeat!" Fang Zhiqiang glanced at him and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Today is indeed a life of nine deaths, if it is not a shopping mall. The ultimate boss shouted in time, I am afraid that his own life is really about to be explained here.

"What the hell! Really arrogant!" Cui Yuanhao gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Zhiqiang. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang looked like a villain in his eyes, showing off to him.

Coupled with Cui Yuanhao's preparation for so long, he finally found such an opportunity to clean up Fang Zhiqiang in one fell swoop. If he watched the cooked duck fly away like this, Cui Yuanhao would not be willing to say anything. A group of security personnel behind him did not move, and Cui Yuanhao rushed directly at Fang Zhiqiang himself!

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqiang once again guarded Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin behind him, and immediately made a challenge posture. Cui Yuanhao is alone, Fang Zhiqiang is not afraid of him! But when Fang Zhiqiang had this idea in his heart, the group of security personnel rushed forward as if they had taken the wrong medicine!

They also have their own considerations. The ultimate boss has already spoken before, and they really can't do anything, but now, seeing Cui Yuanhao rush up by himself, as security personnel, if they can't protect the safety of the leader, it would be considered negligence.

"Aren't you guys not coming? Why are you kidding me?!" Fang Zhiqiang shouted helplessly, but seeing a dozen people rushing up from the opposite side, Fang Zhiqiang could only drag Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin and flee, facing the other An elevator entrance ran over. And Cui Yuanhao and the others behind him were also madly chasing after him, especially Cui Yuanhao, like a hungry wolf seeing an injured rabbit, how could he let go?

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