So An Zhi asked her to read the 01 wish code to prove that staying at home was not a sacrifice but a heartfelt act?

But then again, you can imagine how uncomfortable it is to do something you don’t like every day. Anzhi has endured it for fifteen years, and has reached the peak in an industry he doesn’t like. It’s amazing.

An Zhi seemed to see what she was thinking, and couldn't help laughing:

"In fact, since I entered the film school, I have gradually discovered the joy of being an actor: I feel very fresh to experience different lives through the interpretation of others. Later, I tried to use the characters' thoughts to convey some life insights to the audience and became a new motivation. , From last year's guardian of the homeland, I found out other joys of this profession."

"What?" Feng Lanchu raised her eyes curiously.

"I don't want to ask for it or borrow things to talk about it. I want to try to convey some different ways of living to fans directly through "me."

When Feng Lan heard this for the first time, she clearly outlined Jiang Anzhi's life in the past ten years.

Perhaps in the first five years of entering the showbiz, he forced himself to adapt, but slowly discovered Eden in the drama and experienced the joy of acting.

In the next ten years, he began to think about what thinking and resonance the characters could arouse the audience, hoping that everyone could feel what the characters wanted to express.

But now, he doesn't need characters to convey expressions, but wants to tell fans and audiences what he thinks directly through his actions.

If his guess is correct, what he thinks should be to let more people feel the meaning of protecting the earth home with the help of the guardian charity.

It would be a lie to say that he is not moved. After all, what An Zhi is going to do may not be easier than in the past, and he might throw away all the money he has earned in these years.

However, An Zhi's thought made her feel that he was inexplicably responsible!

"Anzhi, thank you."

Feng Lan put her arms around Anzhi's neck and sighed with emotion.

Jiang Anzhi nodded and was thanked by his wife, put his slender wrist on her shoulders, and gently rubbed the delicate soft flesh: "But what you said is also right, Director Zhao's show is our matchmaker after all, it shouldn't be let It just fell away."

The implication is that An Zhi agreed to record the third season.

However, isn’t Uncle Jiang talking about his career plan? Shouldn’t the purpose of recording programs be to let the ecological dream enter thousands of households?

Why did he suddenly become a thank you matchmaker?

Feng Lan was a little speechless at the beginning.

Before she could complain, Jiang Anzhi rubbed her head again and said, "Hurry up and go to sleep, are you still exercising tomorrow?"

"Of course." Feng Lan nodded at the beginning.

Back then, Huai Jiangche also insisted on exercising every day. After all, maintaining good physical fitness is the basic quality of field experts.

Jiang Anzhi sighed, and just gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.

Early the next morning, before Feng Lanchu woke up, Jiang Anzhi woke up.

Ever since the earthquake witnessed her being nearly buried alive by a landslide, Jiang Anzhi's sleep has returned to the state of being easily awakened before marriage. The rest of the past few days has recovered a little, but now that Feng Lan is pregnant with her second treasure, the anxiety and tension have returned. up.

It is estimated that before Feng Lanchu gives birth safely, he will have to be so tense and sleepless day and night.

Jiang Anzhi sighed and looked at Feng Lanchu, only to see Feng Lanchu's peaceful face full of tranquility, long hair slightly scattered around his cheeks, and pink lips that were soft and amiable.

Jiang Anzhi brushed her hair away with nostalgia, Feng Lanchu only moved a little but did not wake up.

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