My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 435 Who is the King of Ice and Snow

"'s not good." Wei Weiran was the only one who spoke among the melon eaters in the spectating area.

But he was so soft-spoken that no one paid attention to him.

Thus, the first Jiang Che Master Cup competition in the Ski Manor kicked off inexplicably.

Zhuang Nan always loves challenges, as long as he is a master, he will be treated equally regardless of gender, and Zhu Mingming is even more of a strong-willed type.

The two agreed to start a 10-round challenge, and whoever gets more match points will win.

In the first round, Zhuang Nan retained his strength and Zhu Mingming won.

In the second round of Zhuang Nan's sprint, Zhu Mingming observed his opponent and Zhuang Nan won.

Zhuang Nan narrowly won the third round.

In the fourth round, Zhu Mingming barely braked and won a big victory.


The two seem to be tireless, fighting harder and harder.

The rookie passers-by who were in the same ski resort stopped one after another, for fear of being knocked over by the two humanoid ski machines.

So in the end, the race had already lasted no less than ten laps, but neither of them had any intention of stopping, and the ski resort that was originally full was consciously emptied so that only the two of them remained.

The passers-by were stunned at the beginning, but gradually turned into applause. Some supported the man, thinking that he was so handsome, and some supported the woman, thinking that she was too good to be outdone.

At the end of the competition, whoever opened his mind first asked: "Are they in a competition, and whoever loses first will confess his love first?"


Feng Lanchu, who heard the discussion among the crowd, looked at the two people who were galloping in the snow in a disorderly manner, and thought carefully for a while, as was not impossible.

She pushed Jiang Anzhi to ask, but Jiang Anzhi squeezed her hand and said in a low voice, "Don't interfere."

"But wouldn't it be better to have an assist?"

"No need." Jiang Anzhi shook his head, sometimes, letting nature take its course is more appropriate than deliberate arrangements.

The contest between Zhu Mingming and Zhuang Nan has gradually changed from a competition for the throne of Master Jiang Che to a competition for the King of Ice and Snow.

Both of them refused to admit defeat, and competed endlessly until Wei Weiran couldn't stand it anymore, worried that they would faint from strength, so he forcibly stopped the match and declared the two to be a draw.

Judging from the results of winning and losing, Zhuang Nan won, but Zhu Mingming is a girl, and there is a gap with Zhuang Nan in all aspects of physical strength.

In the end, Wei Weiran felt that there was nothing wrong with the two fighting to a draw.

When Jiang Anzhi and Zhuang Nan competed, the two were able to shake hands and cherish each other after the match, but the opponent was replaced by Zhu Mingming, but the result was not like this.

The way the two looked at each other after the match was still the same as when they met for the first time, showing a little hostility towards each other? Or provocative? Or not pleasing to the eye?

They can't tell what it feels like, anyway, it's right that they can't get along like normal friends.

Jiang Che looked suspiciously at the two sitting in the snow, and silently raised his hands: "Then who should I go with?"

"..." Zhuang Nan

"..." Zhu Mingming

"Cough." Feng Lanchu hurried out to take away the ignorant son: "You just need to learn from your parents. Brother Zhuang Nan and sister Mingming are both too good, and your rank is not enough."

So, in the next few days, Zhu Mingming and Zhuang Nan seemed to have an unwritten agreement, they would show up at the ski resort every day, and they would fight to the death every day.

Jiang's family and Zhang's family were silently accompanying the bear children to go skiing in the children's area, Wei Weiran looked at Zhu Mingming who was in a couple with Zhuang Nan and couldn't help sighing quietly: "My family's Mingming really wants to be with Zhuang Nan, right? "

"Senior, don't say that, haven't you seen the smell of gunpowder between them? If your words fall into their ears, I'm afraid it will be another battle to destroy the world."

Feng Lan said against her will at the beginning, mainly because the two of them hadn't written their horoscope yet, so they couldn't startle the snake with strange words, otherwise they would definitely avoid each other.

After all, both of them are loveless.

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