Legend has it that owls, like crows, can predict death and are mourning birds.

In ancient times, as long as they flew into the house and called, someone would definitely die. Over time, people regarded them as ominous, and they would always be killed or expelled when they saw them.

In fact, they like to eat scavengers, and because they have a keen sense of smell and can smell things that humans can't smell, they are innocently blamed for mourning birds.

Electrolyte decomposes faster before death, and when the metabolic rate of decomposition is far greater than the rate of synthesis, it will emit a smell of carrion, which people cannot smell, but owls often come here for it.

Because they smell the aroma of food, but can't find where the food is, they make excited calls. This kind of call is especially obvious in the dark night, so people misunderstand them and think they are curses.

With the development of science, people gradually changed their understanding of the habits of owls.

After listening to Feng Lanchu's explanation, Yan Zhenni couldn't help clapping her hands.

"I was finally able to personally experience the charm of Teacher Xiaofeng's classroom."


Mr. Xiaofeng’s class was still going on, and Wei Weiran, who was leaving in a hurry, when he arrived at the tourist distribution hall of the ski resort, there were many people clamoring to check out. out.

As soon as Snowy Owl's name came out, everyone was stunned.


That white shadow is not a ghost, but a guest from the North Pole?

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, fear turned into excitement.

Yuki, the big owl I've only seen online!

Everyone stopped talking and dragged the luggage back to the room silently.

The day after Feng Lanchu's report was submitted, Heilongjiang Wildlife Research Institute sent experts over.

Feng Lan took them to the observation site at the beginning, and submitted all their materials to complete the task, and continued to enjoy the pleasant vacation.

Not long after, the news of the surprise discovery of the snow number in Snowman Township appeared on Weibo, and this ecological town, as exquisite as a fairy tale, instantly entered the field of vision of netizens.

[Wow, wow, it looks so fun. 】

[Rainbow Fort is also too beautiful, so worth taking pictures. 】

[I have a friend who wants to go, but it's already full. 】

【Ahhh, tears of envy flowed from the corner of my mouth. 】

[I just flew back on a horse! Ahhh, I'm dead, I saw a white shadow! I thought it was haunted, and I was as timid as a mouse and ran away with my boyfriend. 】

[Fuck, does that mean there are vacancies? 】

[It's long gone, and all the vacant rooms have been arranged for wildlife research experts. And I thought it was haunted before, not to mention the half-price discount given by the boss, all the rides are free, so not many tourists go. 】

【Ahhh! So sour! Why didn't such a good thing happen to me! 】

[Wait, wildlife research expert, can I dream of a teacher Xiaofeng? 】

[Hahaha no, the one here is from the Heilongjiang Research Institute, and Mr. Xiaofeng is in the Huaixiang Research Institute. 】

[The upstairs sisters are at the scene? 】

[Here, I specially went to see experts, all of them are masters of Yishui. 】

[I admire it. 】

【Hey, why not admire Mr. Xiaofeng? It would be worth admiring if Mr. Xiaofeng also came to see the Xuehao. 】

Anzhi's sunrise photo was overwhelmed by the information of Xuehao and the ski resort. The speed of information change in the information age has been astonishingly fast.

And in Snowman Township, Zhu Mingming finally came.

In the white snow, she was the only one wearing a bright red padded coat, and her bright little face was covered with exquisite makeup, making it hard not to be intoxicated by her beauty.

Seeing Jiang Che from a distance, Zhu Mingming ran over happily: "Fishing baby! Your sister Mingming is here!"

Looking at that bright figure, Jiang Che paused for a moment, ah, sister Mingming who likes to rub his face is here.

Save the children.

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