My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 409 Mr. Jiang, the wilting vegetables

Jiang Che fell asleep in Feng Lanchu's arms, and even when he fell asleep, his paws were tightly gripping Feng Lanchu's clothes, which showed that he was really frightened.

Feng Lanchu asked Jiang Anzhi in a low voice: "Did you say anything about fishing?"

"He said he saw a shadow, and there was a strange laugh." But Jiang Che was so frightened that he couldn't speak incoherently. In order to avoid provoking him, Jiang Anzhi didn't ask carefully.

"I'll ask Zhuang Nan."

As Jiang Anzhi said, he turned over to look for his phone, but as soon as he moved, Jiang Che sensed it, and immediately frowned and moaned to wake up.

Jiang An paused, then lay back silently, and patted Jiang Che's vest comfortingly.

Feeling his father lying next to him again, and confirming that he was being strictly protected by his parents, Jiang Che relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

The two who were sealed by Mengmeng looked at each other and sighed silently.

"Ask Zhuang Nan tomorrow."

Feeling uncomfortable, Jiang Anzhi stretched out his hands and hugged both mother and child in his arms. Just now he saw Feng Lanchu and Jiang Che hugging each other weakly and helplessly. To be honest, that scene made him feel uncomfortable.

In the past three years, Feng Lanchu has carried all of Jiang Che's affairs in this way, and she has arranged all major and minor matters by herself, right?

As for him, apart from being busy with work, he has not contributed at all to the mother and son.

Jiang Anzhi hugged the two of them tightly, and Feng Lanchu seemed to feel Jiang Anzhi's depression, and intertwined his fingers silently.

"You have done a good job. In the future, let's work hard together."

Jiang Anzhi squeezed her palm, pursed his lips and nodded.

This night, the frightened Young Master Jiang was not as arrogant as usual, he kept huddling under the wings of his parents and remained motionless. When Jiang Anzhi and Feng Lanchu turned around a little, he immediately noticed it and twisted his buttocks in protest.

Not only did Jiang Che not spin around like a hot wheel, but he even forbade them to move, even if he turned over, he would wake up.

The two of them maintained a side-lying position, stiff like mummies for one night, and when they woke up the next day, they felt paralyzed.

On the contrary, after Jiang Che rested overnight, when the sun was shining all over the ground, the haze in his heart was also squandered by the sun.

"Wow! It's sunny!" Jiang Che looked at his parents with great energy: "Won't the snow outside my mother be melted by the sun?"


The daring little boy fell asleep, has he forgotten the plot of crying to death last night?

Fortunately, they were worried and frightened all night, afraid that he would wake up and cry, and there would be a shadow when he woke up...

"Mom and Dad, get up quickly, don't waste time." Jiang Che was busy getting out of bed and getting dressed, not forgetting to urge them to get up.

Seeing Jiang Che's heartless appearance, Feng Lanchu completely let go of the big rock in her heart. Sure enough, human cubs are the most miraculous species in the world.

She lazily lay back on the bed, stretching her limbs that had been stiff all night. Young Master Jiang has adopted a new torture method, forbidding people to move all night, it would be better to receive two punches from him.

Jiang Anzhi glanced at Feng Lanchu who was stretching on the bed, and shook his head funnyly and got out of bed.

When Jiang Che saw that Jiang An got out of bed, he happily went to the bathroom with him to brush his teeth.

For the convenience of washing, Jiang Che stood on the small chair as usual, and the father and son brushed their teeth in the mirror with toothbrushes. Jiang Anzhi glanced at Jiang Che, and asked calmly, "Are you still afraid?"

Jiang Che paused when he heard the words, and shook his head: "It's daytime, I'm not afraid."

"What about the night?"

"I'm not afraid when my parents are around."

Well, there's nothing wrong with the logic.

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